Posts Tagged ‘legalization’

Why the Blackout on the Effect of Cannabis Legalization?

(left, Cannabis infused gummies)  Cannabis has been legal in Canada for almost six years.  In the United States, cannabis is legal in 38 of 50 states for medical use and 24 states for recreational use. Yet there are practically no articles on the social or political impact of cannabis legalization in the MSM or online. Has […]

Broken promises: How marijuana legalization failed communities hit hardest by the drug war

In the long and contentious fight for marijuana legalization, lawmakers across the country won over skeptical colleagues by promising social justice: The economic benefits of cannabis sales would be targeted at communities marred by decades of racist drug enforcement policies. New York’s plan would be “transformative” for afflicted communities, said Majority Leader Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes […]

UN Calls for Legalization of Marriage between Adults and Minors Worldwide

The United Nations discreetly issued a report in March encouraging members of the UN to decriminalize sex between minors and adults. The report is titled “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.” On page 22 of the report, […]

German Beastiality Buffs Demand Legalization Of Sex With Animals

There are many people that will say that Americans “rolled over” in the face of covid restrictions and vaccine pressures despite extensive evidence that neither of these things had any effect on stopping or stalling the pandemic.  But the notion of American pacifism is simply not true.  If it were then the US would be […]

German Beastiality Buffs Demand Legalization Of Sex With Animals

There are many people that will say that Americans “rolled over” in the face of covid restrictions and vaccine pressures despite extensive evidence that neither of these things had any effect on stopping or stalling the pandemic.  But the notion of American pacifism is simply not true.  If it were then the US would be […]

German Beastiality Buffs Demand Legalization Of Sex With Animals

There are many people that will say that Americans “rolled over” in the face of covid restrictions and vaccine pressures despite extensive evidence that neither of these things had any effect on stopping or stalling the pandemic.  But the notion of American pacifism is simply not true.  If it were then the US would be […]

German Beastiality Buffs Demand Legalization Of Sex With Animals

There are many people that will say that Americans “rolled over” in the face of covid restrictions and vaccine pressures despite extensive evidence that neither of these things had any effect on stopping or stalling the pandemic.  But the notion of American pacifism is simply not true.  If it were then the US would be […]

German Beastiality Buffs Demand Legalization Of Sex With Animals

There are many people that will say that Americans “rolled over” in the face of covid restrictions and vaccine pressures despite extensive evidence that neither of these things had any effect on stopping or stalling the pandemic.  But the notion of American pacifism is simply not true.  If it were then the US would be […]

New Mexico Passes Cannabis Legalization And Expungement Package

Above photo: From KVIA. Cannabis Regulation Act (HB2/SB2) Provides Long Overdue Justice and Social Equity to New Mexico Communities Most Harmed by Prohibition. Santa Fe, NM – With the New Mexico Legislature approving social justice-centered cannabis legalization during the special session today, Emily Kaltenbach, Senior Director for Resident States and New Mexico for the Drug Policy […]

Pope Francis Calls for the Legalization of Homosexual Marriage Everywhere in the World

    The Pope has called for same-sex couples to be protected by civil union laws, in a remarkable departure from both the Vatican’s historic stance on homosexuality and his own. “Homosexual people have a right to be in a family,” the head of the Catholic Church says in new documentary ‘Francesco’, which premiered at […]

Mexican Women Demanding Legalization of Abortion Clash with Police

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Women charged police lines and threw Molotov cocktails at officers in Mexico City on Monday during protests demanding the legalization of abortion in the majority Roman Catholic country. The protesters, clad in the green bandanas that have become the symbol of the pro-choice movement in Latin America, gathered in Mexico’s capital […]

UN urges legalization in Latin America to reduce cost of prohibition

     Peru, Colombia and Bolivia are the top producers of coca leaves used to make cocaine, much of which is smuggled through Mexico to reach the United States. A U.N. agency on Monday called for legalizing drugs in Latin America to reduce the human cost of prohibition. Alicia Barcena, a Mexican who heads the Santiago-based […]

Despite Legalization, Border Patrol Will Go After Marijuana at California Checkpoints

Marijuana possession still will be prohibited at eight Border Patrol checkpoints in California, a reminder that state and federal laws collide when it comes to pot. The U.S. government classifies marijuana as a controlled substance, like heroin and LSD. “Prior to Jan. 1, it’s going to be the same after Jan. 1, because nothing changed on our end,” said […]

CANNABIS legalization a gateway to gun confiscation? Medical marijuana users told to turn in their guns

(Natural News) The Founding Fathers made it very clear that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to allow the people to defend themselves should the federal government become tyrannical and oppressive in nature. It is quite literally one of the only things standing in between individual freedom and a massive authoritarian state – that […]

MONEY: Russia Will ‘Never’ Consider Bitcoin Legalization

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Fentanyl Maker Donates Big to Campaign Opposing Pot Legalization

Fentanyl Maker Donates Big to Campaign Opposing Pot Legalization October 10th, 2017 Via: U.S. News and World Report: An embattled pharmaceutical company that sells the powerful painkiller fentanyl has donated $500,000 toward defeating a ballot initiative that would make recreational use of marijuana legal […]

Marijuana legalization is driving up fast food sales as tokers get the munchies

(Natural News) The benefits of the legalization of marijuana extend beyond the cannabis industry and the lives of the people who use it. A new study shows that in states where marijuana has been legalized, fast food sales are on the rise. It’s no secret that cannabis can increase its users’ appetites, which is why […]

NYPD Commissioner Says Most Drug Violence Due to Cannabis, Entirely Missing the Point of Legalization

Isaac Davis, Staff WriterWaking Times As cannabis legalization gains ground in the United States and other nations, more evidence emerges to confirm that society can benefit from not outlawing a plant. In legal states, more people are turning to cannabis as natural alternative to dangerous pharmaceutical painkillers, the judicial system is no longer being […]

Nevada’s Marijuana Legalization Gives Control To Newly Created ‘Cannabis Cartel’

In this June 28, 2017 photo, Alessandro Cesario, the director of cultivation, works with marijuana plants at the Desert Grown Farms cultivation facility in Las Vegas. (AP/John Locher) On July 1, 2017, thousands of people in Nevada waited in line at dispensaries for hours to purchase marijuana — a plant that has […]

What They’re Not Telling You About Marijuana Legalization In Nevada

July 1, 2017 Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: 10 Ways to Survive the Economic Collapse with subscription Source Article from

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