Posts Tagged ‘German’

German Gov’t Bombshell: “We Lied About COVID Shots Being Safe”

Leaked internal documents from Germany’s health agency reveals that top government officials knew the experimental mRNA jabs were dangerous but advocated for vaccine mandates anyway. On July 23, independent journalist Aya Velázquez published the un-redacted minutes of […] The post German Gov’t Bombshell: “We Lied About COVID Shots Being Safe” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

German police cracking down on “foreigners out” chant as public turns against mass illegal immigration

(NaturalNews) As Germans become increasingly unhappy about the number of crimes being committed by foreign people there, the government has been trying to curb… Source

German Parliament Votes To Decriminalize The Possession Of Child Pornography

German Parliament Votes To Decriminalize The Possession Of Child Pornography Are you starting to see a pattern yet?  First there was the introduction of gender fluid and LGBT ideology into public schools, then there were sexualized drag queen performances for children, then leftist activists demanded that pedophiles be referred to as “MAPS” (Minor Attracted Persons) […]

German government behaving like Nazis in banning free speech that they claim mirrors Nazi language about German nationalism

(NaturalNews) A right-wing German lawmaker has been convicted of using an “illegal†slogan that Sturmabteilung stormtroopers used in the Nazi era.The… Source

Reflections on the German state’s silencing of the Berlin Palestine Congress

The German state’s repression of the Palestine Congress in Berlin and its persecution of Palestine solidarity activists is a sign of the creeping resurgence of fascism in Germany. Source

Interview 1876 – Iran Strikes, WHO Protests, German 4/20 (NWNW 551)

This week on the New World Next Week: the world holds its breath as the dust settles on Iran’s strike on Israel; Japan rises up as tens of thousands protest the WHO agreement; and Germans celebrate pot legalization. Source

German Government Documents Obtained Under Court Order Reveal Covid Crisis Political Manipulation.

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON APRIL 2, 2024 • ( 24 COMMENTS ) The release of heavily redacted German government documents obtained under court order by the German alternative media magazine “Multipolar” are shaking up German politics on the eve of the critical 2024 European Parliament election in Germany, scheduled to be held on 9 June 2024. The documents reveal COVID crisis policy […]

German Government Admits There Was No Pandemic

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich has been held as a political prisoner for six months, due to his work in contesting the COVID Scamdemic. A recent leak has revealed the Federal Republic of Germany’s plan to assassinate his character and to prevent him from ever holding political office. Now, a freedom of information request in Germany has […]

German Government’s Dossier on Reiner Fuellmich and Recommendations for Dealing with Him

On Reiner’s first court appearance after the long Easter break, he and his legal team made what can easily be termed bombshell – that there has been a Dossier Reiner Fuellmich from the German state with the express purpose to take him out, notably out of any possibility of gaining a position in the political […]

Reiner Fuellmich feared by German gov; see below

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

German School Bans Children from Drinking Water Because its Offensive

Twenty Four children were told they could not drink water at a school in Germany because three other students in the class were Muslims observing Ramadan, according to a report. The 10-year-old kids in Frankfurt were all denied drinking water due to the tiny minority fasting for the Islamic holy month. German outlet NIUS, notes […]

Turkish students film themselves beating and torturing 12-year-old German child

A disturbing video has emerged depicting a group of Turkish-speaking students subjecting a 12-year-old victim to torture, including physical assaults and verbal abuse. Filmed in the city of Uetersen in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, the footage captures the victim, identified as Patrick, enduring repeated beatings, forced kneeling, and insults from his attackers. Despite the […]

German Police Raid Homes of Dozens of Men Accused of Hurting Feelings Online

German law enforcement authorities raided the homes of 45 men accused of using “misogynist” language and hurting women’s feelings on the internet. The raids were part of a “combating misogyny on the internet” day of […] The post German Police Raid Homes of Dozens of Men Accused of Hurting Feelings Online appeared first on The […]

German MP Wants Ukraine To Attack Government Buildings in Moscow

The deputy chairman of the German parliament’s oversight committee Roderich Kiesewetter believes that Ukraine should start attacking targets inside Russia. According to the German MP, Russia’s Ministry of Defense building or the HQ of the country’s intelligence service in central Moscow are legitimate targets that should be attacked, BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get […]

UK and Germany have soldiers in Ukraine involved in the fighting.  German leak.

Germans secretly planning attacks on the Crimean Bridge.  Missiles were shot down today over Crimea.  Ukraine lost two aircraft. Ukraine losing over 1000 soldiers a day, as Ukraine tries to stem Russian breakout from Avdiivka. England would do well to stay out of this holy mess and make peace with Russia.  That would mean quit […]

German banks preparing for wave of loan defaults in the face of major real estate crisis

(NaturalNews) German real estate lender Deutsche Pfandbriefbank is preparing for what it says will be the steepest drop in commercial property values seen in the… Source

German General – Russia is no threat. China?

USA is making a big mistake turning Russia into an enemy.  US fears Germany and Russia working as one.  Hence the Ukraine War was launched by the USA. Source

German Gov’t Begins Freezing Bank Accounts of Conservatives

The German government has announced plans to begin freezing the bank accounts of people deemed “right wing” by the WEF-controlled government. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced a raft of draconian measures this week, that critics say […] The post German Gov’t Begins Freezing Bank Accounts of Conservatives appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

A Major Goal Behind The Ukraine War Was To Collapse The German Economy

Roughly 15% of German companies are reportedly in distress, the highest percentage in the bloc READ HERE: EU’s top economy is in trouble – Bloomberg   Source

WW3: German Gov’t Orders Citizens To Turn Their Homes Into Bomb Shelters

The German government has ordered citizens to start building their own bomb shelters in anticipation of World War 3 with Russia, according to reports. German newspaper Bild reports that the country’s national draft emergency defence […] The post WW3: German Gov’t Orders Citizens To Turn Their Homes Into Bomb Shelters appeared first on The People's […]

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