Posts Tagged ‘responding’

Love, but not for the colonized: responding to the repression of Palestine solidarity at CUNY

Our panel for a conference on equity and antiracism at CUNY’s Lehman College was canceled because it included the word “intifada” in the title. Instead of promoting antiracism, CUNY participates in the demonization of Palestinian resistance. Source

Trump: ‘We Did Such a Great Job’ Responding to COVID, Got Economy Back to Doing Well

During an interview aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of SiriusXM’s “Stacy On The Right,” 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump touted his response to the coronavirus pandemic during his first term and stated that “we did such a great Source

Sonic Boom in Greater DC Was F-16s Responding to Unresponsive Pilot

Authorities have confirmed that an explosive sonic boom heard by residents in the wider D.C. area came from Defense-authorized supersonic flights responding to an erratic small plane flying through the capital’s restricted airspace. Federal officials have since said that the supersonic flights were responding to a small plane that crashed into a mountainside in the George Washington […]

Responding to the campaign to ban me from Adelaide Writers Week

Susan Abulhawa responds to the campaign to ban her from the 2023 Adelaide Writers’ Week festival. Source

Brazilian Soccer Legend Pelé Responding Well To Treatment For Infection

The Albert Einstein hospital says Brazilian soccer great Pelé is responding well to treatment for a respiratory infection and his health condition has not worsened over the latest 24 hours. Source

Aurora Theater Massacre Survivor Marries Responding Police Officer 10 Years Later

What started as simply getting lunch between a survivor of the Aurora theater mass shooting and a police officer who responded to the scene grew into something much more than a friendship. Source

Why does the West contradict itself in responding to the Al-Burhan and Al-Sisi coups?

There is a clear contradiction between the way that the West in general, and America in particular, has responded to the coup in Sudan led by Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the 2013 coup in Egypt led by Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. Some commentators suggest a number of reasons for this, including the fact that Sudan has […]

Reluctant Acceptance: Responding to Afghanistan’s Refugees

Do not for a minute think that this is a kind, heart-felt thing in the aftermath of Kabul’s fall. True, a number of Afghans will find their way to Germany, to Canada, to the UK, US and a much smaller number to Australia.  But this will be part of the curtain act that, in time, […]

COVID-19 vaccine reactions being blamed on PEG, but it is more likely that the body is responding to mRNA transhumanist genetic reprogramming

COVID-19 vaccine reactions being blamed on PEG, but could it be the body responding to mRNA transhumanist genetic reprogramming? / Ethan Huff (Natural News) The medical establishment is playing dumb concerning the adverse events caused by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, blaming their occurrence on a relatively common, yet toxic, vaccine additive known as polyethylene […]

Exxon and other US oil companies lag in responding to ‘existential threat’ of energy transition, report warns

U.S. oil majors like Exxon and Chevron are failing to grapple with the energy sector’s transition away from polluting fossil fuels and refusing to disclose potential risks to their portfolios from assets that may become “stranded,” or uneconomical to develop, in a low-carbon world, new research from the London-based think tank Carbon Tracker shows. Exxon, for example, stands […]

Ex-IOF Cmdr.: By Responding With Force to 2nd Intifada “Israel” “Won the Battle But Lost the War”

By Staff, Sputnik “Israel” has learned a lot from the second intifada, which erupted in September 2000, says a retired colonel, who back then served as deputy commander of the combat intelligence corps. The primary lesson was to prevent a repeat of such bloody events, something that the “Israeli” entity has managed to master. It […]

IDF rebukes troops seen not responding as they’re pelted with rocks in Hebron

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday denounced the apparent inaction of a group of soldiers who were captured on video not responding as a Palestinian teenager threw rocks at them in the West Bank city of Hebron over the weekend. In the footage, the Palestinian youth can be seen repeatedly running up within close range […]

IDF rebukes troops seen not responding as they’re pelted with rocks in Hebron

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday denounced the apparent inaction of a group of soldiers who were captured on video not responding as a Palestinian teenager threw rocks at them in the West Bank city of Hebron over the weekend. In the footage, the Palestinian youth can be seen repeatedly running up within close range […]

IDF rebukes troops seen not responding as they’re pelted with rocks in Hebron

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday denounced the apparent inaction of a group of soldiers who were captured on video not responding as a Palestinian teenager threw rocks at them in the West Bank city of Hebron over the weekend. In the footage, the Palestinian youth can be seen repeatedly running up within close range […]

IDF rebukes troops seen not responding as they’re pelted with rocks in Hebron

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday denounced the apparent inaction of a group of soldiers who were captured on video not responding as a Palestinian teenager threw rocks at them in the West Bank city of Hebron over the weekend. In the footage, the Palestinian youth can be seen repeatedly running up within close range […]

IDF rebukes troops seen not responding as they’re pelted with rocks in Hebron

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday denounced the apparent inaction of a group of soldiers who were captured on video not responding as a Palestinian teenager threw rocks at them in the West Bank city of Hebron over the weekend. In the footage, the Palestinian youth can be seen repeatedly running up within close range […]

Responding To Voter Suppression, Understanding Manipulated Elections

Above photo: Stop Voter Suppression from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Voter suppression in the 2020 election has become a topic of great concern. In reality, voter suppression has been part of US politics since the founding of the country. The oligarchs who wrote the US Constitution enabled voter suppression by not including the right to vote […]

VIDEO: Phoenix Police Kill Gamer While Responding to Noise Complaint

The fatal shooting took place on the night of May 22 after a dispatch call complained about the noise level. The unnamed caller suggested that there may have been fighting in order to hasten the police response time, according to AZ Central. “I gotta get to work tomorrow and I’m getting no sleep,” the neighbor […]

Responding to The UK’s Mental Health Crisis

A series of reports from various government agencies over the last few years have begun explicitly referring to the situation regarding our nation’s mental health as ‘a crisis’ for the first time. Concerns about the quality of, and access to, mental health care has been an issue for some time, although […]

STUDY: CO2 and Climate Change Responding to Increased Submarine Volcanic Activity

Video: Underwater volcanic eruptions and magma flows on the sea floor have been seen for the first time ever thanks to video captured by NOAA. James Williams talks to the lead scientist on the project to learn the story behind the explosive images. _____________________ In a recent article in the Journal of Geography, Environment and […]

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