Posts Tagged ‘oliver’

Neil Oliver Warns ‘A Storm Is Coming’ for The Guilty

The Scottish political commentator said on his YouTube channel that millions of lives have been “ruined forever” by Big State, Big Pharma, and Big Media — and that the last four years have been the “most dangerous and blatant assault on freedom and civil rights in the history of humankind.” “It’s palpable that the anger […]

‘Speed Racer’ Actor Christian Oliver And His 2 Daughters Killed In Caribbean Plane Crash

The German actor was bound for St. Lucia in a single-engine plane with his children when an apparent mechanical failure occurred. Source

How The Puritans And Oliver Cromwell Tried And Failed To Banish Christmas

(History Collection) Every year at this time, we see headlines about an ongoing “War on Christmas” being waged by the Jews and their minions on “radical Left” — and while there is certainly truth to that contention, the first real “war” against the celebration of Christmas was waged in England by the Puritans and their […]

John Oliver Hilariously Pulls Off Foreign Interference In New Zealand Bird Contest

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Comedian John Oliver has succeeded in his campaign to have what he describes as a weird, puking bird with a colorful mullet win New Zealand’s Bird of the Century contest. He managed to elbow out the iconic national bird, the kiwi. Conservation group Forest and Bird on Wednesday announced that […]



Joe Rogan Breaks the Internet With Music Sensation Oliver Anthony

Originally Published on Vigilant News Breakout musical artist Oliver Anthony has become an instant legend with the political dissent with compelling tracks like “Rich Men North of Richmond” and “I Want to Go Home.” The former, a searing critique of the political elite, resonated deeply with audiences, amassing 49 million views on YouTube and millions […]

Interview 1822 – Preserving our History with Neil Oliver

If history is a story, who’s writing it? And who’s trying to erase it? Join James and archaeologist, author and TV presenter Neil Oliver as they sail the seas of history, discuss the value of memory and physical media, and attempt a dead reckoning of where we are and where we’re going. The post Interview […]

Revilo Oliver–Homosexuals & Communists are Natural Allies

    Please watch this video of WHO Director Tedros Adhanom seeking companionship at a gay bar.   DR. REVILO Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics at the University of Illinois for 32 years and one of the leading philologists of his time, read eleven languages, including Sanskrit, and for more than half a century wrote […]

Jews Claim Oliver Cromwell Wanted Jews Readmitted To England To Convert Them And Hasten The Second Coming Of Christ

…Jews had been expelled from England and Wales in 1290 by Edward I, the culmination of decades of prejudice and hate. A small Jewish presence came and went over the following centuries: merchants and traders in the City of London, a tiny outpost in the port of Bristol, but they would not reside legally for […]

Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story. Full Documentary by Oliver Stone

Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story. Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English Version) Posted by Lou on November 3, 2022 By Oliver Stone Global Research, November 03, 2022 Druppy Channel 25 October 2017 First published in January 2018 Ukraine’s 2014 Maidan Massacre helped oust President Yanukovych with Russia painted as the perpetrator.  Oliver Stone interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin, Yanukovych and […]

John Oliver Slams Chuck Schumer for Stalling on Big Tech Anti-Trust Legislation

HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver has attacked fellow leftist Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for dragging his feet on big tech anti-trust legislation, noting that Schumer’s two daughters work for Amazon and Facebook’s parent company, Meta.

Mysterious Mass Graves Contained Oliver Cromwell’s Prisoners

In November 2013 archaeologists from the University of Durham in northern England found two mass graves near Durham Cathedral. At first the archaeologists thought the bodies belonged to the Cathedral’s  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Exclusive: AL Gov. Ivey Fires Back at John Oliver — Alabama Wants Nothing to Do with His ‘Hollywood-Friendly, Liberal Agenda’

During Sunday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” host John Oliver took a shot at Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R), who signed legislation into law earlier this year prohibiting doctors from performing gender-reassignment surgeries and prescribing puberty blockers and hormones to minors.

YouTube Banned Oliver Stone’s Bombshell Ukraine Documentary ‘Ukraine on Fire’ (Watch It Here)

Critically acclaimed film analyzing the events of Ukraine’s coup d’état in 2014 deleted by Big Tech overlords because it doesn’t fit in with the establishment narrative. YouTube has deleted director Oliver Stone’s critically acclaimed documentary about the 2014 Ukraine coup d’état leading up to its current conflict with Russia. YouTube removed Stone’s 2017 documentary “Ukraine […]

Oliver Stone-produced “Ukraine on Fire” moves to Rumble after YouTube censorship

“Ukraine on Fire,” a 2016 documentary that details historical conflicts in the country, such as the 2004 Orange Revolution and the 2014 overthrow of the Ukrainian government, has been banned by YouTube for violating the tech giant’s “violent or graphic content policy.” The documentary is directed by Igor Lopatonok, executive produced by acclaimed filmmaker Oliver […]

Neil Oliver: ‘New World Order’ Created COVID Propaganda To Keep Us Enslaved While They Partied at Christmas

Neil Oliver says the ‘New World Order’ used fear as a propaganda tool to keep the masses compliant while they partied and flouted the nonsensical rules behind our backs. In a powerful monologue on GB News, Mr. Oliver urged the British public to send a big “f**k you” message to the elites by enjoying a […]


‘William A. Tiller, a physicist at Stanford University dedicated over four decades of his life to investigating the effects of human intention on the properties of materials and what we call physical reality.  ‘His research discovered that it is possible to effect a significant change to the properties of physical materials simply by holding a […]

Video: John Oliver Attacks Cops For Resisting Vaccine Mandate; “If An Officer Wants To Quit, F**king Let Them”

“Comedian” John Oliver once again used his HBO platform to shill for government vaccine mandates by verbally attacking police who are refusing to go along with forced medication, calling them “hypocrites” and saying that it’s good that the refuseniks are quitting their jobs. As thousands of police are standing against the mandates and walking off […]

YouTube BANS ‘The Vietnamese Alex Jones’ After Obsessive John Oliver Complained

Pope Francis invoked God in an effort to pressure Silicon Valley giants into censoring more content, including “hate speech” and “conspiracy theories.” Yes, really. The Pope made the remarks during a World Meeting of Popular Movements, a shadowy organization created to promote “social justice” and fight racism with the help of religious leaders. “In the […]

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