Posts Tagged ‘link’

Survey Of Police Chiefs: ’76 Percent’ Say Armed Citizens Reduce Violent Crime

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Sarmadi: Abundant capacities available for Tehran-Sydney cooperation

Tehran, July 11, IRNA – Deputy Foreign Minister Morteza Sarmadi said on Monday that there are abundant capacities available for Iran-Australia cooperation after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Sarmadi made the remarks in a meeting with outgoing Australian ambassador to Tehran Paul Foley. Sarmadi thanked Foley for his efforts during his successful mission in […]

European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled: EU nations ‘to be morphed into one’ post-Brexit

The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”.  Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers […]

Obama’s EPA caught covering up high heavy metals pollution across U.S. cities as federal government wages multi-faceted WAR against its own citizens

(NaturalNews) Our citizen-powered EPA Watch program has now resulted in the open source publishing of heavy metals contamination tests of 230 municipal water samples across America. The results show that two to three per cent of the U.S. water is highly contaminated with toxic heavy metals, poisoning an estimated 10 million Americans with […]

Cops Beat Diabetes Victim for “Using Syringe”: Report

Rebekah Kearn | Courthouse News Service. LOS ANGELES (CN) — With police departments under increased public scrutiny for brutality against minorities, a Hispanic man in Long Beach claims seven officers attacked him for publicly injecting insulin. Miguel Angel Llamas, age 67, is an insulin-dependent diabetic on dialysis with medical […]

Obama’s EPA caught covering up high heavy metals pollution across U.S. cities as federal government wages multi-faceted WAR against its own citizens

(NaturalNews) Our citizen-powered EPA Watch program has now resulted in the open source publishing of heavy metals contamination tests of 230 municipal water samples across America. The results show that two to three per cent of the U.S. water is highly contaminated with toxic heavy metals, poisoning an estimated 10 million Americans with […]

UK Foreign Minister Warns That Brexit Vote Will Be Irreversible

The British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has warned that Britain’s possible exit from the European Union (EU) would be an “irreversible” decision. “The message we are trying to get across to the British people is that this is an irreversible decision, if they decide to leave, there will be no going back,” Hammond said as he […]

Iran condemns Orlando terrorist attack

“Based on its principled policy of condemning terrorism and its firm resolve for serious and all-out confrontation of this discouraging phenomenon, the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns the recent terrorist attack in the US city of Orlando,” Jaberi Ansari said, according to a report by KhabarOnline, as translated by IFP. The ISIS terrorist group claimed […]

Terrorist Attack Against Florida Homosexual Nightclub is a Total Fake – Complete Fabrication

Terrorist Attack Against Florida Homosexual Nightclub is a Total Fake – Complete Fabrication Could it get more inane than this? What an arch-Zionist, sophomoric, terminally corrupt hoax it is. It’s the same, standard fake, make no mistake about it. This is tied, though, to a real shooting in Tel Aviv, where a professor who had […]

Palestinian official congratulates Larijani on re-election

Tehran, June 6, IRNA – Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement Ramadan Abdullah, in a phone message, congratulated Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani on his re-election as the new parliament speaker. Abdullah called Larijani’s re-election as a victory for both Iranians and Palestinians, adding that Palestinians are interested in Iranians and Iranian leaders. […]

Mainstream Media Says Microchipping Kids Coming Soon, Will be ‘As Commonplace as the Barcode’

‘As commonplace as the barcode,’ claims a new report from NBC News, discussing the microchipping of children — and potentially adults, as well — as an inevitable technology in our future. by Claire Bernish NBC’s report seems innocuous enough, capitalizing on ‘every parent’s worst nightmare’ scenario — their child suddenly is nowhere to be found […]

What really behind Syria peace talks failure?

Alwaght- When it comes to diplomatic negotiations on Syria, like the recent Vienna peace talks, more than focusing on ways to end the five-year crisis, the concentration is more on two important cases on which the relevant countries and groups of the Syrian crisis remain at odds. The disaccords stand as a hurdle ahead of […]

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans

Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab. Source Article from

Rome building collapses amid explosion, at least 5 injured

It is unknown what caused the explosion to take place at the three-story building, which is in the northeast of the city, though it is understood that a gas canister or a boiler could have been at fault. A total of five people were injured and three of those had to be extracted from the […]

Russia, US to join efforts on truce control in Syria

Speaking with journalists along with the UN special envoy to the Arab country, Staffan de Mistura, Lavrov explained that in this operation of permanent military character of one and another side, will both sit ‘at the same table’, to preserve the ceasefire and prevent its violation. The head of Kremlin diplomacy thanked the UN for its […]

IRS Agent Admits Income Tax Is Unconstitutional And Illegal

Friday 15th April was tax day in America, where millions of Americans file their returns with the IRS so as to avoid being prosecuted for ‘illegally’ witholding tax.  However, an IRS agent has recently come forward and admitted that not only is income tax fundamentally unconstitutional, but it is also illegal for the agency to […]

Alcohol bureau faces lawsuit for restricting free speech about safer drinking

(NaturalNews) Through a decade of research, the son of a pharmaceutical technician from Hyderabad, India, discovered a naturally occurring molecule called NTX that largely protects the liver from the adverse health effects of drinking alcohol. Harsha Chigurupati founded Chigurupati Technologies in 2006 before partnering with Bellion Vodka to create an alcoholic beverage infused […]

The goddess of war and her private email server

     As the Battle of New York looms, an underground shadow war flirts with High Noon. After nearly one year, the FBI has finally investigated the treasure trove contained in Hillary Clinton’s subterranean private email server. The FBI has refused to release any records. Remember, this is a criminal investigation. Former State Department IT official […]

Al-Nusrah Downs Syrian SU-22 with Surface to Air Missile

nsnbc : A SU-22 of the Syrian Arab Air Force was shot down by Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusrah, using a Surface to Air Missile. The pilot has been captured by the terrorists. SAM-7 missiles from Libya were smuggled via Turkey to Syria in 2012 and distributed among “rebels” with the aid of Turkish authorities. SAM-7 missiles […]

Jesus, and the lies we tell ourselves to keep going

In case you’re wondering, this is what “Jesus” really looks like (he’s the one on the left)… …image source One of my favorite television shows is called Cheaters. In it, people who think their sexual partners are cheating on them enlist the show to discover the truth, even though the aggrieved parties actually know the […]

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