Posts Tagged ‘offshore’

World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm-Developer Abandons Two Major US Projects As Renewable Bust Erupts

World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm-Developer Abandons Two Major US Projects As Renewable Bust Erupts President Biden’s ‘wind revolution’ is blowing down as the world’s largest offshore wind farm developer abandoned two major US projects due to supply chain and interest rate impacts and recorded impairment charges well above previous forecasts.  Orsted A/S announced, “US offshore wind […]

Turkiye in energy talks with UAE on hydrogen production, offshore wind facility

Turkiye is currently in talks with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for the production of hydrogen and the construction of an offshore wind facility, as Ankara continues to build on its restored relationship with the Gulf state. In July, following Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s prominent visit to the UAE the previous month, the two […]

Yuan’s Offshore Funding Squeeze May Have A Ways To Go

Yuan’s Offshore Funding Squeeze May Have A Ways To Go By George Lei, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and strategist Yuan liquidity in the offshore market tightened significantly this week, with the one-month interbank borrowing cost in Hong Kong surging over 120bps, the most since January 2021. Three-month Hibor for the offshore yuan jumped for a sixth straight week, exceeding […]

GREEN MIRAGE: World’s biggest offshore wind farm developer warns industry is in serious trouble

(NaturalNews) The offshore wind industry is in trouble both at home and abroad as it fails to live up to expectations as a dependable source of “green… Source

Four groups bid in latest Israel offshore gas exploration tender

Four groups of companies have made bids in Israel's latest tender for offshore hydrocarbon exploration, the Energy Ministry said on Sunday, reports Reuters. The ministry said the groups include a total of nine companies, five of which were new to the Israeli market. It did not name which companies took part. Huge deposits of natural […]

Fears grow as more suspicious drones appear above Norway’s offshore facilities

News of unidentified drones buzzing in the skies above the North Sea in recent days has made Oslo increasingly concerned that the Kremlin might target its offshore facilities in a bid to intimidate its competition. With Norway replacing Russia as Europe’s main source of natural gas, military experts suspect the unmanned aircraft are Moscow’s doings.  […]

John Deere to Offshore Part of Assembly Production Plant from Iowa to Mexico

John Deere announced to its employees on Wednesday that it will be moving part of its Tractor and Cab Assembly Operations facility from Waterloo, Iowa, to Mexico by Fiscal Year 2024.

Biden admin set to proceed with largest offshore oil & gas lease sale in U.S. history

An offshore drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Rob_Ellis / E+ / Getty Images In two days, the Biden administration will oversee the largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in U.S. history. The sale will make more than 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico available for drilling, HuffPost reported. That’s an area larger than the state […]

Democrat Scheme to Offshore American Jobs Rubber-Stamped by 32 Republicans

A group of 32 House and Senate Republicans have rubber-stamped provisions in Democrats’ and President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill that provide giant carve-outs for industries to outsource and offshore American jobs. A total of 13 House Republicans and 19 Senate Republicans put Democrats over the line to pass Biden’s infrastructure bill, which includes waivers for […]

U.S. Government Provides Another Trove Of Offshore Papers Of People It Dislikes

So there is another ‘leak’ of papers about tax saving offshore investments by people the U.S. doesn’t like: The secret deals and hidden assets of some of the world’s richest and most powerful people have been revealed in the biggest trove of leaked offshore data in history. Branded the Pandora papers, the cache includes 11.9m […]

Pandora papers: biggest ever leak of offshore data exposes financial secrets of rich and powerful

Branded the Pandora papers, the cache includes 11.9m files from companies hired by wealthy clients to create offshore structures and trusts in tax havens such as Panama, Dubai, Monaco, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. They expose the secret offshore affairs of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers and heads of state. […]

The Ocean Cleanup – SYSTEM 002 Offshore Mission Progress: Week 3

» Los Angeles Fire Department Captain on COVID Vaccine Mandate: This Tyranny Stops Right Here, Right NowYesterday at 11:48 pm by shang » CIA remote viewer now runs a psychic schoolYesterday at 9:42 am by PurpleSkyz » Passport Protests – Paris & Berlin 8/28/21Yesterday at 9:39 am by PurpleSkyz » Crop Circles 2021 – Little Nutford, Nr Blandford Forum, Dorset. Reported 23rd […]

New Jersey to become largest offshore wind procurement in the country

A recent move by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities awarded offshore wind solicitations to two different project that will develop offshore wind capacity to power 1.5 million homes combined. The two approved projects will make New Jersey the largest offshore wind procurement in the history of the U.S. The first project will be […]

Israel halts production on offshore gas platform after attempted Hamas attacks

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Biden Admin Approves Nation’s First Major Offshore Wind Project

The Biden administration has granted approval to a $2.8 billion offshore wind project that’s seen as key to a transition to clean energy in the United States. The Vineyard Wind project is set to become the nation’s first major offshore wind farm, and will be built 14 miles off the coast of Massachusetts. The Biden […]

Drowning in crises, Lebanon now galvanized to solve offshore gas row with Israel

Looking out from the limestone cliffs of Rosh Hanikra, the tiny “island” of Tekheilet is barely visible, a rocky outcropping just barely kissing the waveline a kilometer from Israel’s shoreline at the country’s northern frontier. In November 2020, Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, his chief of staff Mor Halutz and ministry director-general Udi Adiri donned bright […]

Biden Administration Announces Push for Offshore Wind Farms to Create Union Jobs

The Biden Administration announced on Monday that it is putting forth a government-wide push to increase offshore wind farms on all three coasts in the United States, citing the move will “create good paying union jobs.” Press Secretary Jen Psaki spoke about the effort and a fact sheet the administration released at the daily press […]

Bulgarian Journalist Confronts US Officials at EU Over Offshore Bioweapons Labs

Previously, 21WIRE reported on the Pentagon’s extensive offshore bioweapons facilities and how the US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. This week, Bulgarian-based investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva was at the European Parliament in Brussels to confront Assistant Secretary at the US Department […]

Magnitsky Act mastermind seeks to stop Cyprus from revealing his offshore assets to Russia

Browder, a US-born British investor and the founder of Hermitage Capital Management, fears that his fraudulent investment schemes involving offshore assets in Cyprus would be revealed to European authorities if Cyprus continues to cooperate with Moscow on its probe against him, Natalya Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer who conducted her own investigation into Browder’s operations, told […]

Paradise Papers: Global Elite’s Offshore Tax Havens Exposed In Financial Leak

Paradise Papers: Global Elite’s Offshore Tax Havens Exposed In Financial Leak Jamie White November 7th 2017 A massive cache of leaked financial documents – dubbed the Paradise Papers – has exposed hundreds of politicians, multinationals, celebrities, and high-net-worth individuals and how they use complex structures to avoid paying higher taxes. The documents, obtained by […]

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