Posts Tagged ‘cries’

Right Wing Watch Cries About Stew Peters, But Can’t Refute His Points

Stalinist shakedown group Right Wing Watch, which makes its bones trying to intimidate anyone deemed “right-wing” out of exercising their right to free speech, is whining about nationally syndicated TV news host Stew Peters and his smashing of the Overton Window – but they can’t refute any of his points! In a failed hit job […]

BE AWARE: “The Jew Cries Out In Pain As He Strikes You”

A Jew Cries Out KEVIN ALFRED STROM (EDITOR) National Vanguard David Baddiel by Douglas Mercer JUST WHEN YOU THINK that Jew whining has reached its maximum possible level, you realize you are wrong: Jew whining has no maximum level. They don’t kvetch and kibbitz so much as whine and whinge. And Jew whining will never end. Not that long […]

The Wind Cries Mary

The Wind Cries Mary July 19 2023 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ More Vids! People Are Strange Here! Riders On The Storm Here! +BN Classic! The Partisan Here! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br Nathanael Fnd Is Tax Exempt/EIN 27-2983459 Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, POB 547, […]

Their blood cries out — Israeli-American’s memoir faces the Nakba

Tracing Homelands: Israel, Palestine and the claims of belongingby Linda Dittmar240 pp. Interlink Publishing, $20 The memoir Tracing Homelands vividly conveys the unstable psychological ground under the feet of settlers of the “Promised Land” – land that was – and continues to be — cruelly wrested from its original inhabitants. Author Linda Dittmar, an Israeli-American, […]

Kari Lake Trial: Election Worker Testimony Cries Out for Actual Signature Envelopes to be Audited

Above: One of mail-in ballot signature matches accepted in 2020 presidential election The news at the Kari Lake election fraud trial today was that signature verifiers for mail-in ballots were rejecting ballots an alarming rate, up to 40%, sending the rejects “upstairs” for review, then watching the ballots come right back to them for a […]

Pope Francis Cries For Ukraine

The Pope struggled to speak on Thursday as he was overcome with emotion while praying for peace in Ukraine Appearing near in the centre of Rome during an annual visit, Pope Francis began to tremble as he mentioned Ukraine and had to pause to compose himself. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news […]

Serial killer of women cries for Iranian women!

TEHRAN— While Iran is mourning over the unfortunate and tragic death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year old girl who passed while she was in morality police’s custody, the United States has seen an opportunity to shed crocodile tears and use the tragic passing of an innocent girl for its political gain. A spokesperson for the […]

Aussie federal government cries poor on fuel taxes – but still has billions to spend on climate action

(Natural News) The Australian Albanese Government claims revenue is too tight to extend a temporary fuel tax cut which saved motorists $6 billion per year – but they still have cash to spend on a $20 billion renewable grid upgrade. (Article by Eric Worrall republished from ‘It will be difficult’: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese concedes cost of […]

Aussie federal government cries poor on fuel taxes – but still has billions to spend on climate action

(Natural News) The Australian Albanese Government claims revenue is too tight to extend a temporary fuel tax cut which saved motorists $6 billion per year – but they still have cash to spend on a $20 billion renewable grid upgrade. (Article by Eric Worrall republished from ‘It will be difficult’: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese concedes cost of […]

Aussie federal government cries poor on fuel taxes – but still has billions to spend on climate action

(Natural News) The Australian Albanese Government claims revenue is too tight to extend a temporary fuel tax cut which saved motorists $6 billion per year – but they still have cash to spend on a $20 billion renewable grid upgrade. (Article by Eric Worrall republished from ‘It will be difficult’: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese concedes cost of […]

Gaelic Clans and Their Battle Cries

Each of these family based factions had their own sluaghghairm, or ‘battle-cry’, associated to their family line or tribe, usually derived by the followers of great families or chieftains to act as a hue and cry, a rallying call to all able-bodied kinsmen, a cry of war from which its hearers drew an almost supernatural […]

‘I Am a Victim’ Cries Ex-First Lady, Famous for Luxury Bags, as She’s Convicted of Corruption

Rosmah Mansor was found guilty of graft on September 1, just over a week after her husband began serving a 12-year jail term. Photo: Mohd RASFAN / AFP Once famed for her extensive collection of luxury bags and lavish lifestyle, the former first lady of Malaysia’s fall from grace was confirmed on Thursday, as she […]

The US Cries About War Crimes While Imprisoning A Journalist For Exposing Its War Crimes

Assange exposed many ugly realities about the powerful in his work with WikiLeaks, but everything that he has managed to expose thereafter simply by forcing them to prosecute him far surpasses the revelations in those publications. If the highest form of journalism is exposing the darkest secrets of the most powerful people in the world, […]

USA, NATO Cries out in Pain as Russia Tests Anti-Satellite Weapons Blowing up One in Space

    After the Pentagon noticed a “debris-generating event” in orbit, the State Department condemned what they said was a Russian test of an anti-satellite missile, calling it “dangerous and irresponsible behavior.” “US Space Command is aware of a debris-generating event in outer space,” the Pentagon said on Monday, saying the US military was “actively […]

Trinidad and Tobago mother Cries in Pain and Pleads to People of the World After Loosing her Child

    The son of a well-known Trinidad pastor named Marva Peschier has died 1 day after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The son of Marva Peschier got his shot on September 17th. He suffered a massive stroke later the same day. He was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead on September 18th. On […]

Taliban Cries Poor: Urges U.S. to Show Some ‘Heart’ and Send Money

The Taliban terrorists now governing the new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan thanked the United Nations and its donors Tuesday after they promised hundreds of millions of dollars in aid before scolding America and telling it to join the donation frenzy and show some “heart.” AFP reports the group turned on the U.S. after saying it will […]

AOC Cries At Taj Mahal After Racist Travel Ban

AGRA—After President Joe Biden announced a ban on travel from India, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wasted no time condemning the act as racist. She immediately scheduled a flight to India, where she participated in a photo op in front of the Taj Mahal, with the congresswoman openly weeping over this “act of bigotry and hate.” “We […]

Czech police tackle man, put him in headlock for not wearing mask as toddler cries in viral clip (VIDEO)

A disturbing video of police in the Czech Republic putting a man into a headlock after he allegedly refused to wear a face mask to protect against Covid-19 has gone viral and prompted an investigation. In the clip recorded on Wednesday in Uherske Hradiste, police can be seen tackling the maskless 40-year-old man to the […]

‘The End Is Near!’ Cries Crazed Left-Wing Conspiracy Theorist Predicting Apocalyptic Return Of Trump Rioters Any Day Now

‘The End Is Near!’ Cries Crazed Left-Wing Conspiracy Theorist Predicting Apocalyptic Return Of Trump Rioters Any Day Now WASHINGTON, D.C.—After March 4th came and went with no right-wing violence at the U.S. Capitol, leftist conspiracy theorists are still expressing faith that the prophesied violence from Trump supporters will happen any day now. “The end is […]

Indian TV anchor’s texts spark cries for security leak inquiry after he discussed Pakistan airstrikes before they happened

Opposition politicians in India have called for an investigation into a potential national security leak after a TV anchor’s messages showed he had prior knowledge of airstrikes launched against Pakistan in February 2019. Amid a series of text messages sent from Arnab Goswami, news anchor and editor-in-chief of Republic TV network, to the head of […]

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