Posts Tagged ‘Exxon’

Connecticut lawsuit against Exxon one step closer to trial in state court

Superior Court Judge John Farley said that by registering to do business in Connecticut, Exxon Mobil “has consented to jurisdiction” in the state. His decision puts the case one step closer to trial in state court. Source

Exxon scientists accurately predicted climate damage while company pushed misinformation

“Airtight evidence that Exxon Mobil accurately predicted global warming years before, then turned around and attacked the science underlying it.” Source

Exxon tries to block new EU windfall tax on oil companies

The US oil giant argues Brussels went beyond its legal authority by imposing the levy. Source

Exxon could have helped stop climate change 30 years ago, ‘proprietary’ docs show

Image Credit: Kris Krüg, CC BY–NC–ND 2.0 Exxon figured out a solution that could have helped achieve “stabilization” of the climate emergency back in the early 1990s, and then came up with a communication strategy to make sure that solution wouldn’t happen.  That’s according to a newly reviewed 1993 document labeled “proprietary” that was written by the […]

Exxon could have helped stop climate change 30 years ago, ‘proprietary’ docs show

Image Credit: Kris Krüg, CC BY–NC–ND 2.0 Exxon figured out a solution that could have helped achieve “stabilization” of the climate emergency back in the early 1990s, and then came up with a communication strategy to make sure that solution wouldn’t happen.  That’s according to a newly reviewed 1993 document labeled “proprietary” that was written by the […]

Exxon doubles down on ‘advanced recycling’ claims that yield few results

The petroleum company is under investigation for misleading the public while exacerbating the global plastic pollution crisis.

Top 5 meat and dairy companies match Exxon in greenhouse gas emissions

A Meat Atlas 2021 graphic shows greenhouse gas emissions of leading meat and milk firms. Bartz / Stockmar / CC-BY 4.0 The world’s five biggest meat and dairy companies emit the same volume of greenhouse gases as fossil fuel giant ExxonMobil. That’s just one of many shocking figures from the Meat Atlas 2021, a comprehensive look at the meat industry released by […]

‘This looks like the Exxon infrastructure bill’: Bipartisan deal omits key climate protections

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) (5th L) speaks as (L-R) Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) listen during a news conference on a bipartisan […]

Stop Exxon’s Climate Change Misinformation Campaign-See Plastic Pollution Direct Result of Oil Industry Non Regulation

Posted by Tiffany White Target: Joe Manchin, Chairman of Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources Goal: Investigate fossil fuel companies for misleading public and for active attempts to sabotage climate-related efforts.×280&!4&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=RRFxqWkwOq&p=https%3A// An estimated one billion marine lives boiled to death in the Pacific Northwest heat waves. One town very nearly reached the hottest temperature ever […]

Exxon is telling investors its Permian fracking projects are ‘world class’. The data says otherwise.

ExxonMobil’s production numbers in the Permian basin in West Texas and New Mexico appear to have deteriorated in 2019, according to new analysis, calling into question the company’s claims that it is an industry leader and that its operations are steadily becoming more efficient over time. Chastened by years of poor returns and rising angst […]

Iditarod sled-dog race losing Exxon support amid animal-rights pressure

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The world’s most famous sled-dog race, celebrated by Alaskans for half a century but condemned by animal-rights activists as inhumane, is losing one of its biggest corporate sponsors. Energy giant Exxon Mobil Corp. said on Friday it plans to sever ties with the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race after this year’s 49th […]

Exxon and other US oil companies lag in responding to ‘existential threat’ of energy transition, report warns

U.S. oil majors like Exxon and Chevron are failing to grapple with the energy sector’s transition away from polluting fossil fuels and refusing to disclose potential risks to their portfolios from assets that may become “stranded,” or uneconomical to develop, in a low-carbon world, new research from the London-based think tank Carbon Tracker shows. Exxon, for example, stands […]

Exxon Booted From Dow As Oil And Gas Falls

Above photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images. NOTE: We post this article for its information about the fall of oil and gas industries. We do not share the author’s regard for Exxon, a company that has ravaged and polluted the planet and interfered in climate science to portray a false narrative. Spending 92 years doing anything is […]

Boulder Sues Exxon Over Climate Change: Wildfires, Droughts And Water Are A Few Reasons Why

Boulder Sues Exxon Over Climate Change: Wildfires, Droughts And Water Are A Few Reasons Why Above Photo: A wildfire near Boulder, Colorado, in 2010 burned more than 160 homes in the first 12 hours and caused millions of dollars in losses. Credit: John Moore/Getty Images The Colorado city and two counties are suing oil companies […]

Going Underground – BUT FIRST: What is former Exxon CEO and current US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson doing in Africa?

Going Underground – BUT FIRST: What is former Exxon CEO and current US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson doing in Africa? Going Underground with Afshin Afshin Rattansi on the US Secretary of State’s trip to the African Continent. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on Instagram… View the original […]

Exxon Mobil planning to build Mozambique LNG export project

nsnbc : Exxon Mobil is planning to build a Mozambique liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project and is looking to expand operations at its […]

Exxon Mobil’s About-Face On Climate Disclosure: Is It Enough?

Exxon Mobil’s About-Face On Climate Disclosure: Is It Enough? Above Photo: From Exxon Mobil Corp. has vowed to do a better job in disclosing the risks it faces from climate change starting “in the near future,” after bucking pressure to do that for years. Until now, shareholders and bondholders had no choice but to rely on informed guesswork by […]

Exxon To Disclose Climate Risks Under Pressure From Investors

Exxon To Disclose Climate Risks Under Pressure From Investors Above Photo: Exxon said it would begin disclosures that include “energy demand sensitivities, implications of two degree Celsius scenarios, and positioning for a lower-carbon future.” Credit: David McNew/Getty Images  In an SEC filing, the oil giant dropped its opposition to a shareholder demand for disclosure. Exxon […]

Exxon May Have Erased 7 Years of Tillerson’s ‘Wayne Tracker’ Emails

Up to seven years of emails that former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson wrote under the alias “Wayne Tracker” may have been erased, a company witness has told investigators for the New York attorney general. The gap is far longer than the three months Exxon initially reported. The disclosure came from Connie Feinstein, Exxon’s information technology security and consulting manager, […]

Exxon Fights Back Against Legal Actions On Climate

Above Photo: From Ted Wells, one of the nation’s most prominent litigators for big corporations, was about to win again as he sat with his team in a Dallas courtroom last fall, representing ExxonMobil. U.S. District Judge Ed Kinkeade looked their way and joked, “Y’all have 300 lawyers on your side.” Wells, 66, had come […]

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