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Posts Tagged ‘american’
American State Nationals

An American State National is either: (1) naturally born on the land and soil of an American State such as Wisconsin, or (2) after being naturalized as a United States Citizen, is a foreign-born man or woman who voluntarily accepts and publishes their adoption of a specific American State as their permanent home and domicile. […]
American military have made prison rape legal by calling it “Medicalized Rape.”

American military have made prison rape legal by calling it “Medicalized Rape.” On Medicalized Rape at CIA Secret Prisons In a new JAMA viewpoint, Sondra Crosby and Leonard Glantz denounce rectal feeding practices that occurred at these prisons, and call for medical officers who enabled this “medicalized rape” to be held accountable for violating ethical and legal standards. January 12, 2024 Jillian […]
American Theocracy | Politics Has Become Our National Religion John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | “You shall have no other gods before me.”—The Ten Commandments “Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote […]
American Big Tech Companies Identified as Complicit with War Crimes of Israeli Zionist Extremists as….

August 7, 2024 American Big Tech Companies Identified as Complicit with War Crimes of Israeli Zionist Extremists as Their Stock Market Value Continues to Crumble Total Views : 75 by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News More bad news for … Read the rest Source Views: 8
Mike Stone – Will American Men Continue to be Pussies?

Stone- “The question now is, when will American men reach their breaking point? When will they say, “Enough is enough”? When will they finally put their foot down and assume their role as protectors of women, children, and society?” Makow Disclaimer- The brutal murder of three white children at a dance class was a psy op to […]
Rocket attack hits US-occupied base in Iraq; several American personnel injured

A rocket attack has targeted the United States-occupied Ain al-Assad Airbase in the western Iraqi province of al-Anbar, injuring several American personnel members. “Rockets were launched at Ain al-Assad base,” AFP reported, citing a military source as saying about the Monday attack. Some of the projectiles “fell inside the base,” the source added. At least […]
Trump issues warning to “American” Jews The former US president has claimed that Israel could cease to exist if he is not re-elected

1st: There are no American Jews. Saying one is American implies one is loyal to their American homeland. a self identifying Jew is a volunteer member of a religious cult which demands the cult member be 1st, only and always loyal only to the cult. Secondly, the illegal “state” of IsraHELL creasing to exist would […]
What Happened to American Civics?

My son’s school assigned a civics project for summer vacation. The project’s scope is expansive and spans from explaining the history and functions of the three branches of government to creating a flip book of landmark Supreme Court cases like Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education. One of the tasks is a […]
‘Responsible for a genocide’: Jewish-American groups reject Netanyahu visit to US

(NaturalNews) As pro-Palestinian groups protest against Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint seating of Congress on Wednesday, some Jewish- and… Source Views: 0
A Supreme Court decision could make it easier for American courts to block ambiguous regulations

I don't think many people really understand what SCOTUS did today with overturning the Chevron deference… I found the best video I could for a quick explanation. Since the mid-80s THAT has been what gave the Administrative State (agencies) the power to govern themselves and… — SaltyGoat (@SaltyGoat17) June 28, 2024 BY RHODA WILSON ON JUNE 29, […]
FEMA Camps for American Dissidents

by Greg Reese The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into Reservations. During both world wars the United States deployed concentration camps. During world war two, about a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to […]
Robert Kennedy Jr. Says What Every American Is Feeling

“The system’s rigged,” proclaimed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., channeling the frustration felt by countless Americans during a heated interview with The Young Turk’s Cenk Uygur. “People know that they don’t own their government anymore … It’s rigged against them.” In a searing indictment, Kennedy described the current state as an “oligarchy” engineered to “strip-mine wealth […]
Russia: U.S. could face FATAL CONSEQUENCES for allowing Ukraine to use American weapons to strike Russian targets

(NaturalNews) Moscow has warned Washington of “fatal consequences” for allowing Ukraine to use American weapons against targets on Russian soil.”I would like… Source Views: 0
American Sheep LOVE to “vote” For Pedophiles, Homosexuals and Treasonous Israel Firster Rothschild’s Hand Puppets

I post some replies on Twitter Litter post done by a controlled opposition Rothschild’s minion pretending to be an American” patriot.I just sort of try to help him stay halfway honest anyway. That has got me thrown in twitter Litter jail, shadow banned and my material flagged for limited viewing. Today he reposted some article […]
June 4 – Paul Craig Roberts : “Dear American”

Please send links and comments to Paul Craig Roberts “How was it possible that entire populations could be so brainwashed that they were removed from the reality of their own destruction?” Below, Roberts makes a poignant appeal to his fellow Americans who seem helpless in the face of the destruction of their great nation. […]
American oncologists take money from pharmaceutical companies for pure greed

BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 27, 2024 • ( 12 COMMENTS ) If a mechanic took money from a tyre company and then only recommended that company’s tyres no matter how good or bad they were, would you be angry for not being given the best advice? Or if a politician took money from a company and then exempted the products that […]
American Airlines Union Warns: “All Flight Attendants Need To Prepare For Strike”

American Airlines Union Warns: “All Flight Attendants Need To Prepare For Strike” The summer travel season is in full swing, with highways jammed and the Transportation Security Administration recently screening a record number of passengers at airport checkpoints. However, as travelers plan their trips, a union representing American Airlines flight attendants warned Friday about a potential strike […]
MUST READ COMMENTS under “Zuck Praises Trump As An American ‘Badass’” article to properly understand……
…”Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”. READ HERE: Source Views: 2