Posts Tagged ‘coverage’

The mainstream U.S. media is hiding key truths in its coverage of Iran’s retaliatory attack

Mainstream U.S. media coverage of Iran’s retaliation for Israel’s April 1 attack on an Iranian embassy building in Damascus was poor, but could have been worse. Six months of widespread media criticism may be having a modest impact. And there was a welcome surprise on cable news. CNN naturally rousted Wolf Blitzer last night to […]

Is Family Research Council Smearing a Journalist to Suppress Coverage of Christian Nationalist Threat?

Commentary Religious-right leaders are not happy that journalists are paying more attention to Donald Trump’s Christian nationalist supporters’ plans to use the power of the federal government to impose their worldview on Americans if Trump wins this year’s election. The Family Research Council has launched a smear campaign against POLITICO and one of its journalists […]

Is Family Research Council Smearing a Journalist to Suppress Coverage of Christian Nationalist Threat?

Commentary Religious-right leaders are not happy that journalists are paying more attention to Donald Trump’s Christian nationalist supporters’ plans to use the power of the federal government to impose their worldview on Americans if Trump wins this year’s election. The Family Research Council has launched a smear campaign against POLITICO and one of its journalists […]

Coverage| Gaza Under Attack: 143 Days of Israeli Aggression

  February 26, 2024 Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Top   The ongoing Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip has reached its 143rd day, with continued devastation, loss of life, and injuries plaguing the Palestinian people. Despite the resistance efforts of the Palestinian people, the enemy’s onslaught persists, resulting in more casualties. Plans to evacuate residents from combat zones […]

CNN Admits All Gaza Coverage Is Run Past Team Under Israeli Military Censor


How abortion coverage changed in the media, according to the data

Immediately after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, the most popular health- or politics-related word used in local newspaper stories about abortion was “pregnancy.” Now, the most commonly used is “vote.” That shift is just one measure of how the Supreme Court’s decision reshaped public discussion of abortion, and how it has been […]

Comparing Coverage: Dublin riots vs Black Lives Matter

Last Thursday afternoon, news would spread throughout Ireland of a horrific knife attack on three young schoolchildren and their teacher outside a Gaelscoil (Irish-language school) in Dublin city centre. At the time of writing, the youngest of the victims, a five year old girl, remains gravely ill in hospital. With it soon emerging that the suspect was […]

Coverage| Palestinian Resistance Clashes with Invasion Occupation Forces for the 45th Consecutive Day

Nov 20, 2023 The Palestinian resistance persists in their heroic struggle against the Zionist invasion of the Gaza Strip, engaging in fierce clashes with occupation forces for the 45th consecutive day. Notably, the resistance has successfully targeted and destroyed multiple enemy military vehicles, inflicting casualties upon enemy soldiers. Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the […]

Witnessing the Media’s Covid Coverage from the Inside

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In the movie An Education, the main character gets sidetracked from her studies by a smooth-talking art dealer who turns out to be a criminal—and married. Our protagonist learns more from that experience than from all the medieval literature books she cracked open before. I have similar feelings about my […]

Scalise withdraws from Speaker race: Live coverage

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (La.) has withdrawn from the race for Speaker, just a day after narrowly winning the nomination in a secret ballot. Almost immediately it became apparent that he would struggle to get the 217 votes needed on the House floor. Scalise secured the party’s nomination Wednesday for Speaker, defeating House Judiciary… […]

Gates, globalist organizations to expand immunization coverage through VMAPs – vaccine microneedles embedded in sticky patches

(NaturalNews) Bill Gates and his fellow globalists are pushing to expand immunization coverage through a new technology called the Vaccine Microneedle Array… Source

The Finders: Rothschild Controlled CIA Ties To Child Rape Cult Abscured As Coverage Goes From Sensationalism To SILENCE

WASHINGTON — In February 1987, an anonymous phone tip was called into the Tallahassee police department reporting that six children were dirty, hungry, and acting like animals in the custody of twowell-dressed men in a Tallahassee, Florida park. That phone call would kick off the Finders scandal: a series of events and multiple investigations even […]

POLITICO is named Pulitzer finalist for Supreme Court coverage

POLITICO was named a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of a draft opinion from the Supreme Court that would strike down Roe v. Wade and its subsequent reporting on the high court. Reporters Josh Gerstein, Alexander Ward, Peter S. Canellos, Hailey Fuchs and Heidi Przybyla were announced as finalists in the Breaking […]

The BBC’s abysmal coverage of Qatar’s World Cup

The British state-owned broadcaster’s refusal to show Qatar’s Opening Ceremony reeks of hypocrisy By Omar Ahmed November 21 2022 The FIFA World Cup held in Qatar is probably going to be the worst in the 92-year history of the tournament, but not for the reasons most are thinking. Aside from the fact that it is being held […]

NPR’s Jaw Dropping Biased Coverage Of Trump’s Announcement Called Out


Queen Elizabeth II’s Death Coverage Exposes Media Hypocrisy

The so-called Democratic “Free World” came to a stand still for a monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who’s death has again proven just how subservient, hypocritical, and ridiculously biased Western media and governments are. Western media came to a standstill, airing live coverage in which the now deceased Queen of England was lauded. Just about all […]

Mat Staver Accuses Companies Offering to Provide Abortion Coverage of Treating Employees Like ‘Slave Labor’

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade and reversing 50 years of precedent by eliminating the constitutional right to abortion, dozens of companies announced that they could provide coverage or reimbursements to employees who may now need to travel out of state to obtain an abortion. Appearing on VCY America’s […]

U.S. mainstream media black out continuing coverage of killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

Even as Israel says it won’t investigate killing of Palestinian-American journalists, US media ignore the story. But journalists are supposed to be like firefighters — if one of you is killed in action the rest of you show up in solidarity and you don’t shut up. Apparently, though, there’s an exception — when the Israeli […]

Western Media Have Lost The Plot With Their Ukraine Coverage

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Western mainstream media outlets have put professionalism in the trash and began to serve as fully fledged propaganda outlets for the Ukrainian military and NATO’s cause. We have all witnessed the unprecedented moves taken by Western countries, resulting in the outright banning of Russian media outlets […]

Trudeau Jealous Another Dictator Taking All His Press Coverage

OTTOWA—A distraught Justin Trudeau was seen gulping down maple syrup between effeminately jealous tirades after learning another dictator had taken all of his press coverage by invading Ukraine. The prime minister was reportedly distraught as he turned on the TV and saw that all the news coverage was focused on Putin’s authoritarian reign instead of […]

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