Posts Tagged ‘hampshire’

USS Liberty Survivors Testify at New Hampshire Hearings Aimed at New Investigation, at Worst Possible Time for Israel

After two hours of attack on a perfectly clear day with two huge American flag flying on the ship they even machine-gunned the life boats. About time to counter the Navy whitewash reports that it was an accident. When Israel hits Red Cross convoys like it just did in Gaza it always knows exactly what […]

Palestine Action activists hit with felony charges over New Hampshire Elbit protest

Three Palestine Action US activists have been hit with felony charges over a protest targeting Elbit Systems in New Hampshire last November. Source

RFK Jr. says he has enough signatures to qualify for New Hampshire ballot

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  is now eligible to appear on the New Hampshire ballot in November, his campaign announced. Kennedy gathered the requisite 3,000 signatures to be an official contender in the general election in the Granite State, a significant potential battleground state that comes amid his months-long push to get on… […]

New Hampshire Tracking Poll: Trump Dominates With 53 Percent Support; Catches Up to Haley With Independents (Now watch the steal stealthily strip Trump of his NH ballots)

New Hampshire Tracking Poll: Trump Dominates With 53 Percent Support; Catches Up to Haley With Independents Source

Haley to close New Hampshire campaign with 3-minute TV ad

“I will tell you about her strength, her compassion, and her belief that every human being is worth fighting for,” Cindy Warmbier says in the ad, which features clips of her speech at Haley’s campaign launch. “I will tell you that Nikki didn’t help me because it was her job. She did it as a […]

‘You don’t see the frenzy’: The New Hampshire primary is a bust

The collapse of the GOP primary campaign in New Hampshire came on relatively suddenly this week, spurred by DeSantis’ decision to focus more on South Carolina — where the primary is a month away — and Haley’s refusal to debate unless Trump appeared alongside her. What remained was a string of nighttime rallies by the […]

DNC slams New Hampshire democrats over ‘detrimental’ primary

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) went after the New Hampshire Democratic Party over the upcoming primary in the Granite State in a Friday letter. “The event on January 23, 2024 cannot be used as the first determining stage of the state’s delegate selection process and is considered detrimental,” the DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee’s (RBC)… […]

‘Pile of bulls–t’: New Hampshire GOPers give Haley a pass on Civil War remarks

LEBANON, New Hampshire — Republican voters in New Hampshire seemed poised to give Nikki Haley a pass after she declined to identify slavery as a cause of the Civil War at a New Hampshire town hall Wednesday night. Appearing at the former U.N. ambassador’s events the next day, several attendees said the remarks were overblown. […]

Democrats sue New Hampshire over GOP-backed election law

The Democratic National Committee is suing New Hampshire officials over a Republican-backed election law that it claims will disenfranchise voters and have a chilling effect on key members of the party’s base in 2024. The challenge, which was shared first with POLITICO, takes on a law passed last year that requires people who register and […]

Haley now trailing Trump by 14 points in New Hampshire poll

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley appears to be gaining ground on former President Trump’s steady lead in New Hampshire, doubling her support in the early voting state since September, according to a new poll. The survey, published Thursday by the Saint Anselm College Survey Center (SACSC), found Haley garnered 30 percent of the likely Republican… […]

Biden campaign says Trump ‘parroted Adolf Hitler’ in New Hampshire rally remarks

The Biden campaign late Saturday sharply criticized former President Trump for invoking rhetoric it referred to as “parroting Adolf Hitler” in the wake of remarks in which Trump said immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country.” At a campaign rally in Durham, N.H., Trump offered praise for authoritarian world leaders. He quoted Russian President… […]

Dems launch pro-Biden super PAC in New Hampshire, give Dean Phillips the cold shoulder

MANCHESTER, N.H. — For two hours, Dean Phillips sat at a Democratic Party dinner here as one top party official after another rose to fete his opponent, Joe Biden, and encourage voters to write in the president’s name on next month’s ballot. The longshot presidential candidate was among some 500 Democrats at a downtown Manchester […]

How Dean Phillips could change the electoral math for Republicans in New Hampshire

And suddenly, Haley and Christie are encountering independent voters at their town halls who may not vote in the Republican primary after all. “I would like to hear Dean Phillips,” Larry Gray, a Newcastle independent, said about an hour after telling Christie at a recent business roundtable that he was backing the former New Jersey […]

Republican Jay Ruais Elected Mayor of Manchester, New Hampshire

Republicans picked up an important victory on Tuesday night when Jay Ruais won the mayoral race in Manchester, New Hampshire, the state’s most populous city. Source

Nikki Haley moves up, now behind only Donald Trump in New Hampshire poll; DeSantis lands at third place

(NaturalNews) A new poll has found that former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is now running second to former President Donald Trump, putting Florida Gov. Ron… Source

Republican activist stabbed to death in his New Hampshire home under suspicious circumstances

(NaturalNews) Authorities are trying to piece together what happened to a Republican activist who was found dead in his home in Durham, New Hampshire over the… Source

Donald Trump in New Hampshire: ‘More Enthusiasm Now’ than in 2016, 2020

Former President Donald Trump believes there is “more enthusiasm now” for his campaign than there was in 2016 and 2020. Source

Crop Circles 2023 – Preston Candover, Hampshire. & Nr Ashbury, Wiltshire.

Preston Grange, Preston Candover, Hampshire.  Reported 2nd August MORE HERE: Wayland’s Smithy, Nr Ashbury, Wiltshire.  Reported 4th August MORE HERE: Source

New Hampshire governor signs executive order targeting BDS movement

This week New Hampshire Governor Christopher Sununu (R) issued an executive order prohibiting the state from establishing contracts with companies that boycott Israel. The order also adopts the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. A similar bill targeting the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was introduced in the New Hampshire House of […]

Crop Circles 2023 – Allan King Way, Nr Owslebury, Hampshire. Reported 26th June

Allan King Way, Nr Owslebury, Hampshire. Reported 26th June MORE HERE: Source

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