Posts Tagged ‘slowly’

The Media Slowly Backpedals

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Early in my legal career, I handled many one-day trials. Late one afternoon, I returned to my office. Still wearing my suit and carrying my briefcase, I passed the open office door of a senior colleague named Ben. He called out to me, “How’d you do today?” I stood in […]

Milei’s Argentina Seems to Slowly Recover from Economic Disaster but its too Soon to Tell Yet

Home » Economy, South-Central America » Milei’s Argentina Seems to Slowly Recover from Economic Disaster but its too Soon to Tell Yet     Argentina finds itself grappling with significant economic challenges, yet there remains a glimmer of hope for a turnaround, contingent upon the successful passage of a comprehensive reform package proposed by President […]

AMERICA: You are being slowly set up for an apocalyptic Republic-ending collapse by your most dangerous enemy.

This has never happened before….. …and the tragic self-immolation of a serviceman the U.S Armed Forces, outside the front gate of the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C., has not even begun to trigger the visceral global outpouring of raw anger and grief and dismay and anguish and despair and consternation and sorrow and rage […]

GWINN: VIDEO: The NFL Is Slowly Making Football Illegal by Issuing Ridiculous Roughing Penalties

If you watched the NFL on Sunday hoping to watch the game of football, you were sorely disappointed. Instead, what fans were treated to was the clear and obvious attempt by the NFL to make football illegal by penalizing it Source

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – The Covid-19 vaccinated are slowly being brain-damaged to the point that their self-will to resist orders [from the beast (Antichrist / Pope)] will be totally removed

Joshua During this lax period of the Covid-19/Mark of the Beast holocaust- two things are happening – (1) the vaccinated are being brain-damaged to the point that their self-will to resist the beast will be removed – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – ´The Path to Living Hell ——Dr.-Sucharit-Bhakdi:7 +++ Covid19 The Biodefense Mafia — […]

BRICS Will Change The World… Slowly

BRICS Will Change The World… Slowly Via, BRICS, the organization that is hardly noticed in the West, more than doubled its membership at the end of August – something is happening. Introduction It seems to be more a rule than an exception that the most important changes in the history of financial systems either […]

MSM Slowly Comes to Grips With Ukraine’s Diminishing Support in Europe, in the US and Worldwide

MSM Slowly Comes to Grips With Ukraine’s Diminishing Support in Europe, in the US and Worldwide Source

Spiritual science slowly and gradually makes someone a different person

Spiritual science slowly and gradually makes someone a different person On July 31, 2023 By Ridzerd It is through spiritual science that human knowledge becomes serious, and people shy away from it. They also want spiritual science only as something that ripples on the surface of existence. That it goes to the core and essence of […]

Blue light is slowly destroying your retina

I’m posting this for folk who are not aware of the dangers of the blue light in our screens. I’ve been aware for some time & purchased the blue blockers however I recently came across info to block this at the screen. I’ll add the post I found with many free or paid options. I’ve […]

“We’re Dying Slowly”

READ HERE: East Palestine Residents Report Bizarre Health Issues After Toxic Train Derailment   Source

“We’re Dying Slowly”: East Palestine Residents Report Bizarre Health Issues After Toxic Train Derailment

Residents of East Palestine, Ohio have been reporting bizarre symptoms following the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern train derailment and subsequent toxic explosion, the NY Post reports. “Doctors say I definitely have the chemicals in me but there’s no one in town who can run the toxicological tests to find out which ones they are,” said 40-year-old Wade Lovett, whose high-pitched […]

The World Is Slowly Becoming Joo-Savvy

Amazing Polly diagnoses the jooish disease, psychoanalyzing the Synagogue of Satan:: This one is hard-hitting:  Whoa! Sowing the seeds of Armageddon! Please pray for the Great Awakening of True Israel. Eli Share this: Source

Slowly, Then All At Once: “Official” US Inflation Comes In At 8.3% — PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION Meets PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH

US inflation declines slightly but remains high at 8.3%. Core inflation (ex food and energy) increased to 6.3% in August. “Markets” tumbled at the open, but only until the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) steps in later in the trading session, or not. Real CPI is well above 16% as per 1980s accurate gov inflation calculation […]

Giant Shepherd’s Crook Slowly Emerges From Offstage As Biden Begins Another Racist Story

BETHESDA, MD — With 2022 midterm elections nearing, President Biden spoke at a Maryland political rally to an audience of thousands eager to see if he was still alive. The president’s speech was not without gaffes, however, and at one point a giant shepherd’s crook slowly emerged from offstage as he began another racist story. […]

Giant Shepherd’s Crook Slowly Emerges From Offstage As Biden Begins Another Racist Story

BETHESDA, MD — With 2022 midterm elections nearing, President Biden spoke at a Maryland political rally to an audience of thousands eager to see if he was still alive. The president’s speech was not without gaffes, however, and at one point a giant shepherd’s crook slowly emerged from offstage as he began another racist story. […]

Giant Shepherd’s Crook Slowly Emerges From Offstage As Biden Begins Another Racist Story

BETHESDA, MD — With 2022 midterm elections nearing, President Biden spoke at a Maryland political rally to an audience of thousands eager to see if he was still alive. The president’s speech was not without gaffes, however, and at one point a giant shepherd’s crook slowly emerged from offstage as he began another racist story. […]

Giant Shepherd’s Crook Slowly Emerges From Offstage As Biden Begins Another Racist Story

BETHESDA, MD — With 2022 midterm elections nearing, President Biden spoke at a Maryland political rally to an audience of thousands eager to see if he was still alive. The president’s speech was not without gaffes, however, and at one point a giant shepherd’s crook slowly emerged from offstage as he began another racist story. […]

Giant Shepherd’s Crook Slowly Emerges From Offstage As Biden Begins Another Racist Story

BETHESDA, MD — With 2022 midterm elections nearing, President Biden spoke at a Maryland political rally to an audience of thousands eager to see if he was still alive. The president’s speech was not without gaffes, however, and at one point a giant shepherd’s crook slowly emerged from offstage as he began another racist story. […]

Giant Shepherd’s Crook Slowly Emerges From Offstage As Biden Begins Another Racist Story

BETHESDA, MD — With 2022 midterm elections nearing, President Biden spoke at a Maryland political rally to an audience of thousands eager to see if he was still alive. The president’s speech was not without gaffes, however, and at one point a giant shepherd’s crook slowly emerged from offstage as he began another racist story. […]

Julian Assange is being slowly killed – #35

Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange is dying in prison. That’s the depressing reality which has faced us since the High Court ruling on Friday. The decision brought Assange a step closer to being extradited to the Unites States. Share Assange is being charged with doing true and accurate journalism which exposed the war crimes, torture and […]

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