Posts Tagged ‘activists’

Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn As Pro-Pedophile Activists Demand Age of Consent Dropped to 12

Pro-pedophilia activists groups are celebrating following the news that Germany has bowed to the World Economic Forum and decriminalized the possession of child pornography. The move is being celebrated by “pedophile rights” activist groups which […] The post Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn As Pro-Pedophile Activists Demand Age of Consent Dropped to 12 appeared first on […]

Climate confrontation: Over 50 arrested as activists target Citigroup’s climate policies

Protesters descend on Citigroup’s Manhattan HQ, igniting a ‘Summer of Heat’ against banks fueling fossil fuel projects and escalating the climate crisis. Source

Transgender activists are pushing for the END of science because it doesn’t support their false narratives

(NaturalNews) A new article in Scientific American claims that the existence of only two sexes is actually “misinformation” and not a biological fact, proving just… Source

Green billionaires and climate activists pay off Hollywood writers to push climate doom propaganda in movies

Green billionaires and climate activists pay off Hollywood writers to push climate doom propaganda in movies A group of climate activists from Los Angeles, California are teaming up with climate billionaires to control Hollywood scripts and promote climate doom propaganda through movies and television. The climate activist group – which goes by the name “Good […]

Palestine Action activists hit with felony charges over New Hampshire Elbit protest

Three Palestine Action US activists have been hit with felony charges over a protest targeting Elbit Systems in New Hampshire last November. Source

Chicago area activists shut down weapons manufacturer implicated in Gaza genocide

Activists shut down Woodward MPC manufacturing facility in Niles, Illinois, on Wednesday, February 7, to protest the company’s role in the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Source

Activists establish protest camp outside Antony Blinken’s home as demonstrations escalate against the Biden administration

Activists are camped outside Antony Blinken’s home to bring the call for a Gaza ceasefire directly to the Secretary of State’s doorstep. The protest is part of an escalating wave of protest directed squarely at the Biden administration. Source

6 lessons for climate activists in turbulent times

With astonishing victories and new innovations in organizing over the past year and a half, the climate movement continues to build power and supply hope amid a worsening crisis. Source

Eyewitness to Columbia University skunk attack says campus activists fear for safety

Mondoweiss spoke with Columbia student Zainab Khan who witnessed the chemical attack on pro-Palestine protesters. “After the other day, I totally believe that an IOF soldier could physically harm one of our protesters or, God forbid, even kill them.” Source

Climate activists and UAW escalate election pressure: Disruptions and endorsements ahead of Super Tuesday

Climate activists have disrupted campaign events of major political figures, while the UAW has taken a firm stance in the upcoming 2024 election. Source

Pro-Palestine activists assemble in front of Jake Sullivan’s home on Christmas day

Pro-Palestine activists assemble in front of Jake Sullivan’s home on Christmas day lead image Source

Senator J.D. Vance Wants Real Prison Time for Climate Change Activists Who Vandalize Historical Artworks

Senator J.D. Vance Wants Real Prison Time for Climate Change Activists Who Vandalize Historical Artworks Source

Activists hold Israel responsible for drive-by-shooting at homes of detained demonstrators in Umm al-Fahm

Umm al-Fahm is probably the most Palestinian town in ‘48 Palestine. It is the undeclared capital of “the Northern Triangle,” and a stronghold of all Palestinian patriotic movements. It was the birthplace of Abna al-Balad in 1969, and the center of the “northern” Islamic Movement, which was outlawed by Israel in 2015. (This movement represents […]

Three Animal Rights Activists Were Abruptly Arrested Following a Sentencing Hearing for One of Their Friends 

Zoe Rosenberg being arrested. Photo courtesy of Direction Action Everywhere. Three animal rights activists were unexpectedly arrested on Wednesday afternoon outside a California courthouse, immediately following the sentencing hearing of a fellow activist, Wayne Hsiung.  Hsiung is an attorney and the co-founder of Direct Action Everywhere, or DxE, an animal rights group that says it […]

Block the Bombs: Palestine activists protest Boeing facility in Missouri

Hidden in plain sight along a particularly drab stretch of Route 94, just west of the Missouri River in St. Charles, MO, lies a large, plain white building. Almost completely nondescript apart from its size, it is distinguishable from the road only by a pair of small signs identifying it as Boeing Building 598. It […]

‘No-Go Zone For Jews’ — Hundreds of Anti-Israel Activists Occupy London’s Liverpool Street Station

Anti-Israel activists “occupied” London’s Liverpool Street train station as police were incapable or unwilling to restore order. Source

Tulsi Gabbard: LGBTQ+ Activists At Pro-Palestine Marches “Don’t Understand” Islamists Want To Kill Them

Former Democratic Representative Tusi Gabbard has called out the hypocrisy of LGBTQ+ activists attending pro-Palestine marches alongside radical Islamists who literally want gay and trans people to be murdered. Appearing on Laura Ingraham’s show Tuesday, Gabbard noted that “Democrats, they have called people like me an Islamophobe for many years just for speaking the truth about […]

The Shift: White House compares Palestine activists to Charlottesville fascists

At a briefing yesterday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre seemingly compared Palestine activists to the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, VA in 2017. Source

500 arrested at Capitol as Jewish activists demand Gaza ceasefire

500 people, including two dozen Rabbis, were arrested in Washington, DC on Wednesday as thousands of Jewish activists and allies demanded a Gaza ceasefire. Source

Activists seek broader compensation for Americans exposed to radiation after decades in limbo

Many Americans exposed to radiation by nuclear testing have spent decades awaiting recompense for the long-lasting and sometimes devastating impacts to their health that have resulted from their exposure.  Now, a coalition of activists from St. Louis and New Mexico is working with the support of a bipartisan supermajority of senators to broaden the pool of such Americans who are eligible for federal compensation. … […]

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