Posts Tagged ‘biased’

Even Leftist Institutions Now Condemn ChatGPT for Being Too Biased towards the Left

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is promoting leftist political leanings, according to a report by the Brookings Institute (BI) think tank. The Harvard Business Review initially lauded the artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot in late 2022, calling it a “tipping point for AI.” It quickly gained more than 100 million active users within two months after its launch due […]

Biased IRS accused of TARGETING conservative watchdog that exposed Biden admin nominees

Biased IRS accused of TARGETING conservative watchdog that exposed Biden admin nominees The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is under fire for allegedly targeting a conservative watchdog who exposed the radical beliefs of the Biden administration’s nominees. According to the Epoch Times, the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) has incurred the wrath of the tax agency. The […]

Black Man Awarded Over $2M for Failing “Biased” Teacher Exam, Part of $1.8B Settlement

Herman Grim, 64, of Queens, on July 5 was awarded the biggest judgment to date — a jaw-dropping $2,055,383. Source

‘Israel’ claims UN ‘biased’ over statement on settlement expansion

21 Feb, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The Israeli occupation claims that the United Nations is biased after the organization issued a statement condemning the illegal Israeli settlement expansion. The United Nations is biased and is ignoring “Palestinian terrorism”, claimed Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen claimed on Tuesday after the UN Security Council issued […]

NPR’s Jaw Dropping Biased Coverage Of Trump’s Announcement Called Out


Iran slams G7 anti-Iran statement as unfounded and biased

TEHRAN- Late on Tuesday, Tehran strongly criticized the Group of Seven industrialized states’ anti-Iran statement as baseless, one-sided, and unfair. Source

CNN Says Rittenhouse Judge Is Biased Since He Has A U.S. Flag In Courtroom

CNN Says Rittenhouse Judge Is Biased Since He Has A U.S. Flag In Courtroom KENOSHA, WI—CNN Joined with progressive groups in calling for Judge Bruce Schroeder—who is presiding over the Rittenhouse case—to be removed after an American flag was spotted in his courtroom.  “It’s clear that this judge cannot be impartial,” said CNN legal analyst Jeffrey […]

New Study Proves Referees Are Totally Biased Against Your Team

CAMBRIDGE, MA—Sports researchers at Harvard have proven that the officials are totally biased against your favorite teams. Their report, entitled the Referee Equity and Fairness (REF) study, will be published next month in Sports Illustrated.  Dr. James Fairplay, the lead researcher on the study for more than two decades, said the results were hardly surprising. […]

Poll: 58 Percent Believe January 6 Committee Is Biased In Favor of Democrats

A Thursday poll shows that 58 percent of voters believe the January 6 Committee is biased towards Democrats. “Fifty-eight percent of voters polled said they believed the committee set up by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was biased, while 42 percent said they thought it was fair,” according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll. Codirector of the Harvard CAPS-Harris […]

U.N. Security Council must push multilateral approach to peace, and end unilateral, biased approach

Rashid Khalidi was asked to brief the Security Council last week on the “new juncture” in the question of Palestine. Here are his remarks, from May 27, 2021, published with permission. Video of his speech is at 1:06 here.                  Mr. President, distinguished members of the Security Council: I am deeply grateful to the Council and to […]

In Austrian antisemitism study, 31% of respondents made biased statements

 In a survey of antisemitic attitudes in Austria, 31% of the 2,000 respondents agreed with statements that the poll’s authors said exemplified anti-Jewish biases — a significant drop in that sentiment from a similar study in 2018. The Austrian government commissioned the survey from the Institute for Empirical Social Studies and presented the results on […]

CPAC: Gaetz says media ‘biased’ over Ted Cruz’s Cancun trip and should have focused on ‘caravans’ of migrants instead

Republican congressman Matt Gaetz attacked the way Ted Cruz’s short-lived trip to Cancun, Mexico – amid a record-breaking winter storm – was reported by the media last week. The Florida congressman, who was speaking at the four-day Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando on Friday, accused the media of being ‘biased’ towards Mr Cruz, […]

Professor says Washington will be less biased in favor of Riyadh

TEHRAN – An American professor says that U.S. foreign policy during Joe Biden’s presidency will focus on human rights and democracy which can affect its ties with Saudi Arabia. “U.S. policy going forward will likely be more conditioned by concerns about human rights and democracy, and less biased in favor of Saudi Arabia and Israel,” […]

‘NY Times’ coverage of Gaza turns biased again, partly in response to pressure from Hasbara Central

After a hopeful improvement, the New York Times coverage of the Gaza protests is unfortunately back to its normal one-sided reporting — and intense pressure from Hasbara Central is surely a major reason. Take a look at this tweet yesterday, as the paper’s main reporter, David Halbfinger, jumps to respond to a pro-Israel critic: Hasbara-ists […]

Sayyed Nasrallah: US Biased, Ready to Stop ’Israeli’ Oil Extraction within Hours

Zeinab Essa 16-02-2018 | 22:24 Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Friday a speech in which he tackled various regional and local topics. Addressing a huge crowd commemorating the anniversary of “Resistance Martyr Leaders”, Sayyed Nasrallah stated: “‘We Preserved the will’ is title of our commemoration as we are emerging from […]

GOP Rep: ‘Fire Mueller, If He Were Any More Biased He’d Be Working For The Media’

GOP Rep: ‘Fire Mueller, If He Were Any More Biased He’d Be Working For The Media’ ‘FBI and DOJ are the biggest alligators in the DC swamp’ Steve WatsonPrison December 28, 2017 A GOP Rep called for Robert Mueller to be fired Wednesday night, quipping that if the investigation into Russian collusion and Donald […]

Palestinians Voice Concern Over Saudi Peace Plan’s Biased Toward Israel

Palestinian officials are voicing major concern following a recent meeting between President Mahmoud Abbas and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, during which the prince set out a shockingly bad set of terms for a new peace proposal being pushed, supposedly with the support of the U.S. government. According to the Palestinians this proposal, which U.S. […]

Poll heavily exploited in US against Iran exposed as ‘blatantly biased’

Press TV- A recent poll that was recently conducted in the United States and that the opponents of an international nuclear deal with Iran heavily used to make their case has been revealed as “blatantly biased.” A chain of conservative and far-right media outlets in the US as well as “pundits” opposed to the Iran […]

Activist insists leading Canadian paper adopts biased reporting in favour of Zionists

Pro-Palestine Canadian activist Shawn Robinson insists that the Canadian newspaper The National Post adopts biased reporting in favour of the Zionist Israeli occupation of Palestine. Regarding an Israeli murder of a Palestinian worker after claiming he killed three Israeli soldiers, The National Post reported a story with the lead reading: “A Palestinian gunman killed three […]

Catalan Referendum: Attacks On Journalists, Biased Coverage

According to figures provided by the Catalan government, around 850 people were injured as a result of the disproportionate use of force by police who had been deployed by the Spanish government. Those injured included press photographers and reporters who were covering the voting.The most serious incidents occurred in and around the Ramón Lull School […]

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