German Government Admits There Was No Pandemic

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich has been held as a political prisoner for six months, due to his work in contesting the COVID Scamdemic. A recent leak has revealed the Federal Republic of Germany’s plan to assassinate his character and to prevent him from ever holding political office.

Now, a freedom of information request in Germany has revealed that the COVID Hoax was, indeed a Globalist PSYOP to force people to take the Death Shot, as reported in this video and article by The People’s Voice.


by TPV

Huge news out of Germany as the federal government have been forced to admit that so-called “conspiracy theorists” were right about everything during the Covid pandemic.

In fact, according to the German government data, there was no pandemic at all, just a tightly choreographed military grade psy-op to brainwash the masses into accepting an experimental vaccine with disastrous consequences.

These secret German government documents obtained via a Freedom of Information request and subsequent lawsuit have blown the lid of the global elite’s Covid lies and the it’s vitally important that as many people as possible are made aware of the truth.

More and more people all over the world are waking up and seeing the global elite for what they always have been: deranged psychopaths hell bent on destruction and domination.

Germany is no different. The German population suffered some of the most brutal lockdowns and vaccine mandates in all of Europe and now the people are rising up and demanding accountability.

Step forward Paul Schreyer and Multipolar magazine who launched a Freedom of Information request and then launched a lawsuit against the German government when they tried every trick in the book to keep the secret documents under lock and key.

As Professor Steven Homburg explains, the results are stunning, and represent total vindication for everyone who dared to question the narrative of lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates.

The secret government documents – all 2,000 pages of them – reveal that we were right about nearly everything and the so-called “pandemic” was all fraud.


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