Posts Tagged ‘celebrating’

Indians Celebrating Diwali Set World Record As Pollution Worries Rise

LUCKNOW, India (AP) — Millions of Indians celebrated Diwali on Sunday with a new Guinness World Record number of bright earthen oil lamps as concerns about air pollution soared in the South Asian country. Across the country, dazzling multi-colored lights decked homes and streets as devotees celebrated the annual Hindu festival of light symbolizing the […]

Trump to U.S.-Hating, Jihadist-Celebrating Alien Residents: ‘We Will Find You, and We Will Deport You’

American-hating alien residents who have joined pro-jihadist protests and “became very violent and started destroying our Capitol and many other places” have been put “on notice” and will be deported, former President Donald Trump said during his counter-programming rally in Hialeah, Florida. Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Celebrating Witchcraft

Ali Alexander says that “anyone calling a Christian ‘anti-semitic’ is actually anti-Christian”: “Without Christians there would be no Jews left on the planet. We are the stabilizing force for civilization.” David Brody declares that it doesn’t matter who bombed the hospital in Gaza because regardless of who did it, Hamas is to blame: “Even if […]

‘Stranger Things’ Star Noah Schnapp Blasts Instagram Followers for Celebrating Hamas: ‘You Either Stand with Israel or You Stand with Terrorism’

Netflix’s “Stranger Things” star Noah Schnapp has blasted his Instagram followers who have voiced their support and even celebrated Hamas and its murder of Israelis, saying “you either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism.” Source

Despite what you think, Palestinians are not celebrating death

Palestinians do not rejoice over death but at the idea that we have a chance for freedom. I do not rejoice over death. I rejoice over the possibility to live. Source

Celebrating Love: A Valentine’s Craft for the Whole Family

What better time of year to show friends and family you love them than on Valentine’s Day? Especially this year! This beautiful Scandinavian craft is something the whole family will enjoy. You will need: Colored construction paper Scissors Your hands Love Before you start, you might want to create a little ambience in your space […]

Celebrating Panagia Ypapanti, Protectress of Kalamata

“Ipapanti tou Sotiros” is one of the largest cathedrals in Messenia and celebrates its Feast Day on February the 2nd, when thousands of devoted Greek Orthodox Christians from all over Greece come to pay their respects. Built in 1839 and consecrated in 1873, the layout is traditional Byzantine style and inside the church resides the ancient… […]

Celebrating the Nativity

January 04, 2023 Dear friends, I will be taking a few days off, from Thursday until Sunday evening, to attend church services at my parish.  God willing, I should be back at the keyboard by Monday.  On this occasion I will leave you with some beautiful Orthodox singing for the Nativity. I wish all those […]

For Palestinians, celebrating Christmas is an act of resistance 

Last week, His Beatitude Theophilos III, Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem, led the annual interfaith lighting of a Christmas tree inside Jerusalem’s Jaffa Gate. The lighting this year took place at the Imperial Hotel, a Greek Orthodox property that Israeli settlers sought to occupy earlier this year. “This simple ceremony of the lighting of a tree […]

TUT:Exactly what is it that we Jews are celebrating on Hanukkah?

December 20, 2022 By tuteditor ed note–as covered and discussed here extensively as of late, a proper understanding of the true scope of what encompasses the Judaic celebration of Hanukkuh (or as the late, great, and greatly-missed Mike Piper used to refer to it–‘H’nooka’) is absolutely intrinsic to understanding the nature of the war which Judea, Inc […]

“Western Values” Now Include Celebrating Terrorist Attacks Against Civilian Infrastructure

By Andrew Korybko Source Since the “ends justify the means” in their Machiavellian calculations, even the Crimean Bridge’s damage as a result of a likely suicide truck bomb terrorist attack is worthy of celebration according to Russia’s opponents. This position totally discredits everything that the US’ “rules-based order” claims to uphold. The US-led NATO proxy war […]

Celebrating International Coffee Day with Elliniko Kafe, the world’s healthiest coffee

Today, 1st of October, 2022, is international coffee day and to celebrate we give you 5 great reasons to make yourself another Elliniko Kafe, which is considered the healthiest coffee in the world! Worldwide studies throughout the years have shown that Greek coffee has major health benefits, going as far as to say that drinking… […]

God on High Celebrating The Death of An Evil Bitch Which Persecuted God’s Innocent Little Children

God smiled big with a rainbow at the fake queenie which made war against God’s innocent children assuming room temperature. There was joy and shouting of glee in heaven and a welcoming committee at the gates of hell. The Ole Dog! Share this: Source

Celebrating Revolution In Nicaragua

Holidays in the United States celebrate awful events such as the settler colonists declaring independence from Britain so that they might take indigenous lands and protect slavery. There is also Thanksgiving, the commemoration of genocide turned into a day when Americans should think grateful thoughts before spending more than they can afford in order to […]

Communists Ban Cubans from Celebrating Their Own Independence Day

The Communist Party of Cuba preemptively arrested a human rights activist, Agustín López Canino, to prevent him from attending an event he attempted to organize to celebrate Cuba’s independence day. May 20, 2022, marks 120 years since the authentic Cuban Revolution

Celebrating poetry of the people: an interview with Mohammed El-Kurd

 In celebration of the recent release of his debut poetry collection RIFQA, I sat down with Mohammed El-Kurd to speak to him about this groundbreaking collection. The following is the blurb I wrote for his collection, out now with Haymarket Books:  At its heart, RIFQA is a call to build a better elsewhere for Palestinians, […]

Opinion | Why Are Democrats Celebrating Biden’s Evictions Power Grab?

Indeed, Biden’s handiwork is being celebrated as courageous and compassionate. What can he do as follow-up? Suspend habeas corpus? Quarter troops in people’s homes? Biden’s eviction moratorium is of a piece with similar executive power grabs by his predecessors, particularly Barack Obama’s DACA and Donald Trump’s repurposing of military funding to the border wall. That […]

Disney is now celebrating LGBT Pride event For Kids

    Just because parents want their offspring to be the world’s wokeist doesn’t mean it will be so. Plonking kids in front of a TV screen and demanding they enjoy a camp concert doesn’t mean they’ll grow up how their parents imagine. If I was an obsessive wokey parent, I’d be very worried about […]

Today I saw Syrians dancing and celebrating life, and a return to peace – but, of course, the Western media won’t report that

May 28, 2021  Eva Bartlett Celebrations for the Syrian presidential elections in Douma, eastern Ghouta, Syria, May 26, 2021 © Eva Bartlett 26 May, 2021, -by Eva K Bartlett Although the West has waged 10 years of war on Syria, and there is much destruction, the entire country isn’t in ruins and the pulse of […]

‘They were celebrating Eid’: Gaza Survivor mourns massacre of family killed in Israeli bombing

Palestinians pray during the funeral of the Abu Hatab family in Gaza City on 15 May, 2021. Eight children and two women from the family were killed in the collapse of their three-storey home in Shati refugee camp in Gaza (AFP) Muhammed al-Hadidi ‘paralyzed’ after losing wife and three of his five children in an […]

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