Posts Tagged ‘communists’

Communists and Kabbalah

By Procul Harum January 23, 2011 Anno Domini A long time ago, about 30 years ago, I began to notice that communism has features of something Middle Eastern. When I read about Babylon and Mesopotamia, it struck me that the mausoleum in Moscow is very similar to the occult structures built in ancient times – […]

If Congress abandons Ukraine, Cuba’s communists will take full advantage

Cuba’s regime is committed to fortifying the Russian cause. The U.S. must be equally committed to aiding the Ukrainians. Source

Chinese Communists Call Police On Major UK YouTuber Playing Piano In Public

One of YouTube’s most popular channels, operated by piano player Brendan Kavanagh, is going viral this week after Chinese Communist Party thugs tried to prevent him from filming in a public area in the UK. When Kavanagh thought the Chinese visitors wanted to play some piano with him, he invited them to join but was […]

Chinese Communists Call Police On Major UK YouTuber Playing Piano In Public

One of YouTube’s most popular channels, operated by piano player Brendan Kavanagh, is going viral this week after Chinese Communist Party thugs tried to prevent him from filming in a public area in the UK. When Kavanagh thought the Chinese visitors wanted to play some piano with him, he invited them to join but was […]

YCP – Joe McCarthy Was Right About the Jew Communists

YAHWEH’S COVENANT PEOPLE YCP – Joe McCarthy Was Right About the Jew Communists Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Betrayal at Bethesda – LewRockwell The Vindication of Joseph McCarthy – The Objective Standard Share this: Source

MUTINY AMONG THE COMMUNISTS: Beto O’Rourke Trashes Biden – Says Democrats Are ‘Unexcited’ and That Biden is ‘Really Failing Us’ (VIDEO)

Beto O’Rourke Trashes Biden – Says Democrats Are ‘Unexcited’ and That Biden is ‘Really Failing Us’ (VIDEO) Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Invented By Communists

Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke began the latest episode of their “CrossTalk” program by literally celebrating the death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Perry Stone claims to have heard from “an extremely successful businessman” who reportedly heard from intelligence sources in a foreign nation that the Democrats plan to nominate Michelle Obama for president in 2024. […]

WATCH – ‘Overthrow This System’: Communists Disrupt California School Board Meeting on Parental Rights

A school board meeting got heated when communists went up against parents’ rights acivists Thursday in Orange County, California. Source

Police Clash With Antifa & Communists Blocking Route For Parents Protesting LGBT Curriculum For Kids

LAPD officers clashed with Antifa militants and revolutionary Communists who were blocking a pathway for parents protesting the LGBTQ curriculum for minors. On Tuesday, hundreds of parents marched in Downtown Los Angeles, headed to City […] The post Police Clash With Antifa & Communists Blocking Route For Parents Protesting LGBT Curriculum For Kids appeared first […]

Revilo Oliver–Homosexuals & Communists are Natural Allies

    Please watch this video of WHO Director Tedros Adhanom seeking companionship at a gay bar.   DR. REVILO Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics at the University of Illinois for 32 years and one of the leading philologists of his time, read eleven languages, including Sanskrit, and for more than half a century wrote […]

Senator Tom Cotton: Biden Is Working for Chinese Communists

Senator Tom Cotton has accused the Biden administration of working for the Chinese regime by “appeasing Chinese Communists”, noting that it’s a “losing policy” that Biden is hellbent on continuing. Appearing on Fox Business on Thursday, Cotton declared that “the only conspiracy… was the conspiracy of silence among liberals and the media, and the federal […]

Cotton: Biden Wants To Appease Chinese Communists

Senator Tom Cotton accused the Biden administration of “appeasing Chinese Communists” Thursday, noting that it’s a “losing policy” that Biden is intent on continuing. Appearing on Fox Business, Cotton, another conservative who has been vindicated by fresh intelligence on the lab leak of COVID, proclaimed that “the only conspiracy… was the conspiracy of silence among […]

It’s Time Take Back The Country From These Communists, Fight, Fight, Fight (Video)

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Prominent Catholics Decry Persecution of Jimmy Lai by Chinese Communists

The Catholic Humanitarian Committee has written a letter condemning the unjust imprisonment of Hong Kong Catholic businessman Jimmy Lai by Communist Chinese authorities. Source

Trump Copies DeSantis, Wants to Save Schools From ‘Pink-Haired Communists’

Former President Donald Trump has unveiled a new education policy plan in an effort to reassert himself as the leader of the right-wing’s education culture war. But it sure sounds like he’s cheating off of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ school project. Trump’s team posted a video on Twitter announcing his “plan to save American education” […]

Chinese Communists Endorse the ‘Davos Spirit’

Chinese Communist Party propagandists on Monday rushed to embrace the spirit of the World Economic Forum (WEF), held annually in Davos, Switzerland. Source

Communists Ban Cubans from Celebrating Their Own Independence Day

The Communist Party of Cuba preemptively arrested a human rights activist, Agustín López Canino, to prevent him from attending an event he attempted to organize to celebrate Cuba’s independence day. May 20, 2022, marks 120 years since the authentic Cuban Revolution

China: Communists Sicken Shanghai Locals with Mystery ‘Disinfection’ Tablets

Communist Party officials in charge of a Shanghai district were forced to issue a public apology on Saturday after “disinfection” tablets they recently planted throughout the district emitted toxic fumes which caused several locals to become ill.

Fauci Lets the Cat Out of the Bag About Working with Chinese Communists

“We had a collaboration with some Chinese Commu…uh..Chinese Scientists” Fauci certainly has been working closely with red China. [embedded content] Share now! Source

Chinese Communists Are Funding Steve Bannon, Gettr, and Likely Nick Fuentes, David Duke, Daily Stormer, and Others

I have not been paying too much attention to the MAGA crowd now that their ZOG emperor has fallen from grace, but they are still going strong on a number of social networks and have big plans for the elections in 2022 and 2024. While many of these guys may rail against the “ChiComs” and […]

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