Posts Tagged ‘homosexuals’

American Sheep LOVE to “vote” For Pedophiles, Homosexuals and Treasonous Israel Firster Rothschild’s Hand Puppets

I post some replies on Twitter Litter post done by a controlled opposition Rothschild’s minion pretending to be an American” patriot.I just sort of try to help him stay halfway honest anyway. That has got me thrown in twitter Litter jail, shadow banned and my material flagged for limited viewing. Today he reposted some article […]

British Aristocracy are All Homosexuals

(Oscar Wilde’s obsession with an older Lord Alfred Douglas, here aged eight, proved to be his downfall) “The fish rots from the head.” Greek saying. British Upper Class was homosexualized while boarding at a fee-paying,  so-called “public school”, a unique institution of English origin, where pubescent upper-class boys were subjected to five years of boarding, […]

Revilo Oliver–Homosexuals & Communists are Natural Allies

    Please watch this video of WHO Director Tedros Adhanom seeking companionship at a gay bar.   DR. REVILO Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics at the University of Illinois for 32 years and one of the leading philologists of his time, read eleven languages, including Sanskrit, and for more than half a century wrote […]

National Socialist Policy Towards Homosexuals: Enemies of the State

NATIONAL SOCIALIST POLICY TOWARDS HOMOSEXUALS (from “Das Schwarze Korps”, official newspaper of the SS, probably 1936) Translated by Carlos W. Porter “ENEMIES OF THE STATE” More than a year and a half have gone since the famous and once violently controversial provision of Article 175 of the Constitution in June 1935. This revision was necessary […]

Homosexuals, ‘Transgenders’ Claiming So-Called ‘Rainbow Flag’ is Not ‘Inclusive’ Enough, Want Replaced

(6ABC) SAN FRANCISCO — The Rainbow Flag is perhaps the most well-known flag in the world, created in San Francisco. But more than 40 years later, some in the LGBTQ+ community think it’s time for a new flag: one that is more inclusive to replace the existing one. People still stop to look and appreciate […]

Bible Belt States of Ga., Tenn. Elect Their First Homosexuals, Including Lesbian Priest, to State Legislatures

The Bible Belt states of Georgia and Tennessee elected the first openly homosexual members to their state legislatures on Tuesday, including a lesbian Episcopal priest. Democratic candidate Kim Jackson won the heavily Democratic District 41 by a landslide, defeating Republican challenger William Park Freeman 74.9% to 25%. According to reports, Jackson is an ordained Episcopal […]

Biden: ‘Religion Should Not Be Used as License to Discriminate’ Against Homosexuals, Transgenders

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia In an interview published on Wednesday by the Philadelphia Gay News, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden stated that, if elected, he will oppose religious exemptions in proposed laws prohibiting “discrimination” against homosexuals and transgenders and will undo current policies that make allowances for federal contractors/government funding recipients with conscience objections. “The […]

Homosexuals ‘Have a Right to a Family’: ‘Francis’ Becomes First ‘Pope’ to Support Same-Sex Civil Unions

Photo Credit: Jeon Han/Flikr/Wikipedia ROME — In a documentary released in Rome on Wednesday, Roman Catholic leader Jorge Bergoglio, also known as “Pope Francis,” says that he believes homosexuals have a “right to a family” and that he supports civil unions as a legal covering. “Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. […]

Pope Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions In New Documentary Made by Jew – “Homosexuals are Children of God”

Back before Europe accepted circumcised rabbi Yeshua as lord and savior, homosexual deviants used to end up in the bog. At least that is what Tacitus reported in Germania. For a long while, Christians maintained a unfavorable view of homosexuals, even while their priests were wearing gowns and raping boys, but times change and there […]

Proud Boys Founder: It’s a Multi-Racial Men’s Club, Rife With Homosexuals and Israelis

Hey red-pilled patriots out there, who wants to join up with the only real organization standing up for the West? By the way, it’s multi-racial and rife with homosexuals and israelis. Bitchute link

Homosexuals are 5-8 X More Likely to Molest Children

  October 31, 2017 Source Article from

Indonesia Police Arrest 141 Men Accused of Being Homosexuals

The police in Indonesia have arrested 141 men at a sauna in the capital on suspicion of having a gay sex party, the latest crackdown on homosexuality in the country. After the arrests in Jakarta on Sunday night, the police released to local news organizations numerous photographs of shirtless […]

Israeli Deputy Minister Admits He Has Visited Syria’s Aleppo

Israeli deputy minister Ayoub Kara has acknowledged that he paid a clandestine visit to Syria’s Aleppo, which is under the control of ISIS terrorists.  Kara, a prominent member of the right-wing Likud Party, admitted on Saturday that he had visited Syria during the five year long conflict,  according to a report by Haaretz When asked about the […]

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