Posts Tagged ‘there’

Are there skeletons in the closet of NBC’s VP choice for Kamala?

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Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

In my previous articles, we looked at the global war on farmers, the organizations pushing for the Great Food Reset, the tactics used to foist these changes on the public, and the projects underway to remove your access to healthy, farm-fresh foods. Today we will delve into the contentious issue of vaccines in the food […]

RFK Jr. defends Israel, says there’s no evidence Netanyahu is pursuing genocide as a goal, claims real genocide is being committed against JEWS

“Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. appeared on Russell Brand’s podcast this week during which he denied that Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. In Kennedy’s view, there is no evidence to suggest that Israel is doing anything wrong with the way it is bombing and dropping white phosphorus on the people […]

There is definitely something VERY BIG going on with the Sun!

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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: There Might Be Other Explanations

Sean Feucht is outraged over a German church that held a Taylor Swift-themed service: “This is not a church. This is a shrine to the demon god of Molech.” Self-proclaimed “prophet” Robin Bullock calls on God to “save people who know the election was stolen and bring them out to speak the truth.” Jackson Lahmeyer […]

Is There Hope for International Rule of Law?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL This week, the Working Group on the Amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) will resume its 8th round of negotiations on 16-17 May, scheduled only ten days ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) on the 27th of May, where a vote is planned on the whole package […]

How Congress would decide the presidency if there’s an Electoral College tie

A tie in the Electoral College in November is a very real possibility — and it could even end with a new President Trump and a new Vice President Harris sharing power. The odds are unprecedented in modern history, but the setup of the country’s electoral system and the fact that a nail-biter election is… […]

⚡️ May 2 2024 – Juan O Savin w/ JMC > There’s so Much in Play + Things Are Going to Change Radically

John Michael Chambers and Juan O Savin have a conversation about Lt Gen Mike Flynn. There’s scuttlebutt that Flynn is a traitor. Juan, himself hasn’t always seen eye-to-eye with the General. However, he imparts his full-throated endorsement of him, here. Or is it? Very weird that they were impelled to dedicate an entire show to […]

Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake. There was no pandemic.

A summary of PANDA’s position statement of 1 March 2024 JONATHAN ENGLER APR 09, 2024 A full version of our position statement can be read here. There was no pandemic by any reasonable definition – which must surely include that large numbers of previously healthy people in all age groups perished, whereas there was no discernible […]

16 Yr Old Student Suspended For Wearing ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ Shirt

A Catholic teenager has been suspended from his high school in Ontario, Canada for wearing a sweatshirt that said “There are only two genders.” A teacher from the school called the Children’s Aid Society about […] The post 16 Yr Old Student Suspended For Wearing ‘There Are Only Two Genders’ Shirt appeared first on The […]

Is There A Road-Map For What’s Ahead?

Is There A Road-Map For What’s Ahead? Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via Substack, One of our primary survival traits is the ability to anticipate the future to avoid threats and reap higher yields. We seek a vantage point to view the road ahead, or even better a road map to what’s ahead. Is there a […]

Israel’s Attack On Iran Was Either A Complete Failure, Or There Is More To Come

Israel is said to have launched an attack in the vicinity of the Iranian city of Isfahan, according to US officials that spoke with Western corporate media. The attack, which Tehran has claimed was completely foiled, did not cause any known damage and seemingly represents a failure for Tel Aviv. Yet this event may not […]

Legion speaks truth through this man — there is a spiritual war underway


Haim Bresheeth Zabner – “There is Nothing Jewish about the Jewish State”

Haim Bresheeth Zabner who epitomizes what Israel could have been: civilized, humane and generous. Zabner says there is nothing Jewish about genocide and militarism. He says Jews and Muslims have lived in peace for centuries until Zionism came along. Some other points he made in this fascinating interview:  – Israelis can’t decide whether they are […]

There is only one spaceship Earth

Image Credit: Corbis When I was in the U.S. military, I learned a saying (often wrongly attributed to the Greek philosopher Plato) that only the dead have seen the end of war. Its persistence through history to this very moment should indeed be sobering. What would it take for us humans to stop killing each […]

German Government Admits There Was No Pandemic

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich has been held as a political prisoner for six months, due to his work in contesting the COVID Scamdemic. A recent leak has revealed the Federal Republic of Germany’s plan to assassinate his character and to prevent him from ever holding political office. Now, a freedom of information request in Germany has […]

Wait! There’s a Pandemic?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It is sad that the shutdown will be harder for poorer countries than richer countries. Bill GatesTED interviewMarch 24, 2020 Public health can never be about just one illness; it has to be about the health of the population as a whole. Dr. Aaron KheriatyScholar on Medical Ethics [The following […]

So Much Cult Bulls#it There Is No Time For Truth Or Reality

Being a Jew means one self identifies as a cult member of the Babylonian Talmud Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult. Jew is not and never has been a race or sub race of the human race. Most Jews today are descendants of Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrels who mass infected with the Zionist […]

‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes

‘There’s Been No Increase’: Scientists Debunk Climate Change Claims About Hurricanes Authored by Katie Spence via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), This year’s hurricane season, which officially starts June 1, is being predicted by WeatherBELL as the “hurricane season from hell,” with weather patterns similar to those of 2005, 2017, and 2020. Along with it, […]

There is nothing we can do about Israel other than everything

The war on Gaza is being used to advance fascism and white supremacy in the U.S. It is also opening people’s eyes to global systems that require genocide to continue. To stand with Palestine is to transform those systems and build a different world. Source

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