Posts Tagged ‘birds’

Birds of A Feather Flock Together – “Israel”, the West and Their Massacre-Tainted History

September 15, 2023 By Mohammad Youssef Beirut – “Israeli” massacres in Sabra and Shatila, south of the Lebanese capital Beirut, in 1982 continue to be among the most brutal massacres in recent history. The horrible massacres were perpetrated by the “Israeli” Occupation Forces [IOF] troops led by the late former “Israeli” Prime Minister Ariel Sharon […]

Health Expert: Celebrate ‘Queerness’ of Birds Made Infertile by Toxins

The head of the department of global health and social medicine at Kings College London argued that we should rejoice in the reproductively “atypical” wildlife produced by toxic pollution. Source

Birds of a Feather Flock Together? That’s Racist!

People are fine with this saying when applying it to “pride” groups, D&D enthusiasts, furries, or any other “interest” group, but when you start bringing biology into the mix, things become problematic. Source

Rehabilitated birds back into the wild

TEHRAN – On Wednesday, the Department of Environment in the west-central city of Hamedan, west-central Iran, released an eagle along with several other wild birds back into their natural habitat after being treated to mark World Wildlife Day which is celebrated annually on March 3. Source


A daughter had a very sweet bird. But he and the son in law had a conflict of personalities. One of them had to move. Told the daughter the husband sure as hell was not moving in with me. Me and the bird are both happier now. The Ole Dog! Source

DOC admits to their recent killing of Kea in 1080 drop (note, killing NZ’s native birds with 1080 is not new)

This looks like an uncommon occurrence while still insisting the pay off is worth it to continue its use. Here is a link to Newshub’s recent news announcement on topic at Youtube: “The Department of Conservation has confirmed a number of kea were killed in a recent 1080 drop around Arthur’s Pass. The department says […]

Birds on Texel Island

Birds on Texel Island by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force July 28, 2022   Texel Island, early June, 2022   [b]“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”[/b] [b]cried Chicken Little.[/b] [b]And the sky fell, and no one listened, and all was still.[/b]   A scholarly literature search for “electromagnetic” + “biological effects” produces […]

Over 7% of aquatic birds on IUCN Red List

TEHRAN – According to the report of the national census, about 7.2 percent of the total population of aquatic birds are included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Source

Before Chicken Domestication, The ‘Exotic’ Birds Were Revered, Not Eaten

Remarkable and extensive new research has shed light on one of the true mysteries of animal domestication. This breakthrough research has revealed important new information about chicken domestication, Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology History Important Events Read Later 

German town orders cats to be kept indoors to save rare birds

Walldorf has ordered pet owners to keep their cats indoors during the crested lark’s breeding season.

Mercury Makes Male Birds Homosexual – What About Humans?

Remember how they’re turning the freaking frogs gay? Well, now it turns out they’re turning the birds gay too. Back in 2010 National Geographic ran an article “Mercury Poisoning Makes Birds Act Homosexual,” in which it was revealed that mercury poisoning from their environment was turning white ibises into homosexuals. Is this one of the […]

Oil-soaked birds found near oil spill at refinery after Ida

Wiebe said efforts to capture and save more birds are ongoing. The affected species include black-bellied whistling ducks, blue-winged teal and a variety of egrets. Other animals were also seen covered in oil, include alligators, nutria and river otters. A summary issued Thursday by the Environmental Protection Agency said it had received 43 notifications of […]


China? [embedded content]… Unknown comments from CHINA- Nothing has changed here in China.  There may as well be no virus. At all.  All the hysteria in the West is completely absent here.  We’re all as free as birds.  No, seriously. It’s essentially no different now to when I arrived here six years ago.  Go where […]

Read Dr Fiona McQueen’s letter on 1080 poisoning & NZ’s native birds that the Wanaka Sun declines to publish

EWR comment: the 1080 issue is still as present as ever. It has been overshadowed more urgently at this blog by the CV VX rollout. The 1080 poisoning however continues, business as usual with currently the East Cape to be slathered with this deadly poison. Sixty years on and we still have the pests? How […]

China Denies Reports Of Bird Flu, Says There Are No Birds In China

BEIJING—There have been reports of a human case of a rare bird flu in China, but Chinese officials have dismissed the report saying it’s impossible for bird flu to be in China as there are no birds there. “It’s absurd to suggest there is bird flu in China because we have gotten rid of all […]

Birds and Biodiversity : The Pillar of life on Earth

Everyone likes birds. What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears ,as close to us and everyone in the world as universal as birds David Attenborough A healthy planet and rich biodiversity  are essential for our health and wellbeing.   The emergence of COVID -19 has underscored the fact that when we destroy […]

Biden administration restores protections for migratory birds

Back in 2017, the Trump administration had altered the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) so companies were no longer penalized for accidentally or incidentally harming or killing these birds, reported The Hill. The reversal of this much-needed bill “drastically weakened the government’s power to enforce a century-old law that protects most U.S. bird species,” writes AP […]

Cartoonist Kambiz Derambakhsh publishes new book “Cats and Birds”

TEHRAN – “Cats and Birds”, a book containing a collection of paintings and drawings by celebrated Iranian cartoonist Kambiz Derambakhsh has recently been published by Karnameh Publications in Tehran.  “The collection mostly includes paintings, drawings, and graphic designs, and they are not cartoons,” Derambakhsh said in a press release published on Monday. “I have been […]

Migratory birds wintering in northern Iran increased by 30%

TEHRAN – The population of migratory birds took flight to spend the cold season in the northern province of Mazandaran increased by 30 percent since the beginning of winter (December 21, 2020) compared to the same period last year, head of wildlife affairs at the provincial department of environment (DOE) has said. The annual census […]

US air pollution regulation saved over 1.5 billion birds

According to a new Cornell University large-scale study, federal environmental regulation has improved air quality resulting in saving over 1.5 billion birds in American skies over these last four decades.  “Our research shows that the benefits of environmental regulation have likely been underestimated. Reducing pollution has positive impacts in unexpected places and provides an additional […]

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