Posts Tagged ‘failed’

Mass immigration has ‘utterly failed’ Britain as new report debunks myths of economic growth and fiscal benefits

The report by the Center for Policy Studies published this week offers several findings that challenge the Western liberal narrative that mass immigration fuels economic growth, provides a fiscal benefit, and is a force for good for European nations. “The scale and composition of recent migration have failed to deliver the significant economic and fiscal benefits its […]

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claims Trump wants to “KILL” and “IMPRISON” his political opponents

(NaturalNews) Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has claimed that former President Donald Trump wants to “kill” and “imprison” his political… Source

Censors Failed to Cancel NatCon

As Nigel Farage took to the stage on Tuesday in the Claridge in Brussels, a large contingent of police officers could be seen milling around the venue with an order to close the event, on the grounds that it was “creating a public disturbance.” Emir Kir, the mayor of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, one of the nineteen municipalities of […]

Russia Set to Outpace All Advanced Economies – Sanctions FAILED

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We Failed the Freedom Test

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The remedy is worse than the disease. Francis Bacon The government never cedes power willingly. Neither should we. If the Covid-19 debacle taught us one thing it is that, as Justice Neil Gorsuch acknowledged, “Rule by indefinite emergency edict risks leaving all of us with a shell of a democracy and […]

The Irish Government Failed to Redefine the Family

Last Friday, a large majority of Irish voters (67.7%) rejected their government’s proposal to insert a new definition of the family into the Constitution, in which “durable relationships” and not just a marital bond, could form the legal basis for the family unit. They also rejected – by a historically unprecedented landslide of 73.9% – […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 163: Top EU official says Israel failed to prove its accusations against UNRWA

Netanyahu has vowed to invade Rafah despite the international red line. Meanwhile, the U.S. has sanctioned two illegal settler outposts in the West Bank for the first time. Source

From Pioneer To Fallen Giant: How Hewlett Packard’s Long List Of Failed Acquisitions Cost Its Reputation

Part 1 – Billion dollar bungles In February, The Sunday Times interviewed the CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprises, Antonio Neri. The story highlights that HPE, once a Silicon Valley pioneer, is now a fallen giant, completely eclipsed by the likes of Google, Amazon and Meta. Hewlett Packard was one of the very first Palo Alto […]

Report: Nikki Haley is CANCELING all ad spending for her failed campaign

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley appears to be canceling all her spending for advertisements, according to a report. Fox News initially touched on the matter in the form of a conversation between the network’s Bill Hemmer and Bret Baier. Hemmer opened the conversation by asking Baier if the rumors were true that Haley may […]

Australians Abandon Failed mRNA Covid Shots

After climbing the world leaderboard during the initial Covid vaccine rollout to achieve over 95% vaccination coverage, Australians have turned their back on boosters, with the vast majority now ‘under-vaccinated.’ Just 1.7 million, or 8.5% of Australia’s 20.1 million adults have had a Covid booster in the past six months, according to the latest Australian […]

If You Want to Understand Why the War on Drugs Failed, There is No Better Place to Look Than Arkansas When Clinton Was Governor


The Price Of Failed Wars

Authored by Simone Leeden via RealClear Wire, A growing number of Americans grapple with a profound dilemma. This dilemma stems from our recent and painful history of interventions gone awry, and outcomes that diverged sharply from the intended goals. The conversation regarding the reasons for our current decline in military recruitment numbers, combined with Americans’ […]

Abbott declares the federal government HAS FAILED TEXAS by refusing to protect the border and defend against migrant invasion

(NaturalNews) Gov. Greg Abbott has declared that the federal government has failed Texas by breaking “the compact between the United States and the states” with… Source

China interfered heavily in Taiwan’s election and failed — but next time it could succeed

In the lead-up to Taiwan’s presidential election, China launched a massive disinformation campaign, with the explicit intention of sowing confusion and making the Taiwanese people question the validity of their own election. Source

Failed State — Lebanese Banks Steal Reader’s Money

“Run by an unholy, mostly undeclared, coalition of warlords, businessman and clerics, this trinity has recently orchestrated what could be defined as the only government-sponsored Ponzi scheme the world has ever witnessed. Citizens’ (and Expats’) bank deposits – the majority of which in the form of lifelong savings, mine included – have evaporated overnight.”  “Prior to […]

The Big Fail…Failed: A Review

During law school, Professor Alan Hyde, whose office adjoined that of a professor for whom I did research, displayed a multi-paneled Sunday cartoon on his door. The cartoon depicted two students at adjacent desks with their heads down, feverishly taking notes as an unseen professor makes a series of increasingly outlandish statements, one in each […]

8TH SWAT! Marjorie Taylor Greene targeted by failed Christmas swatting attempt

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How The Puritans And Oliver Cromwell Tried And Failed To Banish Christmas

(History Collection) Every year at this time, we see headlines about an ongoing “War on Christmas” being waged by the Jews and their minions on “radical Left” — and while there is certainly truth to that contention, the first real “war” against the celebration of Christmas was waged in England by the Puritans and their […]

Broken promises: How marijuana legalization failed communities hit hardest by the drug war

In the long and contentious fight for marijuana legalization, lawmakers across the country won over skeptical colleagues by promising social justice: The economic benefits of cannabis sales would be targeted at communities marred by decades of racist drug enforcement policies. New York’s plan would be “transformative” for afflicted communities, said Majority Leader Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes […]

Israel KNEW about Hamas’ attack plan more than a year before Oct. 7 massacre but failed to act on it

(NaturalNews) When Hamas terrorists killed more than a thousand Israelis and took hundreds hostage on October 7, the incident was widely described as a “surprise… Source

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