Posts Tagged ‘noise’

Pink Noise: Can Ultrasonic Sound Deactivate the Bacteriorhodopsin Operating System?

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM More and more, it looks like Pink Noise is the ultimate weapon in defense of […]

Bring The Noise!

This is the slogan of vaccine-injured Scotsman John Watt. He has his own artwork graphic, but I knocked up my own version. Bring The Noise is worth a post. John Watt and his vax damaged friend Alex Mitchell are as yet to be properly addressed by any covid1984 enquiry. John explains how they attended […]

The Best Noise Machines (for Sleeping Like You Have a Trust Fund)

Does your partner snore louder than a fire truck? Unable to calm your anxious mind by the time your head hits the pillow? We want to help put you out of your misery. A melatonin gummy or midnight snack of chips and dip can only induce so many feelings of tranquility. Hell, our futile attempts […]

White Noise: People Affected by a Toxic Train Derailment Disaster in Ohio Were Extras in Movie About a Toxic Train Derailment Disaster in Ohio

Actual CNN headline, “After a train derailment, Ohio residents are living the plot of a movie they helped make.” Via: CNN: When Ben Ratner’s family signed up in 2021 to be extras in the movie “White Noise,” they thought it would be a fun distraction from their day-to-day life in blue-collar East Palestine, Ohio. Ratner, 37, […]

Independent Sound Expert Says Mystery Noise Torturing Residents Likely a “nearby internet booster hub”

Independent Sound Expert Says Mystery Noise Torturing Residents Likely a “nearby internet booster hub” December 9, 2022 By B.N. Frank High-speed internet can be achieved more safely and securely with hardwired internet connections rather than via harmful wireless “Wi-Fi” radiation sources, including 5G.  Of course some people are more affected than others by wireless and […]

Mystery still surrounds humming noise that has plagued town for years

Mystery still surrounds humming noise that has plagued town for yearsSeptember 7, 2022 The hum can be heard for miles around. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Humphrey BoltonThe ‘Holmfield hum’ is so irritating that it has left some people suffering from ill-health and sleep deprivation.For at least two years, the area around Holmfield in West […]

Lots of noise over Ukraine, What we want is peace

Media are full of information and disinformation on Ukraine. Many of those are adding charges to the Ukraine situation, a few show activities to flare up war situation, and a few show a different situation. Following are a few media reports in brief: Ukraine Accuses U.S. of Hurting Its Economy Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said […]

Washington Nationals Cancel ‘Freedom Fireworks’ Due to Noise Curfew

The Washington Nationals were forced to cancel their 4th of July “Freedom Fireworks” display due to a D.C. city noise curfew. On Saturday evening, the team posted a notice to social media reading, “Tonight’s Freedom Fireworks presented by Budweiser have been canceled due to the city’s noise curfew.” “We apologize for the inconvenience,” the message […]

Traffic Noise Is a Silent Killer

As researchers probe the physiology underlying noise’s cardiovascular consequences, they’re zeroing in on a culprit: dramatic changes to the endothelium, the inner lining of arteries and blood vessels. This lining can go from a healthy state to one that’s “activated,” and inflamed, with potentially serious ramifications. When sound reaches the brain, it activates two important […]

Human noise pollution is harming ocean creatures

Humans are changing the way the ocean sounds, and it is having a profound impact on marine life. A major new literature review published in Science on Thursday found that noise from vessels, sonar, seismic surveys and construction can damage marine animals’ hearing, change their behaviors and, in some cases, threaten their ability to survive. […]

Protesters Gather In ‘Noise Protest’ Outside Trump’s RNC Speech

Protesters Gather In ‘Noise Protest’ Outside Trump’s RNC Speech Above photo: Protesters outside of White House during President Trump’s speech at RNC. By Carolyn Kaster for AP. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered around the White House on Thursday night for a “noise demonstration and dance party” in an attempt to drown out President Donald Trump’s speech accepting […]

Protesters Gather In ‘Noise Protest’ Outside Trump’s RNC Speech

Protesters Gather In ‘Noise Protest’ Outside Trump’s RNC Speech Above photo: Protesters outside of White House during President Trump’s speech at RNC. By Carolyn Kaster for AP. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered around the White House on Thursday night for a “noise demonstration and dance party” in an attempt to drown out President Donald Trump’s speech accepting […]

Protesters Gather In ‘Noise Protest’ Outside Trump’s RNC Speech

Protesters Gather In ‘Noise Protest’ Outside Trump’s RNC Speech Above photo: Protesters outside of White House during President Trump’s speech at RNC. By Carolyn Kaster for AP. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered around the White House on Thursday night for a “noise demonstration and dance party” in an attempt to drown out President Donald Trump’s speech accepting […]

Why empty can makes the most noise? Or how visible is hidden deep in invisible?

August 11, 2020 Note by the Saker: I want to express my deepest gratitude to Zoran for taking up my (always standing) invitation to express a point of view different than the one expressed by Johnny-on-the-spot in Serbia.  And, just in case, I want to remind everybody that I take NO personal position on this […]

VIDEO: Phoenix Police Kill Gamer While Responding to Noise Complaint

The fatal shooting took place on the night of May 22 after a dispatch call complained about the noise level. The unnamed caller suggested that there may have been fighting in order to hasten the police response time, according to AZ Central. “I gotta get to work tomorrow and I’m getting no sleep,” the neighbor […]

Foreign Interference in Elections: Is it Real or Just Political Noise?

Philip Giraldi July 30, 2020 A recently concluded British Parliamentary inquiry has determined that Russia may have interfered in the 2016 Brexit referendum, which resulted in the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. But, ironically, it also concluded that Russia might not have interfered given the fact that the British government never bothered […]

Science says noise hurts and silence heals

     The value of silence is felt by everyone at some point in their life. Silence is comforting, nourishing and cosy. It opens us up to inspiration, and nurtures the mind, body and soul. Meanwhile, the madness of the noisy world is drowning out our creativity, our inner connection and hampering our resilience. Science is […]

Big Noise: Apocalyptic Tweets, Limited Strikes

Above: Protester in New York City. Source NY Daily News “Big noise on the stairs, but nobody comes into the room,” runs an old Chinese saying. This is an apt description of the very limited airstrikes on Syria launched by the US, Britain and France overnight, which came after apocalyptic tweets from President Trump and threats of military […]

How Antisemitsm Became Noise

The charge of ‘antisemitsm’ has become a noise — a whiny repetitive backgr ound disturbance. We have learned to live with it, to accept that some people are just inherently upset and there is nothing we can do to change them or to help them out. In Britain various Zionist organisations and media outlets dedicate […]

How noise pollution affects your health: Study links aircraft noise with hypertension and organ damage

(Natural News) A 2016 study has linked the development of hypertension and organ damage with aircraft noise. According to the official press release by the European Society of Cardiology, Polish researchers found that people who were living close to airports for three years or more have an increased risk of high blood pressure. To come […]

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