Posts Tagged ‘Forgiveness’

Mike Stone – The Awesome Power of Forgiveness

“Not forgiving someone else doesn’t harm them in the slightest, but it plays havoc with us. . . .  It is foolish for us to punish ourselves in the present because someone hurt us in the past.” Makow Disclaimer- There can be no forgiveness of evil unless the evil-doer fully repents.  Forgiveness is evading responsibility […]

Brutal COVID Authoritarian Insists on ‘a Little Grace and Forgiveness’ For Lockdowns and Mandates

It is scientific fact when you execute a child raper, they never rape another child. It is scientific fact when you execute a car jacker, they never steal another car. It is scientific fact when you execute a home invader, they never try to brake into even one more home. It is scientific fact when […]

Poll: 50% Agree Student Loan Forgiveness Not Fair to Those Who Did Not Attend College

Half of Americans agree that President Biden’s plan to forgive student loan debt is not fair to those who did not attend college, a poll from The Economist/YouGov found.

Betsy DeVos: Joe Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Is a ‘Poison Pill’

Appearing Tuesday on the Fox Business Network, former Trump Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos criticized President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness action. 

Ron DeSantis: Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Will Increase Inflation

President Biden’s plan to forgive $10,000 to $20,000 in student loan debt per borrower will increase inflation, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said on Tuesday.

Student Loan Forgiveness May Result In A State Tax Bill In Over A Dozen States

While the student loan forgiveness is set to be tax-free on federal returns, some experts have said that the cancellation may wind up triggering a state tax bill, as some states may count the cancelled debt as income. 

Rep. Ro Khanna Calls for Free Public Colleges Over Fears Student Debt Forgiveness Will See Tuition Fees Hiked

Democratic lawmaker Ro Khanna has called for public colleges to be made free due to concerns that President Joe Biden’s student loan debt cancellation program will prompt schools to hike up the prices of tuition. Rep. Khanna (D-Calif.) made the comments on Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” on Aug. 30. While he voiced support for Biden’s […]

AOC Suggests People Who Oppose Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Are Selfish

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) over the weekend defended the Biden administration’s plan to cancel a portion of student loan debt, suggesting that those who oppose it are selfish and contending that it is time for people to “reject the scarcity mindset that says doing something good for someone else comes at the cost of something […]

Biden’s $10K Student Loan Forgiveness Will Change Millions of Lives, But It’s Still Not Enough

On Wednesday, President Biden announced a debt forgiveness plan that has driven some people into meltdowns. Some critics say that it doesn’t do enough and are pushing for universal cancellation, but others are claiming it does far too much or is fundamentally unfair because they already paid off their loans. The policy proposals are relatively […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Pleading for Forgiveness

Jackson Richman @ Mediaite: Kari Lake Rescinds Endorsement of Anti-Semitic GOP Candidate Who Said ‘Jews Will Go to Hell.’ Bryan Anderson @ WRAL: In memoir, NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson mulls 2024 run, calls for taking science, history out of elementary schools. Kiera Butler @ Mother Jones: The Most Powerful Moms in America Are the […]

How We Sanctify Ourselves And Others Through Forgiveness

Christ and the adultress, John 8:3 In our recent article — What ‘Iron Sharpens Iron’ Means For True Christian Fellowship — we reflected on how true Christian brethren should interact with one another. In this article, we’d like to dive a little deeper into the role forgiveness plays in our Christian relationships — and the […]

French bishops pray for forgiveness for ‘massive phenomenon’ of abuse

Bishops in the holy town of Lourdes have prayed on their knees in a penitential gesture to ask god for forgiveness for sexual abuse in the Catholic church. A month ago an independent commission published findings that detailed around 3,000 predators among the clergy who sexually abused 216,000 minors from 1950 to 2020. “This morning, […]

French bishops kneel to ask forgiveness for sexual abuse

French Catholic bishops kicked off their annual conference on Tuesday, set to pour over a shock report last month that detailed massive child abuse of 216,00 minors spanning 70 years. The 120 bishops from across France are to devote nearly half their week-long meeting to “the fight against violence and sexual aggression directed at minors”, […]

White Farmers Sue Federal Government Over Racial Requirements in Loan Forgiveness Program

Five farmers in the midwest are suing the federal government because of the loan forgiveness program that excludes White people. They claim this requirement that participants be non-White amounts to a violation of their Constitutional rights. The lawsuit states: Were plaintiffs eligible for the loan forgiveness benefit, they would have the opportunity to make additional […]

5 Myths You’ve Been Taught About Forgiveness

April 22nd, 2021 By Aletheia Luna Guest writer for Wake Up World I grew up believing that showing forgiveness was the ultimate sign of sainthood. Forgiveness for a long time to me was the crème de la crème of piety; the absolute epitome of everything that defines a “holy” person. For most of my life, I’ve believed […]

‘World Faith Leaders’ Beg Forgiveness Of Sodomites For Previously Upholding God’s Law

Seeking the “forgiveness” of the LGBT communities, the Global Interfaith Commission on LGBT+ Lives — co-chaired by Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner — has called for an end to the criminalisation of people on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and to attempts to suppress their identity through “conversion therapy”: The 370 signatories to the […]

Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Policy Causing Clash Between Biden and Left

Former Vice President Joe Biden pledged during the 2020 campaign that if elected president he would tackle the issue of 43 million Americans owing $1.7 trillion in student loan debt. But Democrats, who hope a Biden presidency will usher in left-wing policies, don’t like his plan for partial forgiveness and legislative remedies. Many in the […]

Marlow: Newsom Decided to ‘Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission’ by Going to Dinner Party

On Tuesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Spicer & Co.,” Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow said that California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) decided to “ask for forgiveness, not permission” when he went out to a dinner party earlier this month. Marlow said that Newsom’s behavior is similar to what other Democratic governors are doing, specifically, Illinois […]

Afghan migrant who raped then killed EU official’s daughter begs forgiveness

     The teenage Afghan migrant who raped and murdered Maria Ladenburger, 19, in 2016 broke down in tears in court Monday as he lamented the decision destroyed his life. Hussein Khavari claimed he was drunk and had been smoking hashish Oct. 16 when he heard Ladenburger, a medical student and the daughter of a top […]

Wife of Taiwanese rights activist Lee Ming-che, detained in China, asks public for forgiveness if her husband pleads guilty

nsnbc : Lee Ching-yu, the wife of Taiwanese human rights activist Lee Ming-che who is being held in China and whose trial for “subversion” […]

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