Posts Tagged ‘gabbard’

BEWARE! Tulsi Gabbard is only a Trump VP candidate because the Uniparty wants her there.

READ HERE: Why Possible Trump VP Pick Tulsi Gabbard Is Visiting Mar-a-Lago Soon   Source

Why Possible Trump VP Pick Tulsi Gabbard Is Visiting Mar-a-Lago Soon

Why Possible Trump VP Pick Tulsi Gabbard Is Visiting Mar-a-Lago Soon Authored by Janice Hisle via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), All of a sudden, people are abuzz over a small nonprofit’s fundraiser at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club–because it features possible Trump VP pick Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi Gabbard attends a live taping of […]

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Trump For President

Former Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has praised Donald Trump as sincere and caring while denouncing her former party as enemies of democracy driven by a lust for power. Gabbard made her comments during the annual […] The post Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Trump For President appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Tulsi Gabbard: LGBTQ+ Activists At Pro-Palestine Marches “Don’t Understand” Islamists Want To Kill Them

Former Democratic Representative Tusi Gabbard has called out the hypocrisy of LGBTQ+ activists attending pro-Palestine marches alongside radical Islamists who literally want gay and trans people to be murdered. Appearing on Laura Ingraham’s show Tuesday, Gabbard noted that “Democrats, they have called people like me an Islamophobe for many years just for speaking the truth about […]

Tulsi Gabbard on the Response to the Maui Wildfires


Tulsi Gabbard Blasts ‘Disqualified’ DOJ’s Trump Indictment: Biden Willing to ‘Destroy’ Opponent to ‘Protect’ Dem Elite

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (I-HI) blasted the “politicized” and “disqualified” Justice Department’s fresh indictment of former President Donald Trump, along with its willingness to “destroy” the Democrats’ main political opponent and “protect the Democrat elite.” Source

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Truth Bomb: ‘Bill Gates Chemicals Causing Transgender Epidemic’

Former United States Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is asking legislators to take action against the chemical industry, which is spraying a highly toxic gender-bender crop chemical known as atrazine all over our food. Atrazine is dangerous in that it alters a person’s hormone profile. Studies show that frogs and other animals exposed to atrazine often turn […]

Has Tulsi Gabbard Adequately Addressed the WEF Young Global Leader Question?

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has once again been confronted with her membership in the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program. Should we trust her answers? On April 4th, former U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard spoke at the Independent National Convention in Austin, Texas. Other speakers included journalist Chris Hedges and former Cleveland Mayor and U.S. […]

Tulsi Gabbard Questioned About Being a WEF Young Global Leader

There is controversy concerning Tulsi previously being a WEF Young Global Leader, proudly boasting about it on Twitter. Source

Tulsi Gabbard’s ditches the Dem party in an open video address

October 12, 2022 A few comments first.  For starters, I lost any trust I might have had for Tulsi Gabbard when she endorsed that ultra-fake liberal Bernie Sanders.  Second, I have taken the decision not to comment on US internal politics on this blog, but in this case I think that rather than seeing Gabbard’s video […]

Tulsi Gabbard Exits Democratic Party, Invites Other Democrats of Good Faith to Join Her.

[embedded content] More for you… CDC Only Counts Deaths After 14 Days of Final COVID Shot as “Vaccinated,” in Attempt to Show Vaccinated Have Lower COVID Death RateTop Pro-Vax London Cardiologist Now Says Covid Shots Must be StoppedFlorida Health Dept. “Now Recommends Against the COVID-19 Vaccines” for Young Males. Thousands of Doctors Sign Declaration of […]

Tulsi Gabbard —says she’s LEAVING the Democrats: Ex-congresswoman says party is controlled by ‘an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness’ who ‘stoke anti-white racism’ and ‘protect criminals’

Army barbie Tutsie Gabby who as a congressman consistently voted to fund blowing up God’s little children all over the world, illegal invasions of countries which never attacked America and the illegal occupation of the same, announces she will switch parties. It is like an old time soap opera.When an actor got too old, sick […]

Tulsi Gabbard Questions Kamala Harris ‘Hypocrisy’ on Brittney Griner After Prosecuting Marijuana Crimes as California AG

Friday on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for her double standard of justice on WNBA player Brittney Griner. Source

DC INSIDER Tulsi Gabbard rips Joe Biden for ‘divisive’ voting rights speech Trying to Pretend to be an Outsider


Tulsi Gabbard: American People are Continually Disrespected [By Their Criminally Owned Media]

by Admin · Published November 6, 2021 · Updated November 6, 2021 [embedded content] Media Only Acts in Interests of War Criminals and Their Crooked Politicians They OWN. Well, IMAO a lot of people trusted our dishonest media against me bad mouthing me when I criticized our gov’ts mass murder of innocent people and Child […]

Gabbard: Our Leaders ‘Lost Sight’ of the Mission in Afghanistan

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), a United States Army Reserve officer, on Sunday weighed in on the U.S. withdrawal out of Afghanistan. According to Gabbard, the mission in Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attacks was effective in defeating al-Qaeda. She added that what went wrong was the nation’s leaders “lost sight” of the mission […]

Deep State Plants: Daniel Crenshaw & Tulsi Gabbard; Can ANYONE Be Trusted? Apparently NOT!

Community | The Forum of Young Global Leaders…Congresswoman from Hawaii (D), 2nd District, United States House of Representatives, USA. Tulsi Gabbard, grew up in beautiful Hawai‘i. As a teenager, she co-founded an environmental non-profit called Healthy Hawai’i Coalition, focused on educating children about protecting Hawaii’s environment. An advocate for environmental policy, Tulsi was elected to the Hawai‘i State Legislature in […]

Tulsi Gabbard Slams Lori Lightfoot For Anti-White Racism’- Demands That She Resigns

Tulsi Gabbard blasted Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot for blatant anti-white racism on Friday and demanded that she resign. The former rep called for Lightfoots resignation after it was revealed that the Chicago mayor only grants interviews to black or brown journalists. Gabbard tweeted: “Mayor Lightfoot’s blatant anti-white racism is abhorrent……I call upon President Biden, Kamala […]

Tulsi Gabbard Blasts Globalist Organization for Releasing Fake News Report to Foment War with Syria

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii has signed a “statement of concern” with other antiwar leaders on a report released by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) with regards to Syria. Gabbard was skewered by the War Party for years because she contradicted propaganda meant to compel the U.S. into another endless […]

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Names Names As to the Real Dangers to the United States! Brennan (CIA), Schiff (D) and Big Tech!

26 Jan, 2021 21:29Get short URL Tulsi Gabbard is shown speaking with Joe Biden when both were Democrat presidential candidates in January 2020. © Reuters / Sam Wolfe Follow RT onFormer Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has urged party leaders to halt efforts by such people as ex-CIA director John Brennan to infringe civil liberties, calling them more […]

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