Posts Tagged ‘homosexual’

Exorcist’s assistant explains how homosexual ‘blessings’ invite the demonic

Exorcist’s assistant explains how homosexual ‘blessings’ invite the demonic Today, we have a unique problem in the Church: We’re getting poor direction from Rome, and both priests and laypeople don’t know what to do. How are we supposed to know what’s up and what’s down anymore? (Article by John-Henry Westen republished from Yet there […]

Meet The Homosexual Jewish Billionaire Funding the LGBT Movement–Jon Stryker

  As the example of the Arcus Foundation shows, the LGBT civil rights movement of yore has morphed into a relentless behemoth, one that has strong ties to the medical industrial complex and global corporatists. By Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor – September 2, 2023 There is nothing spontaneous or grassroots about the LGBT movement. […]

Homosexual teacher caught bullying his students, threatening them to comply with LGBTQ agenda

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A 40-year-old teacher from a state-run academy in London was caught bullying his students and threatening them to comply with the LGBTQ+ agenda. In his lecture at the Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy, the teacher made it clear that he is a homosexual and identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community. He plainly […]

Pope Francis: Being Homosexual ‘Isn’t A Crime,’ But It’s Still A Sin

Francis’ comments are the first uttered by a pope about such laws, but are consistent with his overall approach to the LGBTQ community. Source

yankee Marxist Atheist Closet Homosexual Abraham Lincoln’s Repudiation of the Declaration of Independence

And closet homosexual who shacked up with men. The current ‘UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’ is a for profit corporation owned and run by foreign to America Usury Bankers. Americans are the cattle which the evil child raping bastards farm for profit and use for cannon fodder in instigated wars. Papa BadBush Who’s daddy was brought […]

The Lie Told to Us About Our History | Ancient Greece- Debunking the Homosexual Lies About Ancient Greece

Everyone knows the Ancient Greeks were gay right? How has this lie seemingly permeated the minds of everyone in society? Source

Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law

I betcha Ole George and his Winter Soldiers who sacrificed so much and withstood so much hardship in the American Revolution are so DAMNED proud they did so this could be possible! The Ole Dog! ‘We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,’ said Trump at a gala with […]

Breaking News: Obama Accused of Homosexual Sex -No S#it Sherlock!

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The Closet Homosexual Atheist yankee Rail Road lawyer War Criminal Lincoln’s Repudiation of the Declaration of Independence

Perhaps the biggest falsehood ever pedaled about Abraham Lincoln is that he was devoted to the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Exactly the opposite is true; he repudiated every one of the main principles of the Declaration with his words and, more importantly, his actions. In our time the odd and ahistorical writings of […]

British School Forces 6 Year Old Children to Write Homosexual Love Letters

What these schools are doing to children amounts to child abuse. It is amazing how quickly “tolerance” turned into “we’re coming for your children.” link Share now! Source

Mercury Makes Male Birds Homosexual – What About Humans?

Remember how they’re turning the freaking frogs gay? Well, now it turns out they’re turning the birds gay too. Back in 2010 National Geographic ran an article “Mercury Poisoning Makes Birds Act Homosexual,” in which it was revealed that mercury poisoning from their environment was turning white ibises into homosexuals. Is this one of the […]

Jewish Groups In Hungary Insist On Their Right To Show Homosexual Material To Underage Children

Jewish groups in Hungary have condemned a new law that forbids sharing homosexual propaganda materials with underage children: Called the “gay propaganda law,” the legislation passed last week in parliament follows similar moves in Russia in 2013 that define written or visual materials pertaining to sex reassignment or homosexuality as propaganda that should not be […]

Catholic Church goes full Apostasy as 100 Churches in Germany Give Blessing to Homosexual Marriages

Home » Europe, Immorality, Religion, Social » Catholic Church goes full Apostasy as 100 Churches in Germany Give Blessing to Homosexual Marriages     Catholic churches around Germany were offering blessings for gay couples on Monday in a protest against the Vatican’s refusal to approve same-sex partnerships. More than 100 churches around the country have […]

Jewish dominance of the homosexual lobby

News from the West provides the evidence that a disproportionate number of the most radical elements in the militant homosexual rights lobby are of Jewish origin. . . .Here is an exhaustive list proving, once and for all, that the radical homosexual movement in the United States is a Jewish movement. Jews created it and […]

Three Christians Charged in NJ for ‘Intimidating’ Homosexual Salon Owner by Preaching ‘Homophobic Rhetoric’

Three Christians in New Jersey were charged with violating the state’s anti-bias intimidation statute, specifically for “shouting homophobic rhetoric directly in front of Allure Salon,” after the trio preached to the salon owner and an employee who are both openly homosexual. Kombe Sefelino, Daniel Stephen Courney and Lydia Ortiz were all charged under two different […]

Homosexual Activists Seek Sacking of Northern Ireland Education Adviser for Sharing Man’s Testimony

 (The Christian Institute) — LGBT activists are calling on the Northern Ireland Education Authority to sack a board member after he shared an article of a homosexual man’s Christian conversion. Former DUP minister Nelson McCausland shared the testimony of Becket Cook, a former Hollywood set designer who lived a homosexual lifestyle until he encountered […]

Homosexual Professor Sues Christian-Identified University for Denying Him Full-Time Teaching Job

Photo Credit: Joe Mabel/Wikipedia SEATTLE — A homosexual professor who works as a nursing instructor at Seattle Pacific University, a private Christian-identified institution in Washington State, has sued the school for discrimination for declining to hire him for a full-time teaching job. According to the lawsuit filed on Monday, Jéaux Rinedahl was hired in 2019 as […]

RITZ Cracker Ad Aiming to ‘Rethink Family’ Includes Homosexual Man Putting on Lipstick

A RITZ cracker ad that is uploaded to YouTube and ran on HGTV during the holiday season as part of an effort to “rethink what it means to be family” depicts a homosexual man, who dons red lipstick, putting his arms around his significant other. The advertisement has generated opposition from the site One Million […]

Homosexual Advocacy Group’s ‘Blueprint for Positive Change’ Includes Revoking Religious Exemptions

WASHINGTON — The homosexual advocacy group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has released a self-titled “Blueprint for Positive Change” document that outlines 85 policy recommendations it would like to see under the Biden administration. Included in the items listed are the revocation of religious exemptions put in place by the Trump administration that protect Christian schools, […]

Hallmark Movie ‘The Christmas House’ to Include Homosexual Men Adopting Child

This past summer, the Hallmark Channel had promised to include “LGBT storylines” in its “Countdown to Christmas” and “Miracles of Christmas” programming. Now, it has rolled out a film in which one of the main characters is adopting a child with his homosexual lover. “I can only imagine what younger me would have thought seeing a […]

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