Posts Tagged ‘rise’

2 Constitutional Court judges arrested in Turkey, all military judges suspended

Over 100 members of Turkey’s Constitutional Court, including prosecutors and other judiciary members were arrested on Wednesday, Turkish national broadcaster NTV reported. Two Constitutional Court judges, Alparslan Altan and Erdal Tercan are among them. The same day, the Turkish Defense Ministry also suspended at least 262 military judges and prosecutors. #TurkeyPurge: Post-coup crackdown The judiciary […]

Turkey Detains Thousands in Military in Bid to Regain Control

Turkey Detains Thousands in Military in Bid to Regain Control July 16th, 2016 Via: New York Times: Turkey’s government rounded up thousands of military personnel on Saturday who were said to have taken part in an attempted coup, moving swiftly to re-establish control after […]

Tusk Says to Make Brexit as Painful as Possible as a Warning to Other Member-States

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 16, 2016 Yo Tusk, you nervous bro? So Tusk is openly announcing the Brexit has to be punished so that others don’t attempt an escape. It is now just openly being accepted that membership in the EU is a nightmare for everyone save the welfare-receiving East, and they are just discussing […]

VIP child sex abuse: 14 new corruption inquiries leveled against London police – accused of coverup

     British police are alleged to have covered up cases of child sex abuse perpetrated by VIPs over a 40-year period. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has launched 14 new inquiries into Metropolitan Police conduct. The IPCC now has 45 investigations into alleged police cover-ups underway, all of which involve “prominent individuals” in British […]

Black Lives Matter Slay 4 Police Officers Amid Bloody Shootout

Four police officers were killed on Thursday night as Black Lives Matter protestors opened fire on police in protest against the recent shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota.  Two snipers shot at ten police officers in Dallas during a BLM protest/rally. Video from Dallas Morning News reporter Michael Bautista captured the slaying as it happened. […]

Mars once had 3 moons besides Phobos and Deimos

     International collaboration finds that two small satellites (Phobos and Deimos) orbiting Mars can also be formed by a giant impact like the origin of our Moon. The research is reported in Nature Geoscience, July 2016. An international team of researchers from Royal Observatory of Belgium, Institut de Physique du Globe, Universite de Rennes 1, […]

Europe Refused to Extradite Istanbul Bomber Wanted by Russia: Reports

Radio Free Skyrim vs Richard Spencer

The Nords at Radio Free Skyrim have spent the past two weeks exposing the alleged pyramid scheme of Richard Spencer and his love of homosexuals. This is very interesting since their podcast is featured on The Right Stuff, which has often featured Spencer as a guest on their biggest shows – such as The Daily […]

How Do We Stop Climate Engineering? There Is Only One Way Forward

30th June 2016 By Dane Wigington Guest writer for Wake Up World How do we stop the toxic aerosol spraying atrocities that are being carried out in skies all over the globe? What can we do to put an abrupt end to the weather/biological warfare assault? What is the “silver bullet” in the battle to […]

Brexit Is A Leak In New World Order’s Dam – Former US Senate Candidate

Britain’s vote to leave the European Union could be considered as “the beginning of a leak in the dam” of the New World Order, according to former US Senate candidate Mark Dankof. He told Press TV that Brexit needs to be followed by several other phenomena. He was commenting on US President Barack Obama’s assurance of […]

European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations ‘to be morphed into one’ post-Brexit

The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”.  Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers […]

Turkish president meets with Hamas chief in Istanbul

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has met with visiting leader of the Gaza-based Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, amid reports suggesting that Ankara and Tel Aviv are close to agreeing a deal on normalizing tense ties. Erdogan received Khaled Meshaal in Istanbul on Friday, Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency reported, quoting presidential sources. The two sides discussed how to […]

Police in LA arrest 238 individuals on charges related to child sex abuse during two-month sting operation

     Nearly 240 alleged child molesters have been arrested in Southern California in just two months. It came as part of a nationwide crackdown on child sex abusers that netted nearly 1,400 predators, including a religious official and white-collar businessmen. “Operation Broken Heart III” was launched over the last two months by all 61 Internet […]

The Origins of the Diversity Myth

One of the first ways in which many begin to depart from the group think of the vast cucked masses is by ceasing to agree with the proposition that racial or ethnic diversity is somehow inherently beneficial—or even vital—to the health and ultimate survival or a civilization. Many reading this would probably agree that is […]

Clinton Email: We Must Destroy Syria For Israel

A leaked Hillary Clinton email confirms that the Obama administration, with Hillary at the helm,  orchestrated a civil war in Syria to benefit Israel.  The new Wikileaks release shows the then Secretary of State ordering a war in Syria in order to overthrow the government and oust President Assad, claiming it was the “best way to help […]

The Secret Mars Colony

I have been rather busy with another projects, but I will try to do more postings when these projects end. But here’s a nice article about Nazis and their Antarctica and Mars Colonies. William Tompkins reveals an astonishing secret acquired by U.S. Navy spies embedded within Nazi Germany’s advanced technology projects during the World War […]

Ban Ki-moon: UN was threatened by numerous countries to remove Saudi Arabia from list of child murderers

     UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has admitted that his decision to remove the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen from the organization’s blacklist came after threats from a number of countries. Human rights groups are urging him to backtrack on the decision. Ban said on Thursday that temporarily removing the coalition from the blacklist was “one of […]

Dalai Lama Tells Germans They Have Taken In Too Many Refugees

by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple You would think that a spiritual leader like the Dalai Lama would be a big softie for the refugees pouring into Europe, and would implore Europeans to let them into their communities. Especially when you consider that he is also a refugee, who hasn’t set foot in Tibet […]

‘My weekend in Palestine’ changed an Australian man’s life

It’s been a long weekend in the U.S. so here’s a little inspiration: Rob Martin’s weekend in Palestine. Martin is an Australian activist and a model for engagement on the issue. He’d never been to Palestine before late 2014, but during the Gaza onslaught that summer, he began reading about the conflict in a serious way. “What […]

Saudi Arabia makes deal with Iraqi Govt. to save ISIS

Saudi Arabia makes deal with Iraqi Govt. to save ISIS Alwaght- As the final preparations are being made by different Iraq military forces to launch an operation in Fallujah, and as the… Source Article from

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