Posts Tagged ‘practice’

Dr. Charles Hoffe: In My Practice 2/3rds Of All Cancer Diagnosis is Stage 4 Since The Vaccine Rollout

“These cancers are aggressive and seem very resistant to treatment.” LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY APR 21 READ IN APP Dr. Charles Hoffe: As a family doctor a small percentage of cancer patients would be diagnosed with stage 4. Now … Read the rest Source

How Artists Are Keeping the Ancient Practice of Theyyam Alive (Video)

In Kerala, a state nestled in the southern part of India, the age-old tradition of Theyyam persists, defying the relentless march of time. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Videos History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Israel’s ‘slay-for-play’ practice must be stopped

For many Israelis, killing Palestinians with impunity is a state-sponsored sport. Source

Demonic Possession and the Ancient Practice of Exorcism on the Rise?

Belief in malevolent spirits inhabiting the human body has persisted across cultures for millennia. During the Middle Ages, exorcisms were commonplace to rid individuals of supposed demonic possession. In modern society, the view is that these practices are outdated, and possession is regarded as a manifestation of mental illness. Despite this, the Catholic Church has […]

How Government Regulation of Therapeutic Products Will Work in Practice …it is designed to unleash a tsunami of biotechnology and synthetic food (Hatchard)

The New Zealand government is introducing the Therapeutic Products Bill, which is an omnibus piece of legislation controlling, among many other things, the availability of Natural Health Products and the introduction of biotech medical interventions. Given our experience of the last three pandemic years, we should be doubting the capacity of governments to protect our […]

More young athletes are falling: Teen golfer dies suddenly while at practice

(Natural News) Tyler Erickson, a senior student at Holmes County High School who excelled both athletically and academically, died suddenly Monday, Sept. 12, at Holmes County on Florida’s Panhandle while practicing for an upcoming tournament. Erickson served as state president of the National Beta Club and was a talented golfer. His school’s athletic director, Jeff Lee, said […]

Democrat Launches Law Practice to Fight Investigations Ahead of Possible Republican Victory

Barry Berke, the Democrat donor-turned-impeachment counsel who roiled House Judiciary Committee hearings in 2019, has launched a new law practice to help targets of congressional investigations ahead of an anticipated Republican midterm victory.

Humans Were Mummified into Honey Candy in Arabian Medical Practice

While ancient history boasts a host of grisly medical recipes, one of the most intriguing and elaborate was the mellified man, a human being mummified into honey candy. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Hot Trot: The Fascinating Ancient Practice of Firewalking

If you’ve ever seen firewalking in person or online, you may have been amazed by the control and skill of individuals performing such a risky act. Read more Section:  News Unexplained Phenomena History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

The Unity Of Theory And Practice

Above Photo: Vigorously Support The Anti-Imperialist Struggle Of The Peoples Of Asia, Africa, And Latin America, 1964. Zhou Ruizhuang. In 1969, Fred Hampton – chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party – said: “we saying that theory’s cool, but theory with no practice ain’t shit.” He elaborated this statement in another speech that he gave […]

Social Justice in words, Brazen Casteism And Slavery in Practice , in Tamil Nadu

A screengrab from the video showing a dozen men lowering the dead body of N. Kuppan. Courtesy: India today, August 22, 2019. There are still  cases “ where the dalits  could not even carry the dead bodies across certain lands belonging to the people of the so-called higher castes,” lamented Justice R Mahadevan of the […]

Ancient Greeks Did Not Practice Infanticide Widely, Says Latest Study

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. One such lie has been the notion that Ancient Greeks regularly practiced infanticide by killing off weak babies, the disabled, the lowborn, and the sickly. Now, a new study published in JSTOR’s Hesperia […]

Combating The Politics And Practice Of Far-Right Influencers

Above Photo: Johnny Silvercloud / The internet has given rise to new forms of far-right organizing. To be effective, anti-fascists must develop strategies to contend with them. Since the rise of the internet, and especially since the diffusion of the internet through all parts of everyday life, the far right has scattered, diversified and […]

Spiritual Marriage and Holy Virginity: The Medieval Practice of Sexless Marriage

The institution of marriage dates back to almost the beginning of written history, with countless variations on how it has been practiced throughout the ages in different cultures and religions. The medieval era was no different. Many marriage traditions still survive today from the Middle Ages, passed down through the centuries along with Christian ideas […]

Live a Conscious Life Through In-Depth Study and Practice of the Enneagram: An Overview of a Groundbreaking, Year-Long Immersive Enneagram Certification Program

The Enneagram’s ancient wisdom gives us a map for human purpose and possibility… and lays out a modern-day, personalized path to wholeness for each of us. Whether you’ve recently developed a strong curiosity about the Enneagram, or you already have a foundational understanding of the Enneagram types and their qualities, or you already use the […]

Satanic Temple Sues Texas for “Right” to Practice a Kind of Child Sacrifice

The Satanic Temple has what it calls an “abortion ritual” — and it’s now suing the state of Texas for the right to perform this “religious” ceremony unimpeded. Filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division on behalf of Satanic Temple member “Ann Doe,” the suit alleges that […]

High School Band Practice in Wenatchee, WA

This is a high school band practice in Wenatchee,WA — Ari Hoffman (@thehoffather) February 24, 2021 Via: The Wenatchee World: You can’t see them smiling beneath the masks, but students at Wenatchee and Eastmont high schools are glad to be back in school, even if it’s only part-time. Source

5D Ascension: Developing Your Daily 5D Shift Practice

February 19th, 2021 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World A parting of the waves is happening in society. Whereas plenty are being drawn into a synthetic high tech agenda, a growing wave are liberating themselves and beginning to ascend into higher dimensional consciousness. It’s definitely something to get on board with right now, and to […]

Ultra-Rare Mud Mummy Exposes Previously Unknown Mortuary Practice

CT scans of an Egyptian mummy from approximately 1,200 BC have exposed a type of mortuary treatment which has not been documented in the Egyptian archaeological record before now. The individual is the first known case of an ancient Egyptian ‘mud mummy’ and its existence has led archaeologists to reconsider their beliefs about how nonroyal […]

The US military’s practice bombing runs in 1994 over a small town that preceded 6 downfalls of mysterious gelatinous rain & widespread unexplained & serious illnesses

Should you deny or disbelieve that biowarfare has been secretly unleashed on citizens for a very long time, this story is going to be a little difficult for you to explain away as normal weather. (Read to the end for a similar event in NZ) EWR In August 1994, Oakville, Washington, heavy rainfall in the […]

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