Posts Tagged ‘apocalyptic’

UN Expert Says Situation In Haiti Has Reached ‘Apocalyptic’ Levels

The UN’s top expert on human rights in Haiti has warned that Haiti has become an open air prison with apocolyptic violence tearing it apart. Human rights observer William O’Neill said conditions in Haiti were rapidly moving towards becoming “like Somalia in the worst of its times” after a criminal uprising displaced tens of thousands […]

Putin Warns of ‘Apocalyptic WW3’ if Deep State Sends Troops to Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that if the Deep State in the west sends troops to Ukraine a “full-scale World War III” of apocalyptic proportions will follow. During his election victory speech, Putin responded […] The post Putin Warns of ‘Apocalyptic WW3’ if Deep State Sends Troops to Ukraine appeared first on The People's […]

FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan

March 9, 2024 Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of […]

AMERICA: You are being slowly set up for an apocalyptic Republic-ending collapse by your most dangerous enemy.

This has never happened before….. …and the tragic self-immolation of a serviceman the U.S Armed Forces, outside the front gate of the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C., has not even begun to trigger the visceral global outpouring of raw anger and grief and dismay and anguish and despair and consternation and sorrow and rage […]

NWO Geoterrorists Slam An Apocalyptic Frankenstorm Into Southern California—WHY NOW?

Don’t you love how the NWO geoengineers name their cataclysmic acts of geoterrorism after things like the “Pineapple Express”? SOTN Editor’s Note: There are actually several reasons why the New World Order globalist cabal has been aiming their most powerful weather weapons at the United States for many years now.  Not only is each geoengineered […]

Top Economist Issues Apocalyptic Warning: ‘Biggest Crash in History Coming Soon’

One of the world’s top economist’s has warned that an apocalyptic crash of the economy is set to happen within the next few months. Years of money printing and manufactured low-interest rates have artificially boosted the prices […] The post Top Economist Issues Apocalyptic Warning: ‘Biggest Crash in History Coming Soon’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

We Are Literally On The Brink Of An Apocalyptic War Between Israel And Iran

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Progressives Go Apocalyptic in Transgender Debate

Missouri’s progressives are using apocalyptic claims to denounce the new state regulations that protect children from transgender treatments. Source

HAARP Superweapon Being Used for ‘Apocalyptic’ Geowarfare, Romanian General Warns

A top Romanian general has warned that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was never closed down but is continuously being improved upon and used against the general population. Geo-engineering expert Gen. Emil Strainu discussed the dangers […] The post HAARP Superweapon Being Used for ‘Apocalyptic’ Geowarfare, Romanian General Warns appeared first on News Punch. Source

Nuclear War Would Cause Apocalyptic Ice Age, Experts Warn

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } A new study warns that a nuclear war would cause worldwide temperatures to plummet by 13 degrees, triggering a ‘Nuclear Little Ice Age’ that would lead to […]

Study Says Nuclear War Would Cause Apocalyptic New Ice Age

In a nationwide address that was delayed from its prime-time Tuesday delivery and ahead of votes in four Ukraine regions to join Russia, on Wednesday morning Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization, while vowing to use all means necessary to defend Russia and pledged to annex the territories already occupied by Russia, raising the […]

Study Says Nuclear War Would Cause Apocalyptic New Ice Age

In a nationwide address that was delayed from its prime-time Tuesday delivery and ahead of votes in four Ukraine regions to join Russia, on Wednesday morning Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization, while vowing to use all means necessary to defend Russia and pledged to annex the territories already occupied by Russia, raising the […]

Study Says Nuclear War Would Cause Apocalyptic New Ice Age

In a nationwide address that was delayed from its prime-time Tuesday delivery and ahead of votes in four Ukraine regions to join Russia, on Wednesday morning Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization, while vowing to use all means necessary to defend Russia and pledged to annex the territories already occupied by Russia, raising the […]

Study Says Nuclear War Would Cause Apocalyptic New Ice Age

In a nationwide address that was delayed from its prime-time Tuesday delivery and ahead of votes in four Ukraine regions to join Russia, on Wednesday morning Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization, while vowing to use all means necessary to defend Russia and pledged to annex the territories already occupied by Russia, raising the […]

Apocalyptic Apocrypha: What was Removed from the Bible – and Why?

‘Biblical Apocrypha’ sounds like something out of a conspiracy theorist’s darkest dreams. Books that have been hidden away from us. Books that contain secret information on the origins of Christianity.  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Writings News Unexplained Phenomena Read Later 

Global Food Crisis: Shortages Pose ‘Apocalyptic’ Threat to UK Citizens

A shortage of food due to the Ukraine crisis poses an “apocalyptic” threat to UK consumers, the UK’s central bank head has warned.

Is The 32ft-long Apocalyptic ‘Earth’s Black Box’ Sheer Catastrophism?

Based on the assumption that climate change will destroy Earth soon, a supercomputer in a giant “black box,” is about to be set up in Tasmania, Australia. The supercomputer black box was created to record all conditions leading up to a “predicted” global collapse. As you will see, without denying climate change whatsoever, this rings […]

Sacrifice and Destruction: The Apocalyptic Aztec Creation Myths

Many ancient cultures around the world have their own creation myth to explain their origins, and how the universe came into being. But few are as vivid, or as apocalyptic as the creation myth of the Aztecs. This myth has been referred to as the “Five Suns” wherein the world is created and destroyed again […]

‘The End Is Near!’ Cries Crazed Left-Wing Conspiracy Theorist Predicting Apocalyptic Return Of Trump Rioters Any Day Now

‘The End Is Near!’ Cries Crazed Left-Wing Conspiracy Theorist Predicting Apocalyptic Return Of Trump Rioters Any Day Now WASHINGTON, D.C.—After March 4th came and went with no right-wing violence at the U.S. Capitol, leftist conspiracy theorists are still expressing faith that the prophesied violence from Trump supporters will happen any day now. “The end is […]

Left Plotting Apocalyptic ‘Mass Public Unrest’ If Biden Loses

    A federation of anti-Trump far-left groups is secretly plotting to mobilize and prepare for what it envisions as a “political apocalypse” full of violence if Joe Biden fails to win the presidency on November 3. “Occupy shit, hold space, and shut things down, not just on Election Day but for weeks,” an anonymous […]

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