Archive for the ‘Jewish New World Order’ Category

Vaccine Debate: Robert F. Kennedy Jr vs Alan Dershowitz

In general, are vaccines both effective and safe? Is the current experimental coronavirus vaccine flouting normal testing and safety protocols, and being intentionally rushed to market by the pharmaceutical industrial complex and its partners and stakeholders in government and the third sector? Arguing against: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, as […]

Missouri Woman Sues City Over ‘Unconstitutional’ Mask Ordinance

Rachel Shelton and her attorney made the announcement at a news conference outside Springfield’s city hall. As mandatory mask orders continue to creep across the nation, a woman from the city of Springfield, Missouri, Rachel Shelton, went public with her plans to sue the city and its eight council members after their recent passage of […]

Prof Carl Heneghan: ‘Can We Trust the Gov’t COVID Death Numbers?’

UnHerd reports…. Professor Carl Heneghan is Director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University, and has been paying close attention to the Covid-19 statistics. (…) [A]n extraordinary detail: the Public Health England daily death totals announced to the media include anyone who has ever tested positive for Covid-19 — even if they […]

In Louisville, America Edges Closer to a ‘Shooting Race War’

The George Floyd saga has developed a potentially dangerous new turn. This past weekend, the city of Louisville, Kentucky avoided a potentially deadly armed clash, as two opposing and heavily armed militia groups came within dozens of yards of each other after the latest politically-charged Black Lives Matter demonstration. The weekend spillover demonstrations followed a […]

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Dying for Company’ (2018)

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SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Dying for Company’ (2018)

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Episode #334 – ‘War on Normality’ with special guests

Episode #334 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on this week, July 26, 2020 with host Patrick Henningsen, broadcasting LIVE on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR)… LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE – START TIMES: 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm EST (US) | 9am-12pm PST (US) This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with […]

Episode #334 – ‘War on Normality’ with special guests

Episode #334 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on this week, July 26, 2020 with host Patrick Henningsen, broadcasting LIVE on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR)… LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE – START TIMES: 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm EST (US) | 9am-12pm PST (US) This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with […]

Explained: America’s Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria

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Philosopher John Gray: ‘Today’s Global Shift is Bigger Than 1989’

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Iranian FM on US Targeting Passenger Jet: ‘These Outlaws Must be Stopped’

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Florida Man Killed in Motorcycle Accident Recorded as ‘COVID Death’

Previously, 21WIRE detailed the shocking scale of statistical fraud being carried out by Florida health officials recently exposed as inflating the number of COVID “cases” in the state. Clearly, revelations from Florida and other states point to systemic practice cooking on coronavirus cases, but it’s still unclear what the precise motivations might be for health […]

Shelby Steele: The Unpopular Truth About Race Relations in America

This interview offers a deeper look into the origins of racial conflict and relations in America. Following the death of George Floyd, the American city streets have exploded in anger and violence, as well as increased demands for ‘social justice.’ Have both black and white Americans become trapped into seeing color before character? Have the […]

More Statistical Fraud: Florida, Texas, Colorado – All Caught Inflating COVID Cases and Deaths

It’s long been suspected that certain countries and US states have been padding their statistics regarding both cases and deaths attributed to coronavirus. Only yesterday, it was revealed how UK health officials have been ‘double counting’ COVID deaths through creative administrative record keeping. More evidence also reveals how similar shady practices are being employed by […]

White Helmets Implicated in Cash Embezzlement and Fraud Scandal

Any time you see the White Helmets in the news these days, it’s probably going to be for all the wrong reasons. This latest bombshell is no exception. As 21WIRE has previously noted, this “urban search and rescue” organisation claims to be “impartial” in the Syrian conflict, even though it has receive nearly all of […]

UK Government Panicking As Fraudulent COVID Death Count is Revealed

Today the public have been told via the mainstream press that UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock is now ‘looking into’ how data regarding coronavirus fatalities is being recorded. This, despite months of reporting by dissenting journalists who have been challenging the official government line raising this issue.  Dying *of* coronavirus? Or dying *with* coronavirus. The […]

BILDERBERG 2018: Rear Guard Action by the Transatlantic Elite in Turin, Italy

IMAGE: Photo composite from image by Charlie Skelton (Twitter) This year’s Bilderberg Meeting looks as big and as bold as ever, as transatlantic elites arrive In Turin, Italy this week to discuss the Atlanticist global agenda for the coming year and beyond. Founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (a former member of […]

MEDIA ON TRIAL: Leeds Panel ‘Indicts’ Mainstream Press for its Media Malpractice on Syria

By Mark Anderson 21s Century Wire The picture is becoming clearer with each successive military adventure: the mainstream media hides its ever-worsening malpractices behind a carefully crafted image of institutional respectability that has long been drilled into the heads of generations of people throughout the world. But this fragile façade, while it has been steadily […]

Palestine FA Thanks Argentina for Canceling its Pre-World Cup ‘Friendly’ with Israel

Daniel Edwards Argentina’s controversial friendly against Israel has been suspended after the match scheduled in Jerusalem provoked waves of protest, according to multiple reports.  According to sources close to the Argentine FA, consulted by the NA agency, concerns over player and fan security for the game that was to be played on Saturday led to its cancellation, […]

“The Media are on Trial” – Peter Ford’s Presentation at Media on Trial Event, Leeds

Peter Ford 21st Century Wire The Media are on trial. But what are they on trial for exactly? Not long ago the media were on trial in the form of the Leveson  enquiry, for being too tabloidish. Poking in people’s dustbins, that sort of thing. The Leveson enquiry however was almost trivial – where the media […]

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