Posts Tagged ‘trust’

Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science!

What do you get when you mix AI-generated nonsense with AI-driven peer review? A story that undermines the Trust The Science! injunction of the technocratic tyrants once and for all, that’s what! Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Only Ones You Can Trust

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Trust Me, I’m Ethical

Ian Millhiser @ Vox: Alito says the Supreme Court’s fake ethics code allows him to be unethical In a development that should surprise absolutely no one, Justice Samuel Alito announced in a brief letter on Wednesday that he will not recuse himself from two cases involving the January 6 insurrection and former President Donald Trump’s […]

The US Is The Only G-7 Nation To See Trust In Government Plummet

The US Is The Only G-7 Nation To See Trust In Government Plummet How much do you trust the government, and its various institutions? It’s likely that your level of confidence probably depends on a wide range of factors, such as perceived competency, historical context, economic performance, accountability, social cohesion, and transparency. And for these […]

Poll: Republicans more likely to trust Trump for news on Russia-Ukraine conflict than mainstream media and government institutions

(NaturalNews) A recent poll reveals that Republican voters believe former President Donald Trump is a more reliable source of information for the ongoing Russian… Source

Police snoop ‘breached the trust of us all’

Here is another corrupt cop, which you (the people) are allowed to read about. There are plenty more corrupt cops out there in every state and territory of this colony, but the mainstream media are limited as to what and whom they can write about, as exposing corruption in government, will give the public a […]

Public loses trust in mainstream media, causing outlets to drastically reduce cut their operations through LAYOFFS

(NaturalNews) According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the U.S. suffered 98 percent more layoffs in 2023 than in 2022. The Chicago-based global outplacement… Source

What we learned at Davos 2024: global aristocracy intends on ‘Rebuilding Trust’ through censorship and surveillance

Here’s what we learned about the plans our technocratic tyrant overlords have for us, along with a series of highlights (the good, the bad, and the notable) from the annual Swiss mountain retreat. Source

Another puppet working to rebuild trust in the World Economic Forum (WEF)?

I’d bet on the latter… Photo: Source

WEF Suggests ‘Hardcore Censorship’ As Means of Restoring Public Trust In Global Elite

The people of the world are rejecting the globalist agenda because they have too much information at their disposal, according to the World Economic Forum which has ordered world governments to engage in “hardcore censorship” as a means of restoring public trust in the global elite. Jeanne Bourgault, the president and CEO of Internews, an […]

Should We Trust the Ministry of Health on Post-Vaccination Deaths?

From Check out our sister site for other news With the whistleblower vaccination data leak reverberating around the world, the NZ Ministry of Health appears to be in damage control mode and trying to hide the data. Dr Shane Reti, new Minister of Health has been quoted as saying: “There are many conspiracy […]

News You Can Trust-Good Evidence When Nuremberg Common Law Courts For Mass Murder Via Loaded Syringes Are Convened

Good Evidence When Nuremberg Common Law Courts For Mass Murder Via Loaded Syringes Are Convened The Ole Dog! Source

Boris Was Right Not to Trust Neil Ferguson

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL We have held the belief that no politician who has not experienced the bestiality of war should ever be elected Prime Minister of any state. Ours is a belief and an aspiration, as those who have been in action are nowadays thin on the ground. Enforcing such a belief would […]

Politicians and Tech CEOs Are Calling for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: Can the Public Trust Them?

The first week of November 2023 was a big one for artificial intelligence. On Monday, October 30, US President Joe Biden issued a broad executive order (EO) aimed at promoting new standards for AI, which the White House claims will protect Americans’ privacy and provide safety from AI-related threats. On Wednesday, the US announced the […]

WHO Leader Dr. Tedros Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People and WHO – Forgets to Mention He Was the Main Player Behind the Disinformation

WHO Leader Dr. Tedros Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People and WHO – Forgets to Mention He Was the Main Player Behind the Disinformation Source

WHO Chief Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People & World Health Organization

The Director-General of the World Health Organization has called for world governments to “follow through with national ratification” of the WHO pandemic treaty after “disinformation” eroded “trust between people, governments and institutions.” So Dr Tedros […] The post WHO Chief Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People & World Health Organization appeared first on The People's […]

High Trust Society

This must be that famous ‘high trust’, multicultural cohesion they keep telling us about. Please share this video! SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— Brand new merch now available! Get it at ALERT! In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that we stay in touch. I […]

Americans trust Trump more than Biden to make economy better by 11-point margin: poll

Americans trust former President Trump more than President Biden to make the economy better by an 11-point margin, according to a new poll from Suffolk University Sawyer Business School and USA Today. In the poll published Thursday, around 47 percent of Americans said they trust Trump more to improve the economy, compared to 36 percent who… […]

HEADLINE-“Can American voters trust rising Republican star Vivek Ramaswamy?”

Now, I will admit I am not a sheep. I do way to much dealing with reality to be pissing away precious time watching make believe shit produced by Holly Whore. But I saw a while back all the pretenders and their writers from holly Whore were on strike against AI generated plots for the […]

The Best Noise Machines (for Sleeping Like You Have a Trust Fund)

Does your partner snore louder than a fire truck? Unable to calm your anxious mind by the time your head hits the pillow? We want to help put you out of your misery. A melatonin gummy or midnight snack of chips and dip can only induce so many feelings of tranquility. Hell, our futile attempts […]

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