Posts Tagged ‘combat’

THE GREEN STINK: WEF urges public to wash clothes less frequently to combat climate change

(NaturalNews) The World Economic Forum (WEF) has issued new guidelines encouraging people to wash their clothes less often to mitigate the impact of climate… Source

Google’s Jigsaw Expands Efforts to Combat Online “Toxicity” and Invest in Censorship Tools

Google’s Jigsaw started out as Google Ideas – and Eric Schmidt’s idea back in 2010 was for it to serve as a way of researching “issues at the intersection of technology and geopolitics.” Source

Hygiene products you will need to combat unpleasant body odors after SHTF

After a natural disaster or an economic collapse, the level of hygiene in first world countries like the U.S. will eventually plunge for three reasons: There will be limited or no access to tap water, there will be no sewage treatment plants and there will be no garbage collection. Without tap water, many people, especially non-preppers, […]

How CO2 Can Combat Cancer and Lower High Blood Pressure

I started doing the paper bag breathing when Dr M first mentioned it last month, and the results could not be more amazing. CO2 is typically thought of as nothing more than a harmful waste product of respiration, but it’s actually a driver of mitochondrial energy production, and it improves the delivery of oxygen into your […]

US Presses Israel To Shift From Major Combat To Prevent Wider Regional War

Their trip comes as Iranian-backed militants launched a wave of attack drones against ships in the Red Sea and said they would continue until Israel’s “aggression” ends. Source

Israel Says Combat Has Resumed With Hamas As Gaza Truce Expires

DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli fighter jets hit Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Friday shortly after a weeklong truce expired, the military said, as the war resumed in full force. Airstrikes hit southern Gaza, including the community of Abassan east of the town of Khan Younis, the Interior Ministry in the […]

How It Felt To Carry A Gun In Combat

Authored by John Waters via RealClear Wire, The following is an excerpt from River City One: A Novel.  The safety was flicked off, the hammer cocked. The gun was one inch above the seam of my pants pocket. A sudden move and the thing might go off. I closed both eyes and held my breath to […]

Exclusive – World-Renowned Expert on Urban Combat: Hamas ‘Creating’ Civilian Deaths to Stir World Against IDF

Despite the “nightmare” of tunnel warfare, the mission being carried out by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) appears “very successful,” though Israel doesn’t have unlimited time, according to retired United States Army Major and urban warfare expert John Spencer, who deemed Hamas an “existential threat” whose strategy is to “create their own civilians’ deaths and […]

California Awarded $100 Million From Fed To Plant Trees To Combat Extreme Heat

California Awarded $100 Million From Fed To Plant Trees To Combat Extreme Heat Authored by Carol Cassis via The Epoch Times, Officials announced last week that California will share in over $1 billion of federal funding allocated to all 50 states to help plant trees in an effort to cool rising temperatures and fight climate […]

Tehran conference: FAO calls for global action to combat SDS

TEHRAN – To tackle the rising issue of sand and dust storms (SDS), which affect over 150 countries across the world, coordinated global efforts are crucial, said AbdulHakim Elwaer, FAO Assistant Director-General, and Regional Representative for the Near East and North Africa at the International Conference on Combating Sand and Dust Storms in Tehran. Source

US moves combat jets to Romania

FLASH: U.S. Moving Combat Jets to Romania – “in addition to others committed to NATO” The United States is moving Combat Aircraft to Romania — but not for NATO.  What does THAT translate to, in your mind?  US v. Russia directly? Word of this came from US Ambassador to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec. “The United States […]

Russia Puts Its Longest Range Nuke-Capable Missile On Combat Duty, Nicknamed ‘Satan II’

Russia has on Friday announced its Sarmat ICBMs are on “combat duty”. RIA has quoted the head of the country’s space agency Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov, to confirm: “the Sarmat strategic complex has been put on combat duty.” The nuclear-capable Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile system was previously touted by President Putin as being capable hitting “any target on Earth” – and is […]

Florida Senate Passes Harshest Hate Crime Bill in America to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’

“The Free State of Florida” is on the cusp of having the most oppressive hate crime laws in America in order to “combat anti-Semitism.” HB 269/SB 994, which sponsor Rep. Randy Fine (R) said earlier this year was written to make hate-filled anti-Semitic “littering” a felony punishable by five years in prison, has been passed […]

Rep. Paul Gosar Reintroduces Federal Death Penalty Legislation to Combat the Fentanyl Crisis (Read the bill below)

READ HERE: H.R.1212 – To amend the Controlled Substances Act to provide for punishment for the knowing distribution of fentanyl, if death results, and for other purposes.   Source

Combat Arthritis Pain With These Foods

From NOTE: Due to censorship Dr Mercola’s articles are archived to paid sub soon after publication, in which case the source link may no longer work. The article however is republished here in its entirety. Story at-a-glance When used correctly, food is medicine. Put another way, you are what you eat. You can’t get […]

Local Church Turns To Robo-Greeters To Combat Volunteer Shortage

PEORIA, IL — Members of Cornerstone Calvary Community Congregation City Church were in for a shock this past Sunday as they were greeted at the doors to the church by an army of state-of-the-art robo-greeters. Source

Towards multipolarity: The geopolitics of non-US air-combat systems

The world is changing from a US-led unipolar world to a non-US-led multipolar world. Its sources are multiple and geographically diverse. The change is tied not just to the rise of Russia and China as two powers capable of challenging the US dominance, but also to the fact that many powerful states, otherwise traditionally tied […]

FDA unveils plan to combat DEADLY bacterial outbreak in baby formula

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 16 laid out its plan to enhance its surveillance to prevent outbreaks of cronobacter bacteria in instant infant formula.According to a statement released by the agency, FDA would review and update current guidelines and rules regarding the manufacturing of infant … [Read More…] Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Prepping for Combat

Michael Luciano @ Mediaite: Kari Lake Says If She Were Governor, Arizona Police Would Arrest FBI Agents Enforcing a Policy That Doesn’t Even Exist. Zachary Petrizzo @ The Daily Beast: Right-Wing Activists Stage Laughable Protest Outside Biden’s ‘Democracy’ Speech. Ben Goggin @ NBC News: Ye paid a settlement to former employee who alleged he praised […]

DHS is spending millions to combat “misinformation” and “disinformation”

Despite shutting down its “Disinformation Governance Board” after First Amendment violation concerns, the United States (US) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is still handing out millions in grants in order to combat “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “conspiracy theories.” Source

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