Posts Tagged ‘conscious’

Materialism Versus Conscious Intentionality

Is the source of all, mental and physical.     If your brain hurts, try thinking less and have a cujp of tea….hehe.     “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” Act 17:24  God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in […]

London Mayor Khan Left ‘Barely Conscious’ By Heart Attack Days After Covid Booster

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has admitted in his new book, Breathe, that he suffered a heart attack days after receiving a Covid booster. Khan explained as he spoke at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, “out of nowhere, I felt a knot in my chest – a kind of tightening” and he had to be “carried […]

Environmentally Conscious Cowboys Take Herd Of Crickets Out To Pasture

BARNSDALL, OK — According to sources, a local ranch has decided to go green, exchanging their massive herd of beef cows for a herd of more environmentally friendly and delicious crickets. Several witnesses were on the scene as they took their crickets out to graze in a nearby field. Source

The Conscious Resistance

Watch on The Conscious Resistance Derrick Broze catches up with journalist and author Whitney Webb to discuss her new books One Nation Under Blackmail. The Conscious Resistance. Source

The Conscious Resistance with Derrick Broze

Lowkey — Activist, rapper and host of the new MintPress Podcast show, ‘The Watchdog’, is joined by journalist Whitney Webb to examine the IDF’s military intelligence Unit 8200, which gave birth to the NSO group responsible for Pegasus Spyware, and how Israel’s national security state is merging with that of the United States to target […]

Belief in Limitations Is the Destroyer of Conscious Creation

April 1st, 2021 By Paul Lenda Staff Writer for Wake Up World Do you believe that anything is possible? If not, why not? The most likely reasons are that someone early on, like a parent, told you something was not possible. Another is that you grew up trying to do something but came up against […]

Live a Conscious Life Through In-Depth Study and Practice of the Enneagram: An Overview of a Groundbreaking, Year-Long Immersive Enneagram Certification Program

The Enneagram’s ancient wisdom gives us a map for human purpose and possibility… and lays out a modern-day, personalized path to wholeness for each of us. Whether you’ve recently developed a strong curiosity about the Enneagram, or you already have a foundational understanding of the Enneagram types and their qualities, or you already use the […]

How We Can Accelerate a New Conscious Paradigm

January 26th, 2021 By Paul Lenda Staff Writer for Wake Up World Now that 2020 is behind us, we can use our hindsight to make conscious decisions on what we want, both individually and collectively, for the future present. The levels of awakening right now are massive, and larger than I have ever seen them […]

Conscious Dating: 3 Ways to Attract True Love in the Age of Aquarius

December 10th, 2020 By Michael Becker Guest Writer for Wake Up World Dating today is difficult, and conscious dating is very difficult… but maybe it doesn’t have to be.  Of course, with the looming quarantine 2.0 and ongoing pandemic, we may be stuck indoors longer than expected (I’ve heard the goal… eh hem, hello Agenda […]

10 Ways to Cut Festive Stress and Enjoy a Conscious Holiday Season

December 9th, 2020 By Nikki Harper Staff Writer for Wake Up World “It’s the most wonderful time of the year….” – and it can be. Most of us are fortunate enough to have every reason for happiness during the festive period, with no real, major crisis factors to face – we can eat, we have […]

How to Use the Power of Conscious Intention and Etheric Surgery for Multidimensional Healing

November 26th, 2020 By Michael Becker Guest Writer for Wake Up World We can choose to view physical pain as purely a physical issue or for the truth of its manifestation, which always includes underlying spiritual-emotional baggage that needs to be acknowledged, felt, healed, and released.  Regardless of what the ‘monkey mind’ tries to tell […]

How to Catalyse Your Ascension with Conscious Relationships

November 26th, 2020 By Richard West Guest Writer for Wake Up World I’m sure many of you can relate when I say that sometimes I dream of simply living a hermit lifestyle, complete in my own energy and communing with nature. What bliss! And yet, I observe time and time again that my soul brings […]

Sophie Parienti: A Story of Starting a Conscious Media Before It Was Cool

November 16th, 2020 By Natasha Zo Guest Writer for Wake Up World Sophie Parienti is an inspiring woman: as a successful entrepreneur with over twenty years of experience, she mastered running her business together with her loving husband. She started in the print press and took YOGI TIMES magazine through death and rebirth with her […]

Conscious Relating: A Beautifully Powerful Path to Enlightenment

October 21st, 2020 By Richard West Guest Writer for Wake Up World There are many paths up the mountain towards enlightenment, and none so beautiful as the path of love. However, this path is littered with challenges that can hinder our progress. Think of it as the scenic route: it can be awe inspiring and […]

Winning Hearts and Minds With Conscious Poetry

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube Benny Wills joins us today to share his conscious poetry and discuss his work spreading understanding, compassion and humanity through art. CLICK HERE for mp3 audio and show notes for this video Filed in: VideosTagged […]

Interview 1582 – Benny Wills Wins Hearts and Minds With Conscious Poetry

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Benny Wills joins us today to share his conscious poetry and discuss his work spreading understanding, compassion and humanity through art. Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4 SHOW NOTESBenny Wills on YouTube / BitChute / Brighteon Allegory […]

Why Do We Condemn Others For Being ‘Less Awake’ or ‘Less Conscious?’

It’s humbling to remember that you once did not know the things you know today. Yet sometimes many of us judge and condemn others who do not yet know what we currently know. Why?  Would it be serving to simply share information with others, with no authority or worry about how they will react but […]

8 New Powerful Conscious Films With A Message That You Can Watch In 2018

Next Story There are few, if any, mediums more powerful in this world at captivating our interest and inspiring change than film. Whether it be the perfect balance of sensorial stimulation that movies have to offer, or the storytelling that lies at the core of every one ever made, we all know what it’s like […]

Looking For Something Good To Read? 5 Awesome Fiction Books With A Conscious Message

Next Story I don’t know about you, but I’ve read countless conscious”self-help” books in an attempt to learn more about myself, how I react, my emotions, and how to continue growing on this never-ending path towards enlightenment. Sometimes it’s an information overload and I completely give up and turn my back on any thing that […]

Josh Radnor From How I Met Your Mother Just Started A Conscious Band with Ben Lee

Next Story You might be here because you are a fan of the hit TV show, How I Met Your Mother, or maybe you have fond memories of blasting “Catch My Disease” in your car on a hot summer day. Whatever the reason may be, you are about to discover a lesser-known side to actor-writer-director Josh Radnor […]

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