Posts Tagged ‘electoral’

Tornadoes, Electoral Votes, and the Narcissism of a ‘Prophet’

In early April, MAGA pastor and self-proclaimed “prophet” Hank Kunneman endorsed a right-wing effort to get the Nebraska legislature to change the way the state allocates its electoral votes. Kunneman even made his church in Omaha available to right-wing activist Charlie Kirk, who organized a rally in support of his campaign to pressure the Nebraska […]

How Congress would decide the presidency if there’s an Electoral College tie

A tie in the Electoral College in November is a very real possibility — and it could even end with a new President Trump and a new Vice President Harris sharing power. The odds are unprecedented in modern history, but the setup of the country’s electoral system and the fact that a nail-biter election is… […]

Charlie Kirk Leads Campaign To Change Nebraska Electoral Law Explicitly To Benefit Trump

When Joe Biden won the presidential election in 2020, he managed to secure one electoral vote from the state of Nebraska thanks to a 1991 law that allocates electoral votes by congressional district rather than the “winner take all” method used by most other states. With the 2024 presidential election expected to be close, right-wing […]

How Dean Phillips could change the electoral math for Republicans in New Hampshire

And suddenly, Haley and Christie are encountering independent voters at their town halls who may not vote in the Republican primary after all. “I would like to hear Dean Phillips,” Larry Gray, a Newcastle independent, said about an hour after telling Christie at a recent business roundtable that he was backing the former New Jersey […]

Switzerland’s Right-Wing Surge: SVP’s Electoral Triumph Reflects Concerns Over Immigration

Switzerland’s right-wing People’s Party (SVP), known by its German acronym, has secured one of its most significant electoral wins in recent years – garnering 28.6% of the votes in the national elections, marking a notable increase from their 25.6% performance four years ago. This triumph exceeded expectations set by opinion polls and came close to […]

Bob Menendez’s defiance could be an electoral nightmare for Democrats

Bob Menendez won’t resign, and it’s giving some of his fellow Democrats nightmares. The senator’s refusal to step down despite a scathing federal corruption indictment — which could land him in prison for decades — is making New Jersey Democrats up for reelection next month jittery. If Menendez runs again in 2024 and survives the […]

Attempted Electoral College Manipulation By Hollywood Democrats No One Charged

Based on the new rules, DOJ must put half of Hollywood in prison *immediately* for this video: — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 2, 2023 Source

Mike Huckabee and Other Right-Wing Leaders Escalate Threats of Electoral Violence

Analysis Former Arkansas governor and failed presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made a striking prediction on a recent episode of his Trinity Broadcasting Network show, warning that if former President Donald Trump fails to win the 2024 election because of his criminal indictments, “it is going to be the last American election that will be decided […]

The first step to fixing the electoral college

If we keep up the fight and get enough states on board, America will never again elect a president who loses the national popular vote. Source

Protesters in Mexico say electoral reform proposals threaten democracy

Protesters in Mexico City urged the government to scrap controversial electoral reform championed by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Source

Tunisia elections: 1058 candidates run, 7 electoral constituencies without candidates

Tunisia's Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) announced the acceptance of 1,058 candidacy applications for the legislative elections scheduled to be held on 17 December. "We accepted 1,058 candidacy applications for the legislative elections out of 1,427," shared Head of ISIE Farouk Bouasker in a press conference on Thursday. He added: "363 candidacy applications were […]

Why Starmer’s Labour is facing electoral oblivion

I spoke to Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman on their excellent By Any Means Necessary radio show about the Forde Report, its flaws, its serious findings and how it portrays a party in terminal decline. I said that Labour’s long term decline is part of a wider pattern of the crumbling of the Western social-democratic […]

The AEC’s electoral fraud

The AEC has offered the wrong information to voters, during a crucial voting window. It doesn’t matter if it’s deliberate or not. If a Dr accidentally gives you the wrong medication what happens? Harm may have been caused. It is reported . An investigation takes place. Often a lawsuit follows. If the Dr is reported […]

Tunisia refers 4 ex-PMs to trial for ‘electoral violations’

The Court of First Instance in Tunis yesterday referred 19 people to trial for “electoral violations”, including the head of the Ennahda movement, Rachid Ghannouchi, and former President Moncef Marzouki, Anadolu reported. A statement issued by the Information and Communication Office of the Court of First Instance said the defendants were referred to trial “for […]

Registration on Electoral Lists of Greeks Residing Abroad Begins

The platform for Greeks residing abroad to register for the Greek elections is now open. Credit: Ministry of Interior Greeks who reside abroad but have lived in Greece for two years in the last 35 years can register to vote in national elections via an online platform activated recently, the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday. […]

Has the AfD’s Nazi rhetoric doomed it to electoral oblivion?

When the far-right Alternative for Deutschland’s (AfD) Björn Höcke referred to Berlin’s Holocaust memorial as a “memorial of shame” during a speech in Dresden in 2017, the former history teacher and state legislator was almost kicked out of his party. But despite the fact that two-thirds of the AfD supported Höcke being expelled a 2018 […]

House Democrats pass legislation that would federalize America’s electoral system, giving President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) significant control over election law.

Democrats passed legislation Tuesday that would federalize America’s electoral system, giving President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) significant control over election law. The House passed H.R. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021. The bill passed 219-212, with Democrats strongly in favor of the bill and Republicans largely against the […]

Peru Electoral Authorities Extend Deadline For Fujimori Fraud Claims

Peru’s National Elections Court (Jurado Nacional de Elecciones, JNE) has extended the deadline for presenting motions to nullify votes. The move will benefit far-right candidate Keiko Fujimori who is presenting a flurry of spurious claims of she says constitutes ‘electoral fraud’. The deadline for presenting complaints was 8pm, Wednesday, June 9th. The new deadline is […]

Understanding the electoral verdict 2021

The results of five assembly elections are out. There was a lot at stake particularly for the ruling dispensation of RSS which made every effort to dislodge the West Bengal’s Trinamool Congress led by Mamata Banerjee. Bengal was Amit Shah’s lab from where he wanted to show why he matters most for the BJP. As […]

The upside of Israel’s electoral mess

May 7, 2021 by Jonathan S. Tobin – Read on for article If someone in Israel just woke up after being in a coma for the last two years, they’d have a lot of catching up to do learning about what happened while they were asleep. Yair Lapid, head of the Yesh Atid Party, […]

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