Posts Tagged ‘pollution’

Green group slams EPA failure to curb ‘dangerous levels of air pollution’

The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) expressed deep disappointment on Monday over the Biden administration’s decision to retain “outdated” air quality standards for nitrogen and soot pollution. This decision comes despite growing scientific evidence that these pollutants cause significant ecological damage. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has opted to maintain the existing secondary national […]

How $9 billion from taxpayers fueled plastics production – and illegal pollution

A new report estimates the public cost of underwriting U.S. plastics industry growth and the environmental violations that followed. Source

Fossil fuel footprint: Corals reveal industrial pollution’s deep sea impact

New study uncovers historical pollutants from burning fossil fuels in Mediterranean corals, highlighting human influence on marine ecosystems. Source

Biden tightens air pollution limits for deadly soot 

The Biden administration is tightening air pollution restrictions — a move that it says will save thousands of lives but is meeting pushback from industry which argues that it will harm the economy.  The decision to tighten the restrictions on pollution from small particles, commonly referred to as soot, comes as a reversal of the… […]

The unseen cost of cigarette pollution: Billions in environmental damage

The yearly economic cost of cigarette plastic waste amounts to approximately $26 billion. Source

The “Elites” Wanting To Reduce “Pollution” Should Eat Their Own Pistols

Eco Terrorist Greta is a Rothschild (GREAT GRANDFATHER WAS A BASTARD ROTHSCHILD) who’s parents are worth several million and receive stolen wealth from a Rothschild foundation to tell you to eat bugs The world’s richest 1% emit near the same amount of carbon as the world’s poorest two-thirds, according to an analysis from the nonprofit […]

Indians Celebrating Diwali Set World Record As Pollution Worries Rise

LUCKNOW, India (AP) — Millions of Indians celebrated Diwali on Sunday with a new Guinness World Record number of bright earthen oil lamps as concerns about air pollution soared in the South Asian country. Across the country, dazzling multi-colored lights decked homes and streets as devotees celebrated the annual Hindu festival of light symbolizing the […]

EPA approves California’s regulation to curb ship pollution at ports

The new policy will require container, reefer and cruise vessels to plug into electric shore-power when idling at California ports. Source

A Black community in West Virginia sues the EPA to spur action on toxic air pollution

Research shows that two majority-Black communities in the state were left out of a regulatory effort earlier this year to tighten limits on cancer-causing chemicals. Source

Biden has totally failed to curb plastics pollution; I have a plan to fix it

I have a ten-point plan to fix the problem. Source

From horse pollution to climate change, innovation saves the day

Here are three critical items missing in action if we are to treat climate change seriously.   Source

Biden Official: Pollution Falling During Lockdowns Helped Life Quality, Many People Enjoyed Being in Environment Instead of Being at Work

The Department of State’s Monica Medina says that during coronavirus lockdowns, “we saw pollution levels go down.” Source

How bioenergy causes air pollution: The dark side of renewable energy

On the ground, burning biomass contributes to many air pollution impacts. Source

Biden Administration Denies Cheniere’s Request to Sidestep LNG Pollution Rule

WASHINGTON—The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said on Tuesday it has denied a request from leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter Cheniere Energy Inc. to exempt turbines at its two U.S. Gulf Coast terminals from a hazardous pollution rule. The rejection raises questions about whether the Texas-based company will have to reduce exports of the supercooled […]

Pollution erodes fish stocks and livelihoods in Egyptian lake

Set between irrigated farmland and rocky desert south-west of Cairo, once pristine Qarun Lake used to teem with tilapia, bass, bream and shrimp, offering generous catches to fishermen from surrounding villages, Reuters reports. But pollution from agricultural runoff and industrial and domestic waste has, in recent years, sullied its beauty and sent those stocks plunging, […]

Over 21,000 Iranians die of air pollution in year

TEHRAN – During the past [Iranian calendar] year (March 2021-March 2022), more than 21,000 people died in 27 cities of the country due to air pollution, Darioush Gol Alizadeh, head of the national center for weather and climate change affiliated with the Department of Environment, has said. According to the report of the Ministry of […]

Atlantic plankton pretty much GONE due to chemical pollution, researchers find

Food chain COLLAPSE: Atlantic plankton pretty much GONE due to chemical pollution, researchers find Wednesday, July 20, 2022 by: Ethan Huff This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author (Natural News) Researchers out of Scotland claim that Atlantic Ocean plankton, microscopic organisms that sustain ocean life, are basically now extinct due […]

The Supreme Court has curtailed EPA’s power to regulate carbon pollution – and sent a warning to other regulators

The U.S. has entered a new era of administrative law, with an activist court asserting its power to curtail what it perceives as the excesses of regulatory agencies – and not always waiting for those agencies to complete their work. Source

DuPont concealed decades-long chemical pollution linked to kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, and ulcerative colitis

uPont understood that PFOA caused cancerous testicular, pancreatic and liver tumors in lab animals. One laboratory study suggested possible DNA damage from PFOA exposure, and a study of workers linked exposure with prostate cancer. DuPont at last hastened to develop an alternative to PFOA. An interoffice memo sent in 1993 announced that ‘‘for the first […]

Air pollution causes ‘huge’ reduction in intelligence, study reveals

Impact of high levels of toxic air ‘is equivalent to having lost a year of education’ Air pollution in China is three times above World Health Organisation limits. Photograph: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images Air pollution causes a “huge” reduction in intelligence, according to new research, indicating that the damage to society of toxic air is far […]

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