Posts Tagged ‘milk’


What’s in Milk? So glad you asked…  

Brock Turner: Stanford Rapist’s Slap On The Wrist Is A Product Of, Not A Flaw In, The System

(CW: This article will include discussions of rape and sexual assault) On January 18th, 2015, Brock Turner was discovered on top of an unconscious woman. The woman had her underwear removed and her dress pulled up and Brock was making sexual advances on her. Brock had been discovered by two students at Stanford, where Turner […]

Dubai Builds World’s First 3D-Printed Office

A functioning 3D-printed office building opened in Dubai this week. The futuristic looking building took 17 days to print and 2 days to install, at a cost of US$140,000. Ubergizmo reports: According to a report from Reuters, it seems that the world’s first 3D printed office has been officially opened in Dubai. This 3D printed […]

Controversial Photos Depict Objectification Of Women & Male Entitlement

We live in a world where pretty well everything possible is sexualized. In fact, in 2009 a SUNY Albany psychology professor revealed that 92% of the 174 songs that cracked the Billboard Top 10 that year contained sexually suggestive lyrics. Why is this the case? Because sex sells! We may not want to publicly admit […]

Wine & coffee are good for your gut, scientists say

Large-scale DNA analysis enabled researchers to examine what factors affect the diversity of the microbiome, the intestinal bacterial community unique to each individual. Coffee and wine can increase the diversity of gut bacteria, while whole milk or a high-calorie diet can decrease it. Most alcohol industry profits come from problem drinkers – studies “In total […]

We’re Living In The Most Peaceful Era In Human History Says Obama

Addressing world leaders at a trade fair in Hannover, Germany on Monday, president Barack Obama seemed to be far removed from reality. During his speech the US president said we’re fortunate to be living in the “most peaceful” era in human history. Along with reassurances of the current peaceful era, Obama added that he plans to […]

South Front: Obama boosts U.S. boots on the ground in Syria, fighting in Aleppo continues (plus: Russia’s Black Sea frigates)

     International Military Review – Syria, April 25 Russia Defense Report: Black Sea Frigates International Military Review – Syria, April 22 International Military Review – Donbass, April 22 International Military Review – Syria, April 21 Turkey Takes Steps to Destabilize Caucasus and Crimea Source Article from

Dr. David Gorski accused of deliberately promoting cancer-causing medical interventions because he financially benefits from cancer patients

(NaturalNews) In recent days, Natural News has kept tabs on the growing campaign of censorship and intimidation aimed at the explosive new documentary, VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, which details the decades of scientific fraud covering up the link between vaccines and the injuries that they routinely cause. We were also able to […]

Young mom learns she may die of cancer after doctor misdiagnosed and put her through unnecessary chemo

(NaturalNews) Imagine having a horrible toothache that persists regardless of taking antibiotics or even having your tooth extracted. Then think of how you’d feel if you were told the problem was actually due to cancer, for which you were given chemotherapy and began showing signs of improvement. As if that’s not difficult enough, […]

Living in Poverty: Flint is Just a Symptom of a Much Bigger Problem

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   The Michigan Kids Count (MKC) and the Michigan League for Public Policy (MLPP) are releasing a report about poverty in the state, with a special focus on children. Gilda Z. Jacobs, president and CEO of the MLPP, explained: “The […]


We have tried out so many ways to look inside ourselves and identify the kind of person we are. Nearly everyone has tried to know about themselves through Pulmonology, Metoposcopy and many more such things which reveals about our personality. We have written many stories on the ankle line, eyes, ear shape, fingerprint telling about our […]

Gene editing with no boundaries now aggressively pursued by China … Plants, animals and even soldiers to all become GMOs

(NaturalNews) American corporations are racing against Chinese companies to develop technology that would allow them to genetically modify everything on the planet, including human beings. As reported by Bloomberg News, Chinese firms are pouring no small amount of resources into building expertise on genomics. Also, the Chinese government is throwing money and resources […]

Dilbert Creator Scott Adams on Donald Trump

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 7, 2016 This is a very intelligent take on the Trump phenomenon. I don’t even know if Adams supports Trump, but it’s a fascinating analysis he’s presenting. For the record, I never got Dilbert. Here’s his blog. Source Article from

Thanks Obama: POTUS’ nomination of Robert Califf may leave Big Pharma in complete control over the FDA… he took money from 23 drug companies

(NaturalNews) It’s now official: President Obama’s nomination of Robert Califf as the new head of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just been approved by the U.S. Senate. This is a particularly worrisome development, due to Califf’s strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry, and although many in Washington (such as Bernie Sanders) […]

This is big govt: NYC workers taking fruit from fruit vendors and throwing it away, it was displayed more than 4 feet from the front of the store (VIDEO)

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How Depression Affects Brain Structure & What You Can Do To Change It Back

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 400 million people, of all ages, suffer from depression, making it the leading cause of disability worldwide. This is a massive target market for pharmaceutical companies, and that’s no secret. There are huge profits to be made, and drug companies are taking every opportunity to make the most […]

Before Jimmy Wales launched Wikipedia to smear alternative medicine, he ran a sleazy porn network

(NaturalNews) The dirty past of Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales’ prior internet ventures continues to come to light, with new evidence now showing that the misinformation website’s early launch was made possible, in part, by money obtained from a sleazy porn network. A dot-com “bust” search engine called “Bomis,” reveals an extensive report by […]

Is Zika Virus Or The Tdap Vaccine Causing Birth Defects In Brazil?

By Ⅿeagan from Tulsa, OK, United States (Julie Uploaded by calliopejen1) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons The Zika virus has been known to infect people in Africa, South and Central America and Asia for more than 70 years without causing any birth defects. The Brazilian government declared an emergency in December after 2,400 […]

Cannabis Legalization: The Time Has Come for Evidence-Based Cannabis Policy

6th February 2016 By Dr. Kelly Neff Guest Writer for Wake Up World It is certainly an exciting and unprecedented time to be a cannabis activist/enthusiast, as the public support for the legalization of cannabis is higher than ever! Here in my home state of Colorado, the benefits of legalization to the people and to the state […]

Gav Seim – the Liberty Speaker – Reams Cop Who Shined Light in His Eye/Camera (VIDEO)

Gav Seim is no stranger to police interactions – as you can see from his website and YouTube Channel – and has been featured here at many of times. I have a lot of respect for Seim’s style of CopBlocking because he really does well with bringing the right tactic to the right scenario. Whether it be […]

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