Posts Tagged ‘lying’

yankees Have Been Lying About Their History So Long They Believe Their Own Lies & Get Mad If You Don’t Too

The godless yankees wrote themselves a “history” where bad people were persecuting them for their religious believes so they came to America so they could “worship” freely where they had a love fest with the Indians and everyone lived happily ever after. What actually happened was Oliver Cromwell was a minor Nobel who was mentally […]

July 22 – Is Trump Lying About Assassination Attempt?

Please send links and comments to [email protected] If this meme is accurate, Trump faked the assassination attempt to garner support. On the other hand, why would the secret service headed by Jill Biden’s BFF cooperate in a charade to elect Trump?  Why would Soros-connected funds short Trump stock? Why would Alex Soros make this death […]

July 22 – Is Trump Lying About Assassination Attempt?

Please send links and comments to [email protected] If this meme is accurate, Trump faked the assassination attempt to garner support. On the other hand, why would the secret service headed by Jill Biden’s BFF cooperate in a charade to elect Trump?  Why would Soros-connected funds short Trump stock? Why would Alex Soros make this death […]

Butler, Penn., commissioner says Secret Service is LYING; responsibility to secure building where shooter climbed was on Cheatle and her team, not local PD

(NaturalNews) In her most recent interviews, Secret Service head Kim Cheatle has repeatedly claimed that it was the responsibility of local law enforcement in… Source

How Israel turned hospitals into ‘military targets’ by lying about international law

The bar for hospitals to lose protected status under international law is set very high. Those conditions were not met for any of the 36 hospitals in Gaza that Israel destroyed. Source

Israel Caught Lying On Twitter, Campus Protest Pro-Israel Infiltrators Exposed & Bulldozing Families

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/25/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Fauci Could Face Hefty Prison Sentence for Lying AGAIN Under Oath

Dr. Anthony Fauci could face a hefty prison sentence after a newly unearthed video proves he lied under oath to Congress yet again. The video proves that Fauci lied to Congress when he denied previously […] The post Fauci Could Face Hefty Prison Sentence for Lying AGAIN Under Oath appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Here’s what REALLY happened on October 7 (hint: Israel is LYING)

(NaturalNews) On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas broke into Israel from Gaza and took Israeli innocents captive while injuring and killing others along the way. It was… Source

Lying Demons: Faces of Evil

Satanist scum must be put down. Source

Justin Trudeau Caught LYING During CBC Interview: Here’s the Proof

Justin Trudeau is not only a liar but one of the worst human beings on this planet. He says that his infamous comments painting “anti-vaxxers” as “racists” and “misogynists” have been “taken out of context” on “one particular day.” What Justin Trudeau isn’t telling you is that he made such comments on MANY days. In […]

Israeli Spokesman Suspended After Caught Lying About Food Aid & The Gaza Death Port

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/20/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Moscow Accuses Zelensky Of Lying After Issuing ‘Very Low’ Ukraine Troop Death Count

Just after the Russia-Ukraine war hit the two-year mark this past weekend, entering a third year and with no end in sight, President Volodymyr Zelensky publicly disclosed Ukraine’s official troop death count for the first time. However it immediately resulted in skepticism among even Western pundits, and charges that he’s ‘lying’. “31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died […]

NHS caught LYING about COVID vaccination records: Unvaccinated people marked as “vaccinated”

(NaturalNews) The personalized Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) app that the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) offered to Brits to keep track of their… Source

NYT’s Jeffrey Gettleman Says F##k OFF, He Don’t Have To Provide Proof He Was Not Lying His A$$ OFF Claiming Hamas Did Gang Rapes Like The IDF Did

Jeffrey Gettleman, the main author of the New York Times’ debunked propaganda piece claiming Hamas committed mass rape on October 7, now says he doesn’t want to describe the “evidence” he gathered as “evidence” because it’s not his “role” to actually prove any such rapes took place. Instead, Gettleman claims his “role” is simply to […]

Trump Rape Accuser Admits She’s “100% Lying” To Help Biden Destroy Trump

Donald Trump rape accuser E. Jean Carroll admitted on CNN Monday morning that she lied about being raped in order to “help Biden destroy Trump.” Carroll joined CNN This Morning where boasted that Trump “was like nothing” […] The post Trump Rape Accuser Admits She’s “100% Lying” To Help Biden Destroy Trump appeared first on The People's […]

The BBC Claims to Be Impartial, Continues Lying About Gaza

The BBC has long been considered the gold standard in British journalism. The organization prides itself on its ability to remain objective and refrain from bias. Despite this self-portrayal, which is similarly prevalent across corporate media, the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza has exposed the British Broadcast Company for what it really is: Biased British-controlled […]

Israel Caught Lying About Al-Shifa Hospital

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/16/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Seattle Limits Cops From ‘Knowingly Lying’ After Suspect Commits Suicide

Seattle Limits Cops From ‘Knowingly Lying’ After Suspect Commits Suicide The city of Seattle has implemented a new policy that prevents police officers from knowingly lying to influence suspects, after incidents in 2018 and 2020 may have contributed to a suicide, and incited chaos during the George Floyd protests, MYNorthwest reports. Seattle Police Department vehicle […]

UK Government Apologizes After Counter Disinformation Unit Got Caught Lying, Monitoring Journalists’ Speech

A rare admission, even though it changes little. Source

Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

If you have not yet read the book 1984 by George Orwell, you absolutely must.  I loathed that novel when I read it as a teen, because I hated the entire idea of an authoritarian government controlling its people so deftly. The dystopian world it described was just so depressing, so wrong, from the first page to […]

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