Posts Tagged ‘green’

THE GREEN STINK: WEF urges public to wash clothes less frequently to combat climate change

(NaturalNews) The World Economic Forum (WEF) has issued new guidelines encouraging people to wash their clothes less often to mitigate the impact of climate… Source

Jesus on a White Horse, Little Green Men From Space, “White Hats” Hiding In The Cess Pool Of US/DC Is/Are Coming To Save The Sheep Who Have To Do Nothing To Save Themselves

The sheep are always looking for an external savior.Someone who will save them from the evil shit they have helped the jackals craft without the sheep having to find a set of balls, stand up against the evil they have been abetting, someone or something which will save them without the individual sheep or the […]

Rick Green Inadvertently Makes The Case That Trump Is Biblically Unqualified To Be President

Christian nationalist pseudo–historian Rick Green appeared on the “FlashPoint” program earlier this week, where he laid out what he claimed were biblical standards for political leadership set forth in Exodus 18. Green’s purpose in doing so was to argue that President Joe Biden fails to meet these standards, though all he did was unwittingly make […]

Green revolution destroying Germany’s economy as economic bloodbath continues

(NaturalNews) The more Germany tries to abolish carbon, the worse its economy is getting.Companies in Germany are shutting down or fleeing elsewhere. Energy… Source

OINK SOYNK: USDA green-lights genetically modified soybeans that produce pig proteins

(NaturalNews) The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) just gave the green light to genetically modified soybeans that produce pig proteins. A UK-based… Source

Adam Green Interview – Religious Prophecies In Israel, Zionism vs Judaism & Abrahamic Religions

Joining me today is Adam Green, founder of, here to discuss numerous topics around not just Zionism, Judaism and the dishonest conflation therein, but a much deeper potential manipulation. Adam has researched these topics in depth for years, all of which are seen by many as highly contentious, despite most of what we discuss […]

America’s shift to “green energy” will collapse the power grid and cause rolling blackouts

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is finally admitting that the shift to green energy is threatening Americans’ power supplies, with the Washington Post warning… Source

Plastic bags four times better for environment than “green” paper bag alternatives, study finds

(NaturalNews) If environmentalists were truly concerned about saving the planet from carbon dioxide (CO2) and other “greenhouse gases,” they would immediately… Source

Green group slams EPA failure to curb ‘dangerous levels of air pollution’

The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) expressed deep disappointment on Monday over the Biden administration’s decision to retain “outdated” air quality standards for nitrogen and soot pollution. This decision comes despite growing scientific evidence that these pollutants cause significant ecological damage. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has opted to maintain the existing secondary national […]

No Smoke without Fire – The Green King – Part 4 ; link below; extremely interesting; highly recommend

No Smoke without Fire – The Green King – Part 4 ; link below; extremely interesting; highly recommend  Tue 10:24 pm +01:00, 9 Apr 2024  4 posted by danceaway Lighting the fuse once again, Brian Gerrish and Debi Evans continue their voyage of discovery to find out who King Charles III thinks he is, […]

No, Rick Green, The Constitution’s Three-Fifths Clause Was Not ‘An Anti-Slavery Clause’

During a recent appearance on the Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint,” religious-right activist and commentator Rick Green repeated the bogus right-wing talking point that the Constitution’s infamous “three-fifths clause” was “an anti-slavery clause.” Green, founder of Patriot Academy, is also the co-host of the radio program “WallBuilders Live” with religious-right pseudo-historians David and Tim Barton, and […]

Biden secretly planning to grant amnesty, green cards to millions of illegals in deceptive ploy to rig elections and give Democrats permanent control

Biden secretly planning to grant amnesty, green cards to millions of illegals in deceptive ploy to rig elections and give Democrats permanent control Illegal aliens who have been living in the United States for at least 10 years, or who have relatives that are U.S. citizens, could soon be granted amnesty by President Biden, who […]

Revolutionizing industry: Biden’s bold $6 billion plan to green steel, ice cream, and more

This substantial financial injection, sourced from the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is set to fund 33 innovative demonstration projects across more than 20 states. Source

AOC, Sanders unveil ‘Green New Deal’ for housing

Progressives on Capitol Hill believe they have the answer to one of the most vexing policy challenges facing America: another “Green New Deal,” this time centering on housing. Today, a group of lawmakers led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will gather to relaunch a so-called “Green New Deal for Public […]

Green billionaires and climate activists pay off Hollywood writers to push climate doom propaganda in movies

Green billionaires and climate activists pay off Hollywood writers to push climate doom propaganda in movies A group of climate activists from Los Angeles, California are teaming up with climate billionaires to control Hollywood scripts and promote climate doom propaganda through movies and television. The climate activist group – which goes by the name “Good […]

Experts warn that Joe Biden’s green tax credit plan is a GIFT TO CHINA – at the expense of U.S. manufacturing

(NaturalNews) Experts have warned that a “naive” plan by U.S. President Joe Biden to allegedly boost the American renewables industry is actually a gift to… Source

Green grandstanding expands Councils’ carbon footprints

Anti green policies are now blighting many local communities. Individual Councils declare a climate emergency and take it out on motorists. They wish to grandstand whilst often adding to emissions. Create worse traffic jams and fuel use rises for a journey. Lib Dem Wokingham Council hates drivers. They do not want us driving to work, […]

REPORT: Annalena Baerbock’s Grandfather Was a Hardcore Nazi Fighter – The ‘Green’ German Foreign Minister Is a Radical Supporter of Ukraine

REPORT: Annalena Baerbock’s Grandfather Was a Hardcore Nazi Fighter – The ‘Green’ German Foreign Minister Is a Radical Supporter of Ukraine Source

Ursula von der Leyen Will Scrap Green ‘Sustainable Use Regulation’ Aiming To Halve Fertilizer Usage

Tractors blockade Brussels EU headquarters Paul Serran – The Gateway Pundit Feb 6, 2024 After months of continental mobilization, all signs seem to indicate that farmers have achieved a major victory against the European Union and its failed, crippling ‘green’ policies and regulations. Unprecedented protests rocked Europe from east to west, from north to south. […]

EU Forced To Scrap Key Elements of Green Agenda Amid Farmers Protests

The uprisings among farmers across Europe have forced the globalist European Union leadership in Brussels to back down from key elements to its green agenda to achieve “net zero” emissions. At least for now….. Following […] The post EU Forced To Scrap Key Elements of Green Agenda Amid Farmers Protests appeared first on The People's […]

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