Posts Tagged ‘taught’

Jews admit – It Was Greek Culture That Taught Us to Be Jews

It Was Greek Culture That Taught Us to Be Jews Greeks didn’t teach them to be “jews”. The Ashkenazi stole parts of the Greek Culture. Such as Hebrew, which is a Greek dialect, was never “jewish”. The Ashkenazi stole the menorah as well. “Jews” actually did not exist until 700AD.

Helen Gurley Brown Taught Women to Use Sex for Career, not Family

(l. Cosmo Editor Helen Gurley Brown in her office in 1965) Women want love, marriage, and family. Men want Sex.  Before second-wave feminism, the watchword for women was “No sex before marriage.”   Feminists like Brown duped women into giving sex in exchange for NOTHING. Thanks partly to her,  almost 50% of American women are childless today. She deprived women of their honored […]

Gay Jewish “Classic” Taught Goyim to be Prostitutes

Dog’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s  With a Danish and coffee in hand, Holly taught modern women to chase moneyand eat on the run. “Heterosexuals are portrayed as prostitutes who must sell their souls in order to survive. ” Dog’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s  from June 8, 2013 by Henry Makow PhDIn retrospect, the movie “classic” “Breakfast at […]

The hidden history taught by secret societies

The hidden history taught by secret societies August 8, 2023 As a reporter, my job is to get information first-hand directly from sources whenever possible. What I did not realize is that first-hand reporting on secret societies takes you to places and mysteries that do not fit into our current scientific framework. That does not […]

Why the Whores of “government” Make Sure Kids Are Not Taught Cursive Reading and Writing

All the old documents of historical relevance, all the writings of the American founding fathers, all the writings of the American Revolutionaries, all the writings of the people who lived and were murdered by the USA in the invasion of the South, all the old land grants which cut “government” out of authority on a […]

What Kevin Alexander Gray taught me

In July 2015, when two Black Lives Matter activists challenged liberal candidates running for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, the late Kevin Alexander Gray told me in an interview, “all candidates ought to have an agenda that deals with the issues that the Black community are grappling with right now, to include police violence, to […]

Is the right wing ‘whitewashing’ the history curriculum taught in public schools?

This article was produced by Our Schools. Sandra Jones served as an investigative reporter for nearly two decades. She has received numerous awards for her broadcast reporting. “People still want to hide the truth about Black history,” Dione Archer, a resident of Richmond, Virginia, said in an interview with Our Schools. Her response came after […]

Parents Sue Local Government after Kids Are Taught How to Perform Oral Sex and Take Hard Drugs

Spanish parents are suing their local government over explicit pornography being shown to children by the government’s youth department, which included oral sex lessons and instructions on how to take recreational drugs. The inappropriate lessons […] The post Parents Sue Local Government after Kids Are Taught How to Perform Oral Sex and Take Hard Drugs […]

Sears: The Rich Already Get to Decide What Their Kids Are Taught, Everyone Else Should Have That Power

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends First,” Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears (R) said that rich people already get to have a say in what their children learn in school, because “If they don’t like what their children are learning, they pick them up and they put them somewhere else. It […]

Maya Were Likely Taught to Grow Corn by Southern Migrants

A team of archaeologists and genetic scientists have just announced the results of a groundbreaking study of DNA obtained from ancient “migrant” skeletons found in Belize. What they discovered helped them trace Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Americas Read Later  Source

Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

The World Economic Forum’s recorded history has been manufactured to appear as though the organisation was a strictly European creation, but this isn’t so. In fact, Klaus Schwab had an elite American political team working in the shadows that aided him in creating the European-based globalist organisation. If you have a decent knowledge of Klaus […]

How Greensboro Massacre Survivor Taught The Next Generation To Fight

Above Photo: Marty Nathan with other survivors of the Greensboro Massacre after winning the civil suit against the City of Greensboro, 1985. From left to right: Marty Nathan, Nelson Johnson, Dale Sampson, and Signe Waller. Elliot Fratkin. The Ku Klux Klan murdered five of her comrades and the father of her six-month-old child. She remained […]

Survey: 72 Percent Believe Students Should Be Taught American Exceptionalism, ‘Truth About Slavery’

Seventy-two percent of Americans believe that students should be taught both the “truth about slavery” and that America was founded on the lofty ideals of “freedom, equality, and self-governance,” according to a new Scott Rasmussen survey. Fully 84 percent believe students should be taught the truth about slavery and 81 percent believe students should be […]

Hannah-Jones: Parents Shouldn’t Decide what’s Being Taught In Schools — ‘Leave That to the Educators’

Nikole Hannah-Jones, 1619 Project creator and professor, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that parents should not be in charge of deciding what is taught in schools. Hannah-Jones said, “I don’t really understand this idea that parents should decide what’s being taught. I’m not a professional educator. I don’t have a degree in social […]

Hospice workers are being taught how to KILL patients using protocols

Families all across America are coming forward to tell all about how the medical system killed off their loved ones under the guise of fighting the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Numerous recordings reveal the horrors taking place at America’s hospitals, where sick and dying patients are being kept away from their families while being administered deadly drugs, deprived […]

Maher: McAuliffe Saying Parents Shouldn’t Decide What’s Taught Is ‘Applause Line with Teachers,’ Dems ‘Are So Used to Talking to Teachers’

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that education will be the big issue in the 2022 elections because “Parents vote, and they don’t like what’s going on in school.” And that Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s (D) statement that parents shouldn’t be telling schools what to teach happened because “Democrats […]

Deleted UK Gov’t Report: ‘COVID Has Taught Us How to Brainwash the Public’

A deleted UK government report exploring how to brainwash citizens reveals how COVID-19 created a population so terrified that they will now “conform” to any arbitrary rules the government demands of them. The report was accidentally leaked by the British government before being quickly taken offline, but numerous journalists were able to save the document […]

School Children in America Are Secretly Being Taught the ‘Evil of Whiteness’

School children in America are being taught about the “evil of whiteness” in the classroom without their parents knowledge or permission. White children are being taught that their race is linked to the devil in a satanic pact through which they are given “supremacy, power, and wealth” in a disturbing new children’s book being used […]

From Operation Highjump to Aliens on Earth, Almost Everything We’ve Been Taught is Wrong

Is almost everything that we’ve been taught about history wrong, a series of coverups of gigantic proportions? In this series of stories exploring what the globalists love to call ‘conspiracy theories’, Kalbo breaks down those ‘conspiracy theories’, with this story part 3 of that series. Part 1 can be found here and part 2 found […]

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was a TEACHER at NY School That Taught First Graders About Masturbation

Home » Immorality, North America, Social » Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was a TEACHER at NY School That Taught First Graders About Masturbation     A New York school that recently came under fire for showing first-graders pornographic cartoons once employed pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein as a teacher, according to reports. As News Punch previously reported, […]

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