Posts Tagged ‘issuing’

ICC warns against attempts to intimidate the court into not issuing arrest warrants against Netanyahu, other Israeli officials

(NaturalNews) The ongoing diplomatic standoff between Israel and the International Criminal Court (ICC) has intensified as the possibility looms of impending… Source

March 8 – “We are Nowhere Close to Issuing a Digital Dollar” – Jerome Powell

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Are we paranoid or is this a diversion? While speaking Thursday his second day of testimony regarding monetary policy, Powell said the Fed has not considered the release of a digital dollar anytime soon.  “We’re nowhere near recommending – or let alone adopting – a central bank digital […]

Moscow Accuses Zelensky Of Lying After Issuing ‘Very Low’ Ukraine Troop Death Count

Just after the Russia-Ukraine war hit the two-year mark this past weekend, entering a third year and with no end in sight, President Volodymyr Zelensky publicly disclosed Ukraine’s official troop death count for the first time. However it immediately resulted in skepticism among even Western pundits, and charges that he’s ‘lying’. “31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died […]

GWINN: VIDEO: The NFL Is Slowly Making Football Illegal by Issuing Ridiculous Roughing Penalties

If you watched the NFL on Sunday hoping to watch the game of football, you were sorely disappointed. Instead, what fans were treated to was the clear and obvious attempt by the NFL to make football illegal by penalizing it Source

UK Gov’t Caught Issuing Hospitals ‘Expiry Dates’ For Patients

The support group for relatives of victims of involuntary euthanasia (R.O.V.E), which I set up in 2021, now has almost 100 members. It gets busy in there, daily discussions being had, support and advice being […] The post UK Gov’t Caught Issuing Hospitals ‘Expiry Dates’ For Patients appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Corrupt Police Issuing (COVID) Fines Only To Be Dropped Before Court

Charges against several individuals involved in a 2021 pandemic protest have been dropped, leaving a trail of injustice and confusion.  The corrupt organisation known as Victoria Police are in collusion with the government of Victoria, in punishing persons unlawfully under the COVID banner. There is no lawfully issued fine or ‘Infringement Notice’, under the label […]

Despite Issuing Vaccine Mandate OSHA Head Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’

A senior Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) official was grilled on Capitol Hill this week During Wednesdays House hearing, Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA Douglas Parker was questioned over his agency’s issuance of […] The post Despite Issuing Vaccine Mandate OSHA Head Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’ appeared first on […]

OSHA Head Now Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’ and Denied Issuing a Vaccine Mandate for 84 Million Americans

OSHA Head Now Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’ and Denied Issuing a Vaccine Mandate for 84 Million Americans Source

OSHA Head, Doug Parker, Now Says ‘We Didn’t Demand That Anyone Be Fired’ Despite Issuing a Vaccine Mandate for 84 Million Americans


Will The Federal Reserve Be PROHIBITED From Issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency?

US House Committee Passes Bill To Block Federal Reserve From Issuing A CBDC ByDaniel WoodsPRO INVESTOR Updated:  21 September 2023 DisclosureWe sometimes use affiliate links in our content, when clicking on those we might receive a commission – at no extra cost to you. By using this website you agree to our terms and conditions and […]

Bill introduced to ban Fed from issuing CBDC

Friday, February 24, 2023 by: News EditorsTags: big government, Bubble, CBDC, computing, conspiracy, cryptocurrency, currency reset, Federal Reserve, finance riot, freedom, Glitch, insanity, Liberty, money supply, national security, NSA, privacy watch, Resist, risk, surveillance, Tyranny This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author 4,340VIEWS (Natural News) House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) on Wednesday introduced legislation to prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), which he and others […]

Victoria Police caught issuing fake permits

IMAGINE IF THE VICTORIAN REGISTRY JUST DID WHAT IT WANTED TO DO? LEADING PRO-SHOOTERS RIGHTS MP and NSC member Tim Quilty MLC, has revealed in Parliament that VicPol’s registry (LRD) have been caught breaking the same laws it administers. This follows revelations of “missing guns” and allegations of continual misconduct of senior LRD officers.  Now […]

Victoria Police issuing fines illegally against motorists

Victoria Police is not an ‘honourable’ organisation to say the least, where it’s members are involved in criminal actions but that is a whole topic in itself where the mainstream media’s so called ‘journalists’ do not expose the criminal actions, but rather certain selected few individual’s actions. Victoria Police have been issuing (alleged) speeding infringement […]

Federal Investigators Issuing Warrants for Google to Turn Over Anyone Typing in Certain Search Terms

It begins. The federal government is issuing warrants from compliant Google to turn over anyone typing in certain search terms. by Jim Hoft But they assure the American public that they can be trusted. Just like the federal government assured Americans they would not abuse the secret FISA courts to spy on innocent Americans! We now […]

Ontario, Canada To Enter Third COVID Lockdown Issuing A Stay At Home Order

The Facts: Known as the founding father of rocketry and astronautics, as well as modern day spaceflight, Hermann Oberth believed UFOs were extraterrestrial visitors observing Earth. Reflect On: Why were so many brilliant minds aware of the UFO phenomenon when the majority of society ridiculed them and placed them in the “conspiracy” bucket? Do we […]

Israel continues settlement boom, issuing 2,500 tenders for new settler homes just before Biden inauguration

Israel issued tenders for more than 2,500 new settlement housing units in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem a mere hours before US President Joe Biden was sworn into office, and just days after the government promoted the plans for 780 other settlement units.  According to settlement watchdog Peace Now, Israel’s Ministry of Housing and […]

Florida To Begin Issuing Pro-Zionist License Plates Emblazoned With The Star Of David

When it comes to Christianity, Jews have led the battle cry in the so-called “separation of church and state” across America — but apparently they have no problem emblazoning Jewish “religious” symbols on government-issued license plates in Florida: Floridians can now stand with Israel even while stuck in traffic. A graphic designer from Boca Raton […]

Joe Biden Promises to Push Elected Officials into Issuing Mask Mandates Nationwide

Former Vice President Joe Biden is promising that, if elected, he would urge state and local governments to issue mask mandates nationwide. The Democrat nominee, who has shifted on his support for a federal mask mandate, told supporters in Delaware on Friday that it was vital for the government to implement a “national strategy to […]

How They Do It–After issuing video, Sanders won’t say if he backs Palestinian ‘right of return’

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Israel stops issuing one-year visas to foreigners married to Palestinians

Residency / Restriction of movement Israel makes it increasingly difficult for Palestinians’ foreign spouses to stay in West Bank Haaretz 10 Sept by Amira Hass — Ever more frequent demands by the Israeli authorities in the West Bank are forcing these women to leave and reenter the territories. It’s to urge the families to emigrate, […]

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