Posts Tagged ‘towards’

Kansas moves towards restricting DEI in public universities

The Kansas House on Thursday passed a bill to restrict diversity-oriented hiring practices at Kansas universities, making the Sunflower State the latest to try to limit DEI initiatives in educational settings.  The bill passed in the Kansas House of Representatives in an 81-39 vote on Thursday, with five lawmakers absent from the vote. The bill would prevent the… […]

Serbian President Says World Leaders Are No Longer Working Towards Peace

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has claimed that the international community is no longer interested in ending conflicts. In interview with TASS Vucic said that global leaders view peace as an “unwanted” ideal. He argued that […] The post Serbian President Says World Leaders Are No Longer Working Towards Peace appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

They Inch Towards Total Technological Control

It would seem as if Martin Heidegger’s warning against the ‘essence of technology’ – Gestell, or Enframing – a way of thinking that frames everything we think of, do, and aspire to, in terms of parameters of optimal use or control, was no illusion, judging by evidence of such attempts today. Apparently engineering researchers at […]

Even Leftist Institutions Now Condemn ChatGPT for Being Too Biased towards the Left

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is promoting leftist political leanings, according to a report by the Brookings Institute (BI) think tank. The Harvard Business Review initially lauded the artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot in late 2022, calling it a “tipping point for AI.” It quickly gained more than 100 million active users within two months after its launch due […]

Gov’t Shows True Attitude Towards Veterans: You Are Only Cannon Fodder For Elite Banksters

Open in app or online OCT 14 our Government Wants to Desecrate Veteran Graves in Arlington Cemetery | The Rob Maness Show EP 257 COL. ROB MANESS RET. The Confederate Reconciliation Memorial in Arlington Cemetery is in grave danger of destruction. This is only a part of the broad mission of the Naming Commission established in the […]

The West’s Hypocrisy Towards Gaza’s Breakout is Stomach-Turning

The current outpouring of sympathy for Israel should make anyone with half a heart retch. Not because it is not awful that Israeli civilians are dying and suffering in such large numbers. But because Palestinian civilians in Gaza have faced repeated rampages from Israel decade after decade, producing far more suffering, but have never elicited […]

UK Parliament quietly approves a bill clearing the way towards forcing British citizens to have smart meters installed in their homes

From The Problem with Smart Meters -Worldwide Testimonies On Tuesday 5th Sep 2023 the UK Parliament quietly approved a bill clearing the way towards forcing British citizens to have smart meters installed in their homes and for individual electrical appliances including; fridges, dishwashers, and washers to be fitted with smart functions (Source). The key […]

Europe is heading towards a triple crisis

Europe is unavoidably heading towards a triple crisis, German publicist Thomas Fasbender told Preussische Allgemeine in an interview on the occasion of the publication of his new book, “The eerie century” (Das unheimliche Jahrhundert). The subtitle of the book, “Before the turning point,” is a direct quote of an expression taken from Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s […]

A comet is heading towards Earth and could be as bright as Venus in the night sky!

A comet is heading towards Earth and could be as bright as Venus in the night sky! Date: March 8, 2023Author: Nwo Report  Posted BY: Jasmine | NwoReport Astronomers have spotted a newly-referenced comet that is heading towards Earth. The comet is likely to be so bright it could outshine our stars. The last time […]

UK’s ‘Prevent’ program legitimises racist attitudes towards Muslims

UK's anti-radicalisation strategy legitimises racist attitudes towards Muslims, while creating self-censorship in public, according to an expert, Anadolu News Agency reports. Speaking to Anadolu, Tarek Younis, a senior lecturer at the University of Middlesex in London, said the government's controversial anti-radicalisation program "Prevent" legitimises racist attitudes, especially towards Muslims. "Prevent" is the government's controversial anti-radicalisation […]

NATO membership: Finland takes step towards joining alliance without waiting for Sweden

The parliament in Helsinki is to debate and vote on joining the alliance without waiting for Sweden, or the approval of Turkey and Hungary. Source

Why Shinzo Abe Was Assassinated: Towards a ‘United States of Europe’ and a League of Nations

February 06, 2023 Source By Cynthia Chung As already discussed in my paper “Is Japan Willing to Cut its Own Throat in Sacrifice to the U.S. Pivot to Asia?”, to which this paper is a follow-up, Japan has become the ticking time bomb for the world economy. This is not an unexpected outcome for Japan but […]

The Arab world is shifting towards a policy of healthy aging

The world is currently experiencing an aging population, which will necessitate increased government spending in the coming decades to ensure an acceptable standard of living for older adults. As a result, officials and policymakers must adapt to shifting priorities by focusing on a comprehensive strategy for healthy aging. An in-depth examination of the Arab World Demographic […]

Student’s Kind Gesture Towards Special-Needs Stranger On Crowded Bus Goes Viral

Student’s Kind Gesture Towards Special-Needs Stranger On Crowded Bus Goes Viral A young man’s gesture of kindness towards a deaf man with cerebral palsy is touching hearts around the world. Canadian university student Godfrey Coutto was on the express bus heading home in Hamilton, Ontario, when a middle-aged man approached him on the packed bus […]

Is Syria Headed Towards Normalizing Ties With Turkey And What Will This Mean?

As Syria’s economic crisis continues to deepen, the nation’s leadership in Damascus is attempting to re-bridge ties with neighboring countries. Last week, the first high-level meeting between Turkish and Syrian representatives occurred, causing speculation about the possible requirements of each side for rapprochement and how quickly this could be followed through on. Last Thursday, under […]

Towards multipolarity: The geopolitics of non-US air-combat systems

The world is changing from a US-led unipolar world to a non-US-led multipolar world. Its sources are multiple and geographically diverse. The change is tied not just to the rise of Russia and China as two powers capable of challenging the US dominance, but also to the fact that many powerful states, otherwise traditionally tied […]

Dangerous Erdogan drags Turkey towards war with Greece for political survival

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is steering his country into a dangerous war path with Greece in a bid to win re-election in the lead up to the June 2023 elections which has seen him crackdown on political rivals like the popular Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul. Recent months have seen unprecedented  rhetoric from Turkey… […]

Ronaldo’s Super Deal is a Step Towards Sports Washing

READ HERE: Saudi Minister of Sports Abdulaziz bin Turki al-Faisal said, commenting on Al-Nasr club’s contract with Cristiano Ronaldo: We will support the rest of our clubs with good deals with international stars soon. The statement confirms the direct relationship of the Saudi government to this deal or similar ones in the future. The contract […]

The Itaewon tragedy, a possible step towards national unity or a “Sewol” for Yoon Suk-yeol?

On October 30, 2022, a deadly stampede in Seoul’s Itaewon district tragically killed more than 150 people and left 150 others with various degrees of injuries. The stampede was the worst tragedy in South Korea since the Sewol ferry crash in 2014, which killed 304 people. It should be noted right away that the Itaewon […]

Are North and South Korea rushing blindly towards the danger line?

The events we all can see unfolding on the Korean peninsula at the moment are a good example of the “security dilemma,” in which a country upgrades its military potential to protect itself from its neighbor, but that neighbor sees its actions as an act of aggression and upgrades its own military, thus triggering an […]

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