Posts Tagged ‘Eruption’

Volcanic eruption prediction

Joseph A Catastrophic Submarine Volcano Event is Building in the Philippine Sea Source

A Volcano Eruption Changed Lives in Fiji 2,500-years-ago. 100 Generations Have Kept the Story Alive

Can you imagine a scientist who could neither read nor write, who spoke their wisdom in riddles, in tales of fantastic beings flying through the sky. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Curiosity Killed Pliny the Elder During the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius

Remembered for having written the world’s first encyclopedia, Pliny the Elder’s curiosity got the best of him as he watched clouds of smoke emerging from Mount Vesuvius during its famed eruption in 79 AD. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Get ready for the post-election Mega MAGA Eruption!!!


Where are the victims of the La Palma volcano eruption one year on?

A year after the Tajogaite volcano in Spain’s La Palma erupted, destroying homes and businesses, many of those affected by the lava and ashes are still rebuilding their lives and looking for help. Leticia Sanchez’s house was one of the first to be buried in lava, and even now, she still feels like she is […]

Where are the victims of the La Palma volcano eruption one year on?

A year after the Tajogaite volcano in Spain’s La Palma erupted, destroying homes and businesses, many of those affected by the lava and ashes are still rebuilding their lives and looking for help. Leticia Sanchez’s house was one of the first to be buried in lava, and even now, she still feels like she is […]

Shattered Skeletons of Man and Dog From Eruption and Tsunami 3,600 Years Ago

Archaeologists have recovered the shattered skeletons of a man and a dog at a site in Turkey. Their frames were both smashed to pieces, but not by an act of human violence, but by the force of a huge tsunami tidal wave that was sparked by the mega-volcano Thera eruption. The human and dog skeletal […]

Heat from Mount Vesuvius Eruption as Deadly as Hiroshima Atomic Bomb

Archaeologists continue to excavate in search of remains left behind after the 79 AD Mount Vesuvius volcanic eruption which decimated the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in Italy. Now, an Italian archaeologist has compared the devastating eruption to the 1945 dropping of the atomic bomb, Little Boy, on Hiroshima, due to the immense heat […]

La Palma eruption update

La Palma eruption update: Enormous pressure is building up under the volcano as ground inflates 17cm in 24 hours – Possible violent explosion in the next few days Date: October 27, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source: NworeportYesterday evening, the north-western flank of the cone collapsed after the volcano had its strongest daytime activity since the beginning […]

Spain promises millions more in aid to La Palma after volcanic eruption

Spain will fast-track aid to La Palma after a volcanic eruption on September 19 destroyed homes and businesses on the island. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, in his fifth visit to the island since the eruption last month, said that his government would pass legislation that would funnel millions of euros of aid to those in […]

Mutilated Remains of a Man Trying to Escape Vesuvius Eruption Found

Mount Vesuvius occupies a very special place in the fables and tales of not just the Neapolitans of the southwestern Italy, but also in accounts written by the Greeks and Romans. The Romans saw Vesuvius as a representation of Hercules, the strong and adventurous son of Jupiter. The mountain is notorious for the Vesuvius eruption […]

Lava From Spanish Volcano Eruption Reaches Atlantic Ocean

LOS LLANOS DE ARIDANE, Canary Islands (AP) — A bright red river of lava from the volcano on Spain’s La Palma island finally tumbled over a cliff and into the Atlantic Ocean, setting off huge plumes of steam and possibly toxic gases that required local residents outside the evacuation zone to remain indoors on Wednesday. […]

La Palma volcano: Lava progress slows but eruption far from over

The advance of molten rock from the volcanic eruption on La Palma in the Spanish Canary Islands has slowed significantly with one of the two lava rivers grinding to a halt. The Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted on Sunday and lava now covers 166 hectares. It has also swallowed up around 350 homes. Authorities announced on […]

40-Foot Wall Of Lava Bears Down On Spanish Village After Volcano Eruption

TODOQUE, Canary Islands (AP) — A wall of lava up to 12 meters (40 feet) high bore down on a Spanish village Wednesday as islanders scrambled to save what they could before the molten rock swallowed up their homes following a volcanic eruption. The lava still spewing from Sunday’s eruption in the Canary Islands off […]

Huge Maya Pyramid In El Salvador Built In Response To Volcanic Eruption

Archaeologists performing excavations around a massive Maya pyramid located in El Salvador’s Zapotitán Valley near the ancient village of San Andrés, close to Lake Ilopango, discovered something remarkable. They already knew this gigantic monument had been built on a site heavily impacted by Central America’s largest volcanic eruption in the last 10,000 years. But what […]

Could The Volcanic Eruption In The Canary Islands Create A Giant Tsunami That Hits The East Coast?

Could The Volcanic Eruption In The Canary Islands Create A Giant Tsunami That Hits The East Coast?Date: September 20, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source:  Michael SnyderFor 20 years we have been warned that the eruption of a specific volcano in the Canary Islands could cause an absolutely massive tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean, and now that specific […]

Etna eruption lights up night sky with lava

Mount Etna, the volcano that towers over eastern Sicily, erupted overnight Monday and into the early hours of Tuesday with fiery balls of orange lava bursting into the night sky. According to Catania’s National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology the explosion erupted in the southeast crater. Etna is the largest of Italy’s three active volcanoes […]

Lava from eruption destroys some homes in Goma

A river of boiling lava came to a halt on the outskirts of Goma Sunday, sparing the city in eastern DR Congo from disaster after the nighttime eruption of Mount Nyiragongo sent thousands of terrified residents fleeing in panic. But the military governor of North Kivu province said “the city was spared” after “the lava […]

WATCH: Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall Volcano continues spectacular eruption after being dormant for 6,000 years

Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall volcano has been putting on a spectacular display of new eruptions, over a month since it first erupted, as onlookers continue to gather to watch fiery fountains and rivers of lava. The lava flows erupting from Fagradalsfjall volcano near Geldingadalir on the Reykjanes Peninsula were captured in day and nighttime footage from RT’s […]

IsraAID Sending Team of Responders to Caribbean in Wake of Volcano Eruption

Volcanic eruption from La Soufrière in the Caribbean. Photo: Screenshot. – IsraAID is sending a team of Israeli emergency responders to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a chain of islands in the Caribbean, where a volcano on the main island has been spewing ash since earlier this month, endangering lives and homes. More than […]

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