Posts Tagged ‘atomic’

Almost TWICE the total tonnage of the Hiroshima atomic bomb has already been dropped on Gaza by Israel – that’s why the place looks NUKED

Almost TWICE the total tonnage of the Hiroshima atomic bomb has already been dropped on Gaza by Israel – that’s why the place looks NUKED The latest photo and video evidence to emerge out of the Gaza Strip shows total annihilation, or so it would seem, based on the nuclear-level destruction being captured by cameras. […]

UN Atomic Chief Backs Nuclear Power At COP28 As World Reckons With Proliferation

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The world wants more nuclear energy as a means to fight climate change and supply an ever-growing demand for electricity, part of a generational shift in thinking on atomic power, the head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog said Thursday. Rafael Mariano Grossi, the director-general of the International Atomic […]

Meet Ted Hall – The Jew Who Believed He Should Have Been Executed For Giving U.S. Atomic Secrets To Judeo-Soviets

(Times Of Israel) Intended to coincide with the Hollywood movie based on James Oppenheimer, a new documentary film “A Compassionate Spy” has been released, based on the life of Ted Hall — Jewish-born Theodore Alvin Holtzberg — who despite being only 18 years old, was assigned to work on the Manhattan Project to develop the […]

Nagasaki marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing with mayor urging world to abolish nuclear weapons

Nagasaki marked the 78th anniversary of the US atomic bombing of the city Wednesday with the mayor urging world powers to abolish nuclear weapons, saying nuclear deterrence also increases risks of nuclear war. Source

‘Atomic Heart’ Shows Just How Hard Imitating ‘BioShock’ Can Be

A specter is haunting Waypoint Radio—the specter of BioShock Infinite. That game’s influences are all over Atomic Heart, whose Russian origins (and sex robots) are its own discourse. After the break, we touch base on the ongoing Activision Blizzard acquisition, and the surprising raises across some of Japan’s larger gaming companies. Elsewhere, Rob’s reviewed Company […]

Questioning the Military Necessity of Dropping Atomic Bombs on Japanese Cities

First you must understand Japan would never have attacked the USA Navy at Pearl Harbor located in a Polynesian Kingdom the USA was occupying by force if FDR had not purposely backed them into a corner to force them to attack so he could drag an unwilling America into another Rothschild’s Usury European Bankers pre-planned […]

Quantum Computing as Important as the Atomic Bomb: Expert

Chinese tech giant Baidu is developing its own quantum computer to compete with the United States in the race toward next-generation information processing. The computer does not outperform rivals currently being developed in America but, according to one expert, signals dire competition over the future of data security. Arthur Herman, a senior fellow at the […]

Atomic Energy Agency Seeks To Visit Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Amid Concerns

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — A mission from the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to visit the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant next week after it was temporarily knocked offline and more shelling was reported in the area overnight, Ukrainian officials said Friday. Fire damage to a transmission line at Europe’s largest nuclear plant caused […]

Atomic Energy Agency Seeks To Visit Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Amid Concerns

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — A mission from the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to visit the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant next week after it was temporarily knocked offline and more shelling was reported in the area overnight, Ukrainian officials said Friday. Fire damage to a transmission line at Europe’s largest nuclear plant caused […]

Heat from Mount Vesuvius Eruption as Deadly as Hiroshima Atomic Bomb

Archaeologists continue to excavate in search of remains left behind after the 79 AD Mount Vesuvius volcanic eruption which decimated the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in Italy. Now, an Italian archaeologist has compared the devastating eruption to the 1945 dropping of the atomic bomb, Little Boy, on Hiroshima, due to the immense heat […]

Israel’s Laughable History Of Predicting The Iran Atomic Bomb

Israel’s Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, said this Tuesday that Iran is now at “the most advanced stage” of developing a nuclear weapon, with Israel stating that it believes Tehran will acquire the bomb within five years. Again Israel seems to move its goalpost and has revised its earlier predictions. For long Israel has claimed it […]

UN atomic watchdog: Iran further raising nuclear stockpile

The United Nations’ atomic watchdog says it believes that Iran has further increased its stockpile of highly enriched uranium in breach of a 2015 accord with world powers. The International Atomic Energy Agency told member nations in its confidential quarterly report Wednesday that Iran has an estimated stock of 17.7 kilogrammes of uranium enriched to […]

Another atomic bomb hits Japan, this time with a different atom

Another atomic bomb hits Japan, this time with a different atom – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – In a blow to the U.S.-made Covid-19 vaccines, Japan has suspended the use of about 1.63 million doses of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine over contamination fears, further reinforcing the soundness of arguments that foreign vaccines cannot be fully trusted.  The […]

Atomic Bomb Survivors—A Model For Us In COVID-19 Era

Above Photo: A vault within the Atomic Bomb Memorial Mound contains the ashes of Hiroshima victims cremated after the bombing. Remains of more than 800 have been identified but remain unclaimed. Thousands more remain unidentified. Jeremy Carver / Creative Commons BY-NC-ND. Survivors of Hiroshima are a dying population. People who were 20 years old at the […]

The ZIONazi’s Who Developed the Atomic Bomb For Japan Have Now Decided to Kill YOU With a Clot Shot!

! Covid vaccines have now killed more people than the atomic bombing of Hiroshima When the US government dropped an atomic bomb on a mostly civilian population of women and children in World War II, it proved that the United States government is willing to commit mass killings of targeted ethnic groups to achieve its […]

Medical Horror: Covid vaccines have now killed more people than the ATOMIC BOMB dropped on Hiroshima

By Mike Adams The dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima stands as one of the most heinous crimes against humanity ever committed. It was carried by the United States government, using a weapon of mass destruction against a civilian population consisting primarily of women and children. According to historical records, 135,000 people were killed […]

Former Intel Official Admits, UFOs ‘Interfered’ with US Atomic Capabilities

Former Intel Official Admits, UFOs ‘Interfered’ with US Atomic CapabilitiesJune 10, 2021 via RTUFOs aren’t just real, they’re capable of mind-bending feats of flight and have a keen interest in toying with the US’ nuclear facilities. That’s according to an intelligence official tasked with investigating these phenomena.Speaking to the Washington Post on Tuesday, Luis Elizondo, […]

Einstein Was a ZIONIST & Writer of Atomic Bomb Support Letter to Roosevelt White House On Behalf of ZIONIST Rothschilds

Einstein Was a ZIONIST & Writer of Atomic Bomb Support Letter to Roosevelt White House On Behalf of ZIONIST Rothschilds – Brutal Proof Skip to content by Admin · May 14, 2021 Clark quotes Einstein, “As a Jew I am from today a supporter of the  Jewish Zionist efforts.” (1919) Einstein’s letter to Roosevelt, dated […]

WTC Bathtub played key role in 9/11 atomic demolition munition false flag

“We have so far demonstrated that the only known source of energy that can account for the huge amount of heat (∼ 1PJ) released from Ground Zero remnants during the months following September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was nuclear, and have given some basic review of known effects of underground nuclear explosions.” 9/11 Research paper […]


It’s not disputable, since the information comes from official patent registries in the Netherlands and US. And we have all the documentation UPDATE: Reuters took on doing damage control for this article and published a slander and smear piece on us disguised as “fact-checking”.We fact-checked their fact-checking phrase by phrase here. As we’ve shown in previous […]

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