Posts Tagged ‘pyramid’

Ancient Greek Pyramid predates Egypt.

Ancient Greek Pyramid predates Egypt.

Oldest Pyramid is in Greece not Egypt

Oldest Pyramid is in Greece not Egypt Ancient Greek Minoans were way older than ancient egypt.

Scientists Discover ‘World’s Oldest’ Pyramid In Indonesia

A massive underground pyramid hidden beneath a hillside in Indonesia far outdates Stonehenge or the Giza Pyramids and may come to rival the oldest megalithic structures ever built by humans. Archeologists believe the Gunung Padang pyramid […] The post Scientists Discover ‘World’s Oldest’ Pyramid In Indonesia appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The Pyramid of Power

The Next Chapter In The Pyramid of Power Series Is ALMOST Here! Friends,Derrick Broze here with a quick announcement: Chapter 13 of The Pyramid of Power series will be here very, very soon!For those who might have joined recently, The Pyramid of Power is a 17-part documentary series focused on exploring the individuals and institutions which attempt […]

360° Tour inside the Great Pyramid of Giza (Video)

The BBC’s 360° tour through the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, provides viewers with an immersive virtual reality experience. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Africa Videos Read Later  Source

The Djoser Step Pyramid: Architectural Marvel of Egypt (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

Secrets of El Castillo: A Mayan Pyramid’s Hidden Treasures (Video)

El Castillo, an impressive pyramid built by the Mayans over a thousand years ago, has always been a subject of fascination and mystery for archaeologists and historians.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Americas Videos Read Later  Source

Is There More to the Mechanics of the Great Pyramid?

At the beginning of March, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities (MOTA) announced a newly discovered chamber above the main (North) entrance to the Pyramid of Khufu, also known as the Great Pyramid of Giza, outside Cairo. This 9 meter by 2 meter chamber sits directly above the North entrance, and why it was included there […]

Egyptologists Reveal a Lost Chamber in the Great Pyramid With Cosmic Rays

Egyptologists have announced the discovery of a secret chamber located right above the main entrance to the Great Pyramid of Egypt. However, what it was created for is still a mystery. On Thursday, Egypt’s Ministry for Culture and Tourism announced the existence of a newly discovered chamber on the northern side of the Pyramid of […]

The Pyramid Texts: Incantations Carved in Stone

The ancient Egyptians were known for their elaborate funerary traditions and beliefs in life after death, with the pharaohs being the most powerful and religious rulers of their time. The Pyramid Texts, engraved with great precision in hieroglyphics, were found within the deepest walls of the pharaohs’ lavish tombs and served as protective invocations, known […]

Attention-Seeker Treks Over Forbidden Mexican Pyramid

A Mexican woman who climbed up an ancient Maya pyramid was immediately fined by authorities. Read more Section:  News General Read Later  Source

This Pyramid Changes The Entire History – Gunung Padang

This Pyramid Changes The Entire History – Gunung Padang The First Discovery of Gunung Padang There have been numerous times throughout history when someone has made a discovery without recognizing the truly paradigm shifting nature of what they’d found. In 1914, something similar took place on the island of Java, Indonesia. At that time, the […]

How Egyptian Pyramid Builders Moved Construction Materials by Water

Regardless of how they were constructed, the Egyptian pyramids of the Giza Plateau represent one of mankind’s most astonishing engineering achievements. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News History & Archaeology Read Later 

In Search of the Fabled 1,000-ft White Pyramid of Xian in China

Scattered across an isolated, flat plain in Shaanxi Province, near the ancient capital of Xi’an, lie dozens of spectacular pyramid mounds that are little known outside of China. Mixed in with the reality of these impressive tombs, is a legend of an enormous 1,000-foot white, jewel-capped pyramid that would outshine even the Great Pyramid of […]

Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF “Great Reset”

Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF “Great Reset” Global Research / F. William Engdahl All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. First published by Global […]

Did Ancient Egyptians Have Electricity? And Was the Pyramid of Giza a Power Plant?

Curiosity and surprise have been present when trying to figure out how did the ancients in Egypt achieve their artistic and technical perfection in total darkness in the immense underground corridors that are found in countless monuments in different necropolis through Egypt. Just how did they manage these incredible feasts without a constant light source? […]

Huge Maya Pyramid In El Salvador Built In Response To Volcanic Eruption

Archaeologists performing excavations around a massive Maya pyramid located in El Salvador’s Zapotitán Valley near the ancient village of San Andrés, close to Lake Ilopango, discovered something remarkable. They already knew this gigantic monument had been built on a site heavily impacted by Central America’s largest volcanic eruption in the last 10,000 years. But what […]

The Aztec Map of Cuauhtinchan And The Hidden Pyramid of Teoton

Within the Mexican State of Puebla, atop the ruins of a Pre-Columbian pyramid, stands the Convent of Cuauhtinchan. In 1891 AD, an ancient Aztec map was found concealed in the monastery. This exquisite artifact dates back to the time of the conquistadors and depicts a far older memory of pilgrimages, rituals, deities, sacrifices, sacred mountains, […]

The Largest and Oldest Pyramid on the Planet: The Great Pyramid of China

The story behind the Great Pyramid of China is beyond fascinating. For years, the government has not allowed proper studies to be performed on the numerous pyramids near the city of Xi’an. Excursions that managed to sneak into the area where the pyramids are discovered numerous anomalies like a metallic material which could not be […]

The Great Pyramid Of Giza Enacting The Rite Of Rebirth

In Egypt, the pharaoh, who was the living incarnation of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, would undergo at death a transformation from being the living Horus to being the dead and resurrected Osiris. Pharaoh was, by inheritance, the anointed king-god of his people: in essence he was the equivalent of the Greek Christos, […]

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