Posts Tagged ‘dropping’

Pro-Palestine orgs and lawmakers react to Biden dropping out

In the wake of Joe Biden’s historic decision to step down, Palestine solidarity groups highlighting his complicity in the Gaza genocide and calling on Kamala Harris to embrace a permanent ceasefire and an end to U.S. weapons shipments to Israel. Source

Israel dropping U.S.-supplied 2,000-lb. bombs in dense civilian areas of Gaza

(NaturalNews) The bombs Israel is dropping on Gaza are getting bigger as the Israel-Palestine war escalates.The latest reports indicate that Israel has a… Source

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Fertility rates are dropping dramatically, we are on an extinction curve

BY RHODA WILSON ON NOVEMBER 20, 2023 • ( 15 COMMENTS ) Fertility rates in both men and women are dropping dramatically for many unknown reasons, Dr. Andrew Wakefield told Mike Adams, host of Health Ranger Report, last year shortly before the release of his latest film. “Sperm counts are plummeting, infertility in women in general is so much worse particularly, apparently, in […]

Netanyahu suspends minister who suggested dropping nuclear bomb on Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suspended far-right Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu on Sunday after he suggested dropping an atomic bomb on Gaza was a possible way to deal with the threat from Hamas. Asked in a radio interview Sunday whether Israel should drop an atomic bomb on Gaza, Eliyahu replied that that was an option,… […]

Jaw-Dropping Fact: CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON OCTOBER 30, 2023 • ( 21 COMMENTS ) The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised… A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below). Meanwhile, […]

Millions of Vaccinated Teens Are Dropping Like Flies, Official Data Shows

Millions of vaccinated teens and young adults are dying suddenly and unexpectedly, newly released government data shows. In 2022, UK government data showed that excess cardiovascular deaths among 15- to 44-year-olds soared to 44 percent […] The post Millions of Vaccinated Teens Are Dropping Like Flies, Official Data Shows appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

BRICS Nations Are Dropping the Dollar & Ushering In “Sustainable Development”

BRICS: A Window to the Light? Or the Latest Make-Believe Deception? “Multipolar Nonsense”. Is De-dollarization a Pipe Dream? By Peter Koenig Global Research, September 26, 2023 Theme: Global Economy Translate WebsiteShqipአማርኛالعربيةՀայերենAzərbaycan diliEuskaraБеларуская моваবাংলাBosanskiБългарскиCatalàCebuanoChichewa简体中文繁體中文CorsuHrvatskiČeština‎DanskNederlandsEnglishEestiFilipinoSuomiFrançaisქართულიDeutschΕλληνικάગુજરાતીKreyol ayisyenHarshen Hausaעִבְרִיתहिन्दीHmongMagyarÍslenskaIgboBahasa IndonesiaItaliano日本語Basa Jawaಕನ್ನಡҚазақ тіліភាសាខ្មែរ한국어كوردی‎КыргызчаພາສາລາວLatviešu valodaLietuvių kalbaМакедонски јазикMalagasyBahasa MelayuമലയാളംMalteseTe Reo MāoriमराठीМонголဗမာစာनेपालीNorsk bokmålپښتوفارسیPolskiPortuguêsਪੰਜਾਬੀRomânăРусскийSamoanСрпски језикSesothoShonaسنڌيසිංහලSlovenčinaSlovenščinaAfsoomaaliEspañolBasa SundaKiswahiliSvenskaТоҷикӣதமிழ்తెలుగుไทยTürkçeУкраїнськаاردوO‘zbekchaTiếng ViệtCymraegisiXhosaיידישYorùbáZulu  60  25 47  138 All Global Research articles can be read […]

A Chicago cop is accused of lying under oath 44 times. Now prosecutors are dropping cases that relied on his testimony.

