Posts Tagged ‘biblically’

Rick Green Inadvertently Makes The Case That Trump Is Biblically Unqualified To Be President

Christian nationalist pseudo–historian Rick Green appeared on the “FlashPoint” program earlier this week, where he laid out what he claimed were biblical standards for political leadership set forth in Exodus 18. Green’s purpose in doing so was to argue that President Joe Biden fails to meet these standards, though all he did was unwittingly make […]

Charlie Kirk Is Still Spreading Historically and Biblically Baseless Claims to Justify His Christian Nationalism

Right-wing commentator and youth organizer Charlie Kirk joined Pastor Jack Hibbs at his Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church Wednesday evening, where Kirk continued his practice of using church platforms to spread historically baseless claims about the Constitution and the founding of this country. Kirk heads Turning Point USA, a $55 million right-wing youth turnout organization […]

Charlie Kirk Makes Multiple Historically and Biblically Baseless Claims to Justify His Christian Nationalism

Right-wing commentator and youth organizer Charlie Kirk spoke Monday night at Sunset Avenue Church of God in North Carolina, where he made a variety of historically and biblically baseless claims about why right-wing Christians must be politically engaged. Kirk, the Christian nationalist founder of Turning Point USA who has millions of followers on social media, […]

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