Posts Tagged ‘soybeans’

OINK SOYNK: USDA green-lights genetically modified soybeans that produce pig proteins

(NaturalNews) The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) just gave the green light to genetically modified soybeans that produce pig proteins. A UK-based… Source

USDA Approves Plan to Genetically Modify Soybeans to Produce ‘Plant-Grown’ Pig Protein

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) this month approved a biotech firm’s plan to genetically engineer soybeans to produce a “plant-grown” meat protein the company calls Piggy Sooy. Source

United Republic Of Soybeans: GMO And Neocolonialism In The Southern Cone

The ‘soybeanisation’ of the Paraguayan economy has had a devastating impact on the country’s ecology, rural populations and democratic process, but it has been lucrative for foreign corporations and the domestic oligarchy. By Owen Shalk. Originally published at Alborada. In 2003, the agrichemical behemoth Syngenta published a controversial advertisement in Argentinian newspapers. It showed a map of South […]

European Commission authorises GMO soybeans for food and feed in huge new Biodiversity attack.

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Why the Law of Attraction FAILS without action: Special broadcast from the Health Ranger airs this Friday on

(NaturalNews) The Law of Attraction, made popular by “The Secret,” doesn’t work in the way it has been popularly described. You can’t just sit in a room and wish for things and then hope they magically appear. Intention must be combined with action to achieve results in the real world! And in a […]

Morocco Poised to Become a Solar Superpower with Launch of Desert Mega-Project

Morocco Poised to Become a Solar Superpower with Launch of Desert Mega-Project October 26th, 2015 Disclosure: I sell solar power systems in New Zealand. — Via: Guardian: When the full complex is complete, it will be the largest concentrated solar power (CSP) plant in […]

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