Jeffrey Kriv is accused of lying under oath 44 times to get out of speeding, parking and red light camera tickets involving his personal vehicles. Source

Australian House Prices Grow Again After Dropping for 10 Straight Months

Australian house prices have regained their growth momentum in March after falling for ten consecutive months due to the impact of interest rate hikes. According to real estate data provider CoreLogic, national home values climbed by 0.6 percent in March. This is the first positive result following the 8.5 percent drop in house prices since […]

Jaw-dropping video proves Signature Bank was a WOKE institution run by clowns focused on left-wing culture, not profits and risks

(Natural News) After regulators intervened to prevent the systemic collapse of Signature Bank earlier this week, the institution is now facing backlash after several of its “woke” videos went viral on social media. Critics have questioned the company’s focus on social justice messaging instead of its banking operations as its management team insisted on pushing left-wing cultural […]

Questioning the Military Necessity of Dropping Atomic Bombs on Japanese Cities

First you must understand Japan would never have attacked the USA Navy at Pearl Harbor located in a Polynesian Kingdom the USA was occupying by force if FDR had not purposely backed them into a corner to force them to attack so he could drag an unwilling America into another Rothschild’s Usury European Bankers pre-planned […]

American Airlines Ceases Multiple Routes: “Our Pilots Are Dropping Dead From COVID Jabs”

American Airlines has announced the closure of multiple flight routes across America due to a massive shortage of pilots, many of whom have died since getting the Covid vaccine. The airline told Fox Business about […] The post American Airlines Ceases Multiple Routes: “Our Pilots Are Dropping Dead From COVID Jabs” appeared first on News […]

NPR’s Jaw Dropping Biased Coverage Of Trump’s Announcement Called Out


Parents Torn Between Giving Kid Smartphone And Just Dropping Him Off At A Pervert’s House Directly

CHICAGO, IL — A local couple found themselves facing a challenging dilemma as they were confronted with deciding between giving their child a smartphone or just skipping the middle man and dropping the child off at a local pervert’s house. Source

Video: ADL Head Blasts Adidas For Not Dropping Kanye West; “A Company That Outfitted The Hitler Youth”

Following Kanye West’s controversial comments over the past weeks, his detractors have targeted companies that do business with the hip hop star, with the latest attack directed at sports brand Adidas. MSNBC, provided a platform for New York Times reporter Andrew Sorkin to blame Republicans, or something, and urge people to “call Adidas,” before providing […]

DeSantis Accused Of Human Trafficking After Dropping Kids Off At Soccer Practice

TALLAHASSEE, FL — Just days after the galling political stunt in which 50 illegal immigrants were human trafficked to the loving, caring, nurturing, sanctuary city of Martha’s Vineyard, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was caught human trafficking again after dropping his kids off at soccer practice. “I’ll pick you up in an hour, champ. Practice hard […]

12 Jaw-Dropping Helmets from the Ancient World

Helmets of the ancient world could be dazzling, terrifying, intimidating or sometimes simply practical. Here we look at 12 incredible helmets from across the ancient world. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News Read Later 

Jabbed people Dropping Like Flies

Comedian Nick Nemeroff’s family announces his shock death as tributes pour in for the 32-year-old who ‘lived his life doing what he loved’ Mystery as American jet ski world champion dubbed ‘Eric the Eagle’ is found floating dead in the water near his undamaged Kawasaki off the coast of Guadeloupe after ‘disappearing’ during a […]

Orban Blocking EU Ban on Russian Oil: Like Dropping ‘Nuclear Bomb’ on Hungarian Economy

The European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy says there is no guarantee that the 27-nation bloc will be able to finalise a new set of sanctions against Russia, with a small group of countries led by Hungary opposing a full oil embargo.

German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Dropping Dead

German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Dropping DeadPublished on April 11, 2022Written by When did so many young and healthy middle-aged people, described as fit and sporty, drop dead before 2020? Since December 2020, many sudden and unexpected deaths of mayors under 60 years old have occurred in Germany and Austria. Questions are swirling […]

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