Posts Tagged ‘awesome’

How Awesome is the Deep State, Really?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In a recent video op-ed, the New York Times profiled three government employees who supposedly represent “the Deep State” as being “Really Kind of Awesome:” a planetary mission manager, a water administrator, and labor law enforcer. The video, its narrator suggested, was a response to Donald Trump’s constant ranting against the Deep State, […]

Mike Stone – The Awesome Power of Forgiveness

“Not forgiving someone else doesn’t harm them in the slightest, but it plays havoc with us. . . .  It is foolish for us to punish ourselves in the present because someone hurt us in the past.” Makow Disclaimer- There can be no forgiveness of evil unless the evil-doer fully repents.  Forgiveness is evading responsibility […]

Russian Propaganda Unintentionally Makes Baltic Countries Look Awesome

This propaganda from Russian media is supposed to turn people against the Baltic countries, but it really makes them appear great. Share now! Source

VIDEO: Awesome Dad Turns Son’s Drawing of Police BearCat Into Bed Built From Scratch at Home

This dad made his son’s drawing of his dream bed come to life in this impressive police-themed DIY project. Oliver from Overland Park, Kansas, drew a picture of his dream bed—a sheriff’s van fitted with flashing red and blue lights. The kid’s dad got to work and filmed his progress as he put together the […]

Awesome: Heaven Announces VBS Volunteers Will Receive Bonus Tesla Upon Arrival

HEAVEN — According to sources within the heavenly realm, the promised reward of a mansion for all believers will be augmented for VBS volunteers with the gift of a brand new, perfect Tesla upon arrival. Source

How Awesome Is ‘Awesome’? America’s Underperforming Military

Above Photo: The Pentagon in Washington, D.C. (Wikimedia Commons). Professional sports is a cutthroat business. Succeed and the people running the show reap rich rewards. Fail to meet expectations and you get handed your walking papers. American-style war in the twenty-first century is quite a different matter. Of course, war is not a game. The […]

How awesome is ‘awesome’?

U.S. tanks appear during a military training exercise in May of 2016 in Vaziani, Georgia. (Photo: Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images) Professional sports is a cutthroat business. Succeed and the people running the show reap rich rewards. Fail to meet expectations and you get handed your walking papers. American-style war in the twenty-first century is […]

Dr. Eric Karstrom (Awesome Whistleblower) on the ZIONIST Threat to Humanity Rooted in US Gov’t & Alphabet Agencies

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 19 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “Putting The Pieces Together…” We discussed: why now is the time to put on the armor of God and resist the implementation of total technological tyranny; the 80-year plan to turn us into cybernetic (man-machine […]

“Stonehenge Lego” Proves The Original Had Awesome Acoustics

A mini model of Stonehenge has been built in the UK by researchers using the latest technologies. They were interested in the acoustics of the structure that dates to the Neolithic period (2200 BC). The results show that Stonehenge had excellent acoustics, which is helping researchers to better understand the structure. Trevor Cox and his […]

Trump Issues Four Awesome EOs—What do they do for the American people?

Ahead of any stimulus bill agreement, President Trump took unilateral action that could affect tens of millions of Americans. Here’s what it all means for you. Shelby Brown, Erin CarsonCNET The president made good on his threat to intercede in ongoing stimulus package negotiations this weekend, issuing actions to cover four key interests.Sarah Tew/CNET Americans […]

How to Get Started with Organic Gardening (and a Few Awesome Tips)

Alex Harris, Guest Waking Times If you’re looking for a rewarding organic gardening experience, a DIY kitchen garden in your back yard is a great place to start. It will help you lower your food bill, especially if you’re buying expensive organic produce at the grocery store. As well, by growing your own delicious […]

Looking For Something Good To Read? 5 Awesome Fiction Books With A Conscious Message

Next Story I don’t know about you, but I’ve read countless conscious”self-help” books in an attempt to learn more about myself, how I react, my emotions, and how to continue growing on this never-ending path towards enlightenment. Sometimes it’s an information overload and I completely give up and turn my back on any thing that […]

The AWEsome connection between our brain chemistry and human behavior

(Natural News) In any given year, about 25% of all U.S. adults have a mental illness and nearly 50% of U.S. adults will develop at least one mental illness during their lifetime. These statistics are staggering! Yet, when it comes to brain health and behavioral disorders, Western medicine is clearly missing the point – in […]

I hope to see yall at these upcoming awesome events

I hope to see yall at these upcoming awesome events By September 9: Washington, D.C. Thats this Saturday in DC on a 1 p.m. panel on ending permanent war, with Medea Benjamin and Lee Camp. September 13: George Mason University Thats next Wednesday in Fairfax, Va., on ending racism and war! September 17: (boating […]

Awesome New Euphemism for Black-on-White Violence: “Bullying”!

Daily Stormer June 26, 2017 Ah aint samuchas beat da craggas azz, samuch as ah be doo da boolie on he azz, gnomesane? Source Article from

Awesome Gunfight on Baltimore Bus

Daily Stormer June 10, 2017 People hate niggers for no reason other than the color of their skin. How whack is that? Source Article from

Japan is Obsessed With Kentucky Fried Chicken – On Christmas, And It’s Kind Of Awesome

Perhaps it’s because Colonel Sanders resembles Santa Claus. Perhaps it’s because people realized fried chicken actually tastes better than roasted chicken. Or perhaps it’s because KFC had an amazing marketing strategy, as explained here. Source Article from

Florida: Awesome Racist State Senator Should Not Have Resigned Like a Bitch

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer April 23, 2017 Frank Artiles did nothing wrong! Wikipedia: On April 17, 2017, Artiles, in a conversation with two African American senators, called one of them a “bitch” and a “girl,” referred to six Republican senators as “niggers,” called the Republican Senate President Joe Negron a “pussy,” and used […]

Awesome Animal Paintings by Briton Rivière

Briton Rivière (1840 – 1920) was a British painter of Huguenot descent, best known for his animal paintings. Briton was primarily trained by his father William Rivière, who was art master at Cheltenham College before becoming art teacher at the University of Oxford, with Briton studying at both institutions. He also had an uncle named Parsons Rivière […]

Truth Will Out Radio: All Slaves to Israel

Radio Aryan June 10, 2016 Dennis Wise and Sven Longshanks discuss the material in part 19 of Dennis’ documentary ‘Communism by the Back Door’. The terrorist state of Israel is only able to survive by extorting money from White nations and it does this in a variety of ways which are discussed by the two […]

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