Posts Tagged ‘insulting’

For a Jew Nothing Is More Insulting Than The Truth-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prize Winning Novelist, Historian & Victim of Jewish Terrorism

Musk says he bought Twitter Litter with funds taken from the hard pressed American Tax Slaves and given to him for supporting the Khazarian Mafia’s war against humanity so the “TRUTH” would stop being censored on Twitter Litter. But under Musk at Twitter Litter, the TRUTH is HATE SPEECH. Now, one more time read what […]

Prominent Thai Human Rights Lawyer Faces Prison For Insulting King

The lawyer was convicted on Tuesday of insulting the monarchy and sentenced to four years in prison, the first conviction under a controversial law. Source

UK: Quran burning, desecration deeply insulting to Muslims

Britain has condemned the desecration and burning of the Quran, Islam's holy book, in the Swedish capital city of Stockholm, Anadolu Agency reports. In a written statement issued by a spokesperson of UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), the British government said such actions are "deeply insulting to Muslims around the world and completely […]

How long can Israel keep insulting its benefactors

Amichai Chikli’s crude insults against American Jews personify Israel’s hubris in biting the American hand that feeds it. The White House is reportedly unhappy but continues to turn the other cheek. This won’t last forever. Source

Pole attacks Pope over CHILD RAPE , 25-year-old man, who was charged with defacing the monument and insulting the feelings of believers-Athorities not Worried About Pedo Priest iInsulting and Assaulting the Feelings Of The Raped Children’s A$$es

The Polish police have arrested a man for defacing a John Paul II statue following pedophilia revelations. Two monuments to Pope John Paul II have been defaced over the past week in Poland, after a book and a documentary aired explosive allegations that he had tolerated pedophile priests during his term as the archbishop of […]

FNC’s Carlson: January 6 Hearings ‘Insulting,’ ‘Deranged’ — ‘They Are Lying’

Thursday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson hammered the House January 6 committee for the hearings they were during his broadcast.

Biden Names Ex-Congresswoman Accused of Insulting Cubans a Summit of the Americas Adviser

The White House announced this week that it had appointed former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL) and former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) as official advisers for the upcoming Summit of the Americas.


The Rus people which became modern Russia and Constantinople defeated and ended the Khazarian Empire (Non Semitic red Russian Khazarian Jewish converts). They hate the White Russians with a passion because of this.In 1917 they got their revenge and still control Russia today. The Non Semitic Jewish Khazarians occupying Palestine while Holocausting the Semitic Indigenous […]

Morgenshtern: Russian rapper under investigation for ‘insulting’ WWII comments

A popular Russian rapper is under investigation after allegations that he insulted Russia’s World War II history. Alisher Morgenshtern drew anger from Russian war veterans for comments about the country’s Victory Day celebrations. In an interview on YouTube, Morgenshtern stated that he “doesn’t understand” why Russia still celebrates the Soviet Union victory over Nazi Germany. […]

Protests in support of rapper jailed for glorifying terrorism & insulting monarchy continue in Spain (VIDEO)

A new series of protests have been held across Spain in support of Catalan rapper Pablo Hasel, who has been jailed for praising terrorism and insulting the monarchy. Hundreds of demonstrators marched through Madrid late on Saturday. The unauthorized rally was met by a large police force who blocked the protesters from advancing towards the […]

Christians, Others in Egypt Arrested for ‘Insulting Islam’

Photo Credit: Klaus Dieter vom Wangenheim/Pixabay CAIRO, Egypt (Morning Star News) – A young Christian teacher in northeastern Egypt is facing charges of insulting Islam after he posted comments on Facebook, according to local reports. Youssef Hany of Ismailia, a city on the Suez Canal 78 miles northeast of Cairo, posted the comments earlier this month in […]

Sayyed Nasrallah: Insulting the Prophet [PBUH] Unacceptable; US, The West to Pay the Price of Nurturing Takfirism

Click for Video By Zeinab Abdallah Beirut – Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a televised speech marking the birth anniversary of the Prophet of Mercy, the Messenger of Islam Muhammad bin Abdullah [PBUH] and his grandson the sixth Shia Imam Jaafar bin Muhammad al-Sadiq [AS]. After congratulating the entire Muslim world […]

No freedom in America: Wisconsin Man Faces 1 Year in Prison and $10,000 Fine for Insulting his Neighbor

    A Wisconsin man has been charged with a hate crime after he allegedly “bellowed” antisemitic™ slurs at his neighbors because of a sign in their yard supporting Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden: According to a criminal complaint published on Sept. 3, 49-year-old Gregory Kirst was charged in Ozaukee County Circuit Court with disorderly […]

‘Fences are insulting’: Israel’s government once opposed gender segregation at the Western Wall

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Trump-Pompeo’s Twelve “Idiotic-Insulting” Demands Upon Iran

We demand from Iran: First, Iran must declare to the IAEA a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear program, and permanently and verifiably abandon such work in perpetuity. [Israel and the U.S. get to keep our nukes but Iran must not keep theirs, and must instead do what these two rabidly […]

Send This To Eminem & Any Other Person Who Is Insulting Donald Trump

Next Story Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton is fit to be president, neither was Obama and many other president’s down the line. They’ve all followed the will of their masters, and that’s the main point of this article. Donald Trump’s presidency will no doubt go down in history, for several reasons. One is the […]

Insulting protectors of society order, security mustn’t be tolerated President Rouhani had a phone call with the chief commander of Law Enforcement Force of Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Ashtari, and expressed condolences over the martyrdom of sincere, devoted police officers in the recent unrest, appreciating powerful, wise management by security forces, especially the police, for protecting the country’s security. In the phone […]

Iran denounces Trump’s insulting tweets, meddlesome remarks

IFP- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has lashed out at the US president for his rude comments about the Iranian nation, urging Trump to watch his language and address his own country’s problems instead of interfering in other states’ affairs. In a statement on Tuesday, Qassemi slammed Trump’s interventionist and insulting tweets about the […]

Egypt sentences ex-president Morsi, 19 others to 3 years for insulting judiciary

A Cairo criminal court sentenced former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and 19 others to three years in prison on Saturday, and fined him 2 million Egyptian pounds ($112,700) on charges of insulting the judiciary. Others tried by the court in the same case including leading Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah and lawmaker […]

Turkey charges journalist and attorney for publicly insulting a public officer and institutions

nsnbc : In yet another crackdown o internationally guaranteed human rights, a “libel” lawsuit has been filed against journalist Ismail Kücükkayaand attorney Fidel Okan, […]

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