Posts Tagged ‘texts’

Be Aware: Your Phone Calls, Texts and Emails Are Being Stored

From VIDEO LINK Story at-a-glance “CITIZENFOUR” is a documentary about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. It came out in 2014, but it’s even more pertinent today than it was then In January 2013, when documentary film director/producer Laura Poitras received an encrypted email from a stranger who called himself “Citizen Four” In June 2013, Poitras […]

The Pyramid Texts: Incantations Carved in Stone

The ancient Egyptians were known for their elaborate funerary traditions and beliefs in life after death, with the pharaohs being the most powerful and religious rulers of their time. The Pyramid Texts, engraved with great precision in hieroglyphics, were found within the deepest walls of the pharaohs’ lavish tombs and served as protective invocations, known […]

The Fragmentarium: New AI Tool Pieces Together Ancient Babylonian Texts

Artificial intelligence has now officially seeped into ancient history. Linguists at the Institute for Assyriology at Ludwig Maximilian University in Germany have created an artificial intelligence (AI) bot to help piece together and decode illegible fragments of ancient Babylonian texts. It’s been dubbed “the Fragmentarium.” No longer are the linguistic services of algorithms and machine […]

Latin Papyrus Texts Reanimate Fossils of the Roman World

The PLATINUM project claims to be a “Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics.” The study began with the goal of analyzing existing Latin papyrus texts dating to the 1st to 8th centuries AD to learn more about Roman Orientalism as an aspect of “multiculturalism in Antiquity and Late Antiquity.” But this study of […]

Unwritten mystery: Why no ancient texts mention the construction of the pyramids

Unwritten mystery: Why no ancient texts mention the construction of the pyramids Not one ancient text mentions how exactly the pyramids were built, using what tools, what technologies. The only text that exists mentions the transportation of stone.Although around 120 pyramids wer built in ancient times in Egypt, there is a complete lack of records […]

Man Texts Coworker To See If He Got Slack Message Telling Him To Check His Email

NEW YORK, NY — Local pipe fitting outside salesman Jason Quintana emailed his coworker Carl today to see if he’d been able to work up the most recent quarterly sales report for the big Etherton Pipeline account. But a few hours went by, and Quintana began to worry that Carl doesn’t check his email as […]

Report: NYC Teachers Allegedly Sent Explicit Texts, Preyed on Students

Multiple female teachers in New York City have been accused of inappropriate behavior involving students, the New York Post reported Saturday. Source

Texts, recordings show Oath Keepers’ early talk of armed resistance to Biden presidency

“The final defense is us and our rifles,” Rhodes sent to the Friends of Stone channel. “Trump has a duty to stand, but so far, her [sic] hasn’t. As Roger Stone said.” He added: “Trump has one last chance right now to stand. But he will need us and our rifles too. But will he […]

The Disc of Life in Ancient Texts

In 1988 Lana Corrine Cantrell wrote The Greatest Story Never Told, a book that combined multiple ancient culture histories turned-into-myth as one story – the story of our ancient, off-world, or extraterrestrial, ancestors. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Asia Unexplained Phenomena Read Later  Source

EU’s von Der Leyen Can’t Find Texts With Pfizer Chief on Vaccine Deal: Letter

BRUSSELS—European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen is no longer in possession of text messages that she exchanged with Pfizer chief Albert Bourla to seal a COVID-19 vaccine deal, the Commission said in a letter published on Wednesday. In an interview in April 2021, von der Leyen revealed she had exchanged texts with Bourla for […]

EU Commission Won’t Release Texts Between President Von Der Leyen & Pfizer CEO About Secret Vaccine Deal

The European Commission claims it can’t and won’t find text messages between its President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sent during the peak of the COVID pandemic. The New York Times in 2021 first reported that von der Leyen had exchanged “texts and calls” with Bourla, and that “personal diplomacy played […]

Jill and Joe Biden Argue Via Texts to Hide Disagreements from Secret Service

First lady Jill and President Joe Biden argue over text messages to escape earshot of the Secret Service, Mrs. Biden told Harper’s Bazaar’s June/July issue. 

Army Colonel in Leaked Afghanistan Texts: ‘We Are F**king Abandoning American Citizens’

Encrypted text messages between an Army colonel and a former Special Forces soldier working on a private effort to extricate stranded Americans from Afghanistan reveal that the US evacuation was anything but the ‘extraordinary success’ President Biden declared on Tuesday. “We are f#cking abandoning American citizens,” said an Army colonel assigned to the 82nd Airborne […]

2,000-Year-Old Biblical Texts Found in Israel, 1st Since Dead Sea Scrolls

(The Jerusalem Post) — Some 1,900 years ago, Jewish refugees fleeing the Romans made their way to the Judean Desert. Among the belongings they carried with them were scrolls featuring the biblical books of Zechariah and Nahum. Two millennia later, fragments of those texts have reemerged, the Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Tuesday. It is the first […]

Treasured Hebrew Texts at Oxford University Library Secured With New Grant

The interior of Duke Humphrey’s Library, the oldest reading room of the Bodleian Library in the University of Oxford. Photo: DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0. A donation from one of the UK’s leading Jewish businessman and a grant from a Jewish foundation have secured a much-treasured collection of Hebrew texts at the University of […]

Indian TV anchor’s texts spark cries for security leak inquiry after he discussed Pakistan airstrikes before they happened

Opposition politicians in India have called for an investigation into a potential national security leak after a TV anchor’s messages showed he had prior knowledge of airstrikes launched against Pakistan in February 2019. Amid a series of text messages sent from Arnab Goswami, news anchor and editor-in-chief of Republic TV network, to the head of […]

Major Discoveries of Coffins, Burial Shafts and Texts Made in Saqqara

Archaeologists excavating at the famous Saqqara necropolis in Egypt have announced a list of top-level ancient discoveries. Within a matrix of 52 burial shafts the researchers discovered 50 sealed coffins and a 4-meter-long passage from The Book of the dead. As if this weren’t enough, they also unearthed the lost funerary temple of Queen Nearit, the wife of King Teti, the first pharaoh […]

How a Bechdel test for Jewish texts is shaking up the beit midrash

When Danielle Kranjec committed to using only Jewish texts written by women and queer people in the classes she taught for Hillel International’s Springboard Fellowship, a program that places recent college graduates in positions at college campus Hillels across the country, she knew she was taking on a challenging task. After all, for most of […]

Magic of the Ancients: Five Incredible Texts of Spells, Curses, and Incantations

As long as humanity has had beliefs in a higher power, the use of magic, spells, curses, and incantations have featured widely across cultures. A number of influential texts or ‘grimoires’ (textbooks of magic) were developed over the centuries, many of which became the books of choice for secret societies and occult organizations that endured […]

Chinese Christian Bookseller Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison, Over 12,000 Texts Destroyed

Photo Credit: Thing King Bad/Pixabay (The Western Journal) — Christian persecution in China continues to worsen. Sources recently confirmed to the nonprofit International Christian Concern that a Chinese Christian online bookstore owner, Chen Yu, was charged with “illegal business operations” on Sept. 27. He was sentenced to seven years in prison and a fine of […]

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