Posts Tagged ‘congresswoman’

Attorney Tom Renz Drops The Biggest BOMB At Congresswoman MTG’s Meeting!

This will be huge! WELCOMETHEEAGLE88 NOV 14, 2023 Covid-19 jab was administered to a soldier in Fort Riley Kansas in 2014!!?? Pooter! Bring Tom to court and put him on the stand! That’s what he wants and with an assertion like this, it’s what we all want! Irwin ACH (Army Community Hospital) Fort Riley Kansas […]

House Votes to Censure Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for Daring to Tell The Truth of IsraHell’s Evil & War Crimes

The IsraHell Firsters in the US House voted on Tuesday to censure Palestinian-American congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for telling the truth about IsraHells Holocaust of thousands of Semitic Palestinian children who are the descendants of the Biblical Judians, which they hysterically claimed was “supporting genocide” and “hate speech.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) who’s bleached blond […]

CONGRESS CANCELS FREE SPEECH: Palestinian US Congresswoman Tlaib blames House Censorship amid the Gaza Genocide

Rashida Tlaib (MI-12): “A majority of Americans support a ceasefire, but this Congress isn’t listening to their voices” READ HERE:   Source

US Congresswoman Tlaib slams US for ‘funding’ Israel’s policies of apartheid

Member of the US House of Representatives Rashida Tlaib has criticised the US’ unconditional financial support of Israel’s policies of apartheid which, she said, contribute to the continuation of the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians. “I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today and every day,” Tlaib, who is of Palestinian […]

Congresswoman wept, pled with her colleagues to vote against a same-sex marriage bill

[embedded content] (The Kansas City Star) — Before Rep. Vicky Hartzler became a member of Congress, she was the face of the movement in Missouri to ban gay marriage. She traveled across the state in 2004, urging Missourians to add an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage as between a man and a woman. […]

Tulsi Gabbard —says she’s LEAVING the Democrats: Ex-congresswoman says party is controlled by ‘an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness’ who ‘stoke anti-white racism’ and ‘protect criminals’

Army barbie Tutsie Gabby who as a congressman consistently voted to fund blowing up God’s little children all over the world, illegal invasions of countries which never attacked America and the illegal occupation of the same, announces she will switch parties. It is like an old time soap opera.When an actor got too old, sick […]

Congresswoman Karen Bass And The Will To Intervene

Los Angeles, California – What will it mean if the Vice Chair of the board of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) becomes the Mayor of Los Angeles? Meaning, of course, Karen Bass, the current Vice Chair of that soft power tool, who is also Chair of the House Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on Africa. Come November, the […]

Biden Names Ex-Congresswoman Accused of Insulting Cubans a Summit of the Americas Adviser

The White House announced this week that it had appointed former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL) and former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) as official advisers for the upcoming Summit of the Americas.

Republican Congresswoman Says Trump Should Never Be Allowed to Run For President Again

In an interview with Newsmax Tuesday, President Trump slammed the Biden administration’s calamitous Afghanistan withdrawal, labelling it “the most incompetently handled withdrawal or anything else in the history of our country.” “We’re embarrassed in front of the world,” Trump continued, adding “I don’t think our country has ever seen a period like this, how badly […]

Facebook locks out Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Facebook has joined Twitter in censoring me”

Facebook has blocked Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from posting or commenting for 24 hours after one of her posts about COVID was flagged by the platform for violating its rules on “misinformation that could cause physical harm.” Greene shared a partial screenshot of the Facebook post that led to these restrictions. Based on this screenshot, […]

Michigan Congresswoman Introducing Bill Requiring Safe Storage of Guns in Wake of School Shooting

A Michigan congresswoman on Wednesday announced she plans to introduce a bill that would mandate safe storage of guns after the alleged shooter at Oxford High School last month was said to have acquired the gun he used from an unlocked drawer. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) said her bill, the Safe Guns, Safe Kids Act, […]

For Missouri congresswoman, eviction fight is personal

Roughly two decades before she was elected to Congress Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri lived in a Ford Explorer with her then-husband and two young children after the family had been evicted from their rental home. So for Bush, a freshman Democrat from St. Louis, the debate over whether to revive the moratorium on evictions […]

Now Women are ‘birthing people’ in America according to Congresswoman

    Democratic Rep. Cori Bush shocked co-workers on both sides of the aisle after sharing her horror stories of mistreatment during two pregnancies. But it was her call-out to fellow ‘birthing people’ that put moms on edge. The Missouri Rep. addressed the House Oversight and Government Reform Committees on Thursday, sharing her experiences “as […]

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene fiercely denounces ‘vaccine passport’ as Mark of the Beast

    US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) has claimed that the Biden administration aims to force all Americans to have Covid-19 vaccine passports, comparing it to the “mark of the beast” prophesied in the Bible. “They want you to be required to have something called a Covid passport,” Greene said on Monday in a […]

GOP Congresswoman: Republican-Led Amnesty Plan Coming ‘Next Week’

Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) suggests a Republican-led amnesty plan for millions of illegal aliens living in the United States could be unveiled “probably next week.” In an interview with Fox Business Network’s Larry Kudlow, Salazar said she is working on her own piece of legislation that would give “legality” to millions of illegal aliens. […]

Truck parked at Capitol on day of riot belongs to husband of GOP congresswoman who quoted Hitler

The truck, which The Daily Beast reported is owned by Chris Miller, the husband of Illinois representative Mary Miller, featured a sticker for the far-right militia movement, The Three Percenters. The militia group, which takes its name from the false claim that only 3 per cent of US colonists fought at any one time during […]

Watch: MSNBC Compares GOP Congresswoman To Osama Bin Laden For Displaying Guns

An MSNBC news host compared A Republican congresswoman to Osama Bin Laden Tuesday because she had guns on display at her home. Chris Hayes also suggested that the display by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert was meant to convey the message that conservatives are willing resort to violence to instigate a coup in the US. Watch: “Do […]

Congresswoman who said ‘Hitler was right on one thing’ meets with rabbis

A freshman congresswoman who said “Hitler was right on one thing” during a speech just before the Capitol insurrection met Monday with a right-wing rabbinical group that defended her from calls to resign. The Coalition for Jewish Values said Monday that Rep. Mary Miller, an Illinois Republican, had met with its rabbinic board and others […]

Congresswoman Says Rothschild-Funded Space Lasers Caused Deadly California Fire

(JTA) — Among the many posts being unearthed amid renewed scrutiny of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s social media history is one in which the new congresswoman implicated “Rothschild Inc” in connection with a deadly forest fire that, she wrote, was started using laser beams from space. Greene, a freshman Republican from Georgia who made waves during […]

GOP congresswoman under fire for claim Jewish space lasers started forest fires

